Chapter 3: The Headmaster

New World

Shortly after leaving Caleb's room, Kathleen made her way to the administrative block of the academy. Newdawn Academy was one of the top schools on the continent and in the world where mages who wish to make a name for themselves attend. Of course, while there may be other ways to achieve that, the simplest and most efficient way is to attend one of the top Academies. Completion of any one of the top-recognized academies in the world almost always guarantees a mage recognition of the royals and other important institutions in the world. 

Making her way out of the housing area for the professors and other important staff members, Kathleen went towards the impressive cathedral-like building far ahead of her. Across the large land area of the academy, various other buildings just as impressive as the administrative block could be seen, all connected by paved roads leading to them. On the side of the path were beautiful lawn fields and trees of different kinds.

After 15 minutes of brisk walking, Kathleen entered the administrative block from the back, which seemed to have been designed to allow professors entry straight from their living area. Walking down the hallway and taking familiar turns, she arrived in front of a massive door with a door tag that read, Headmaster, and gently knocked on the door.

~Knock, Knock~

"Come in" Hearing a reply from the inside, Kathleen slowly opened the door and entered. In front of her was a large office with a polished floor, and a desk at the end of the room with neatly arranged documents and books serving as the headmaster's desk. Behind the desk was a window view to the academy grounds and on the left side of the room was a large bookshelf holding books. On the right side was a sitting area for receiving guests.

"Headmaster..." Kathleen began to speak before noticing the desk and sitting area were empty and letting out a sigh. Swiftly making a sharp turn behind her, She delivered a sucker punch to the old geezer who was slowly creeping up behind. 

"Ouch!" said a voice that was anything but old. Standing behind Kathleen holding onto his stomach was the headmaster who stood of similar height to Kathleen's. With the appearance of a sage with long hair with black and white streaks, Headmaster George Hughie with a weak smile said to Kathleen, "You could have gone easier on the blow, you know? Have some pity for your elders."

"Hmph! You think I don't know about your perverted thoughts? We have an issue on our hands and I need you to be serious" Kathleen replied before making her way to a seat at the head of the desk. 

"Haa..." The headmaster followed behind her, not forgetting to take a glance at her backside. Although aware of his gaze, she chose to ignore him. 

"Alright, tell me. How is Caleb doing?" The headmaster asked after sitting in his chair. With a serious look on her face, Kathleen replied, "Well, when I saw him earlier, he looked fine and was on his feet. So you could say physically, he is fine. But..." 

"But.." Headmaster Goerge urged her to continue. Staring directly at the head, she continued, "He made mention of not recalling what happened. Specifically, he said he lost his memories. And from what I saw, he wasn't himself." 

"Hmm, I'm sure it's nothing serious. Perhaps resting to recuperate is all he needs." George said. The condition in which Caleb was brought back from his mission looked rather threatening and had it not been for his teammates, he would have... Most professors at the academy also serve as special forces under the direct command of the crown. Although this is not public knowledge, those in the know are aware of how dangerous it could get. But this is a story for another day.

"Maybe... But he is resting now. We can go see him again tomorrow to get a better understanding of his situation." Kathleen felt as though Caleb's situation was slightly different from what he said. A person with no recollection of most of their memories wouldn't know they have amnesia. 

"Hey don't stress your pretty head over the matter. Caleb is fine and is with us now. That is all that matters. Everything else can wait. And I'm sure your better half will come around eventually." The headmaster said with a smug look on his face. Kathleen just sighed and stood up to leave.

"I'll see you later, George. I need to get some affairs in order before seeing him again tomorrow." Closing the door behind her, Kathleen went towards the direction of her office a floor below the Headmaster's. 

Right after she left, the headmaster stood up to face the view behind him, now with a serious look on his face. 'Things are getting bad. I fear a storm a storm will soon ravage this nation and continent. Those bastards on the Western continent are making bold moves again. With how quiet things have been so far, I can only hope the royals are making adequate preparations for what's to come.' In the quiet space in his office, various thoughts and plans were going through George's mind. 

"Prime..." the headmaster quietly muttered and a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows. Clad in tight black clothing designed for quick and agile movements and a face mask to boot, the shadowy figure, clearly male, quietly knelt before responding, "Yes headmaster"

"Mmm, I want you to keep an eye on Caleb for me. With what he has been through and this memory issue, I fear he might do or say something that is not meant for the public." George said and the figure disappeared.