Chapter 11: Mage Classes

Mages throughout the ages have been people who were looked up to. From performing simple tricks to flying in the vast expanse of the sky, they were seen as gods; well...when they got to a certain level.

Bani highlighted the classes of mages in Trent. The students, already familiar with the classes, still decided to listen to their professor.

"There are three classes of mage. Each with its unique attributes. You and I belong to the class called Combat Mages. And as the name implies, we use our mana to boost our physical bodies to engage in combat. The use of weapons can be used, of course."

"I see...that explains the power-up and the aura I saw on you earlier when we sparred" Caleb mused softly with his hands folded in front of him. 

"Exactly" Bani confirmed. "Mages of this class have stronger bodies and by infusing mana into our bodies, we can push our strength, speed, perception and stamina close to the limit of our bodies." Bani continued.

"The other two classes of mage are the Pure Mages and Healer Mages." At the mention of the other two classes, Caleb briefly thought of healer Barnes and then glanced at Kathleen.

As if knowing what he wanted to ask, Kathleen replied, "I'm a Pure Mage, and so is the headmaster. Healer Barnes as you already witnessed is a healer." 

Nodding in reply, Caleb looked back to Bani, edging him to continue. 

"Pure mages unlike combat mages specialized in spells. From creating fire spells, generating wind blades, creating water, moving the earth to causing objects to float. Although there are more, this is generally what pure mages do." Bani explained.

"Healer mages are self-explanatory, but aside from healing, they are also capable of attaching lost limbs or even regrowing a new one. But this level of magic cannot be used by just anyone. It requires a very high level and mana to boot. They can also make plants grow quickly through their magic or even control them to some extent." 

While the distribution of power and ability may seem skewed, mages rarely engage in combat alone. They make up for their shortcomings by forming teams.

Caleb analyzed the information about the three classes and noticed various shortcomings. Bani already expecting such questions was waiting for Caleb to ask. Thinking up to this point, he mused inwardly, 'If combat mages have greater physical strength and speed than pure mages, won't they be able to quickly close the distance between? At that point, it's game over.'

"Isn't the power gap between Combat and Pure Mages a bit skewed?" He questioned. Kathleen decided to chip in at this point to help in explaining.

"When taken between two mages at different levels, then a combat mage can easily take down a pure mage. The same is true for the opposite. However, at similar levels, a combat mage's speed of movement and a pure mage's speed of casting and reacting are similar. The major factor itself is the strength difference. Perception for pure mages at that level is the same." Kathleen expertly explained the mechanisms that equalized the gap in strength.

'I basically, at the same level, a pure mage can speed cast to take down a combat mage before he closes the gap.' Caleb deduced from what she said.

"What about attributes that combat mages possess?" Caleb inquired, becoming more intrigued about what he heard.

"Yes... In addition to boosting physical prowess, combat mages have different attributes that can be called upon. This is decided from birth and is normally one attribute per combat mage." Bani continued with his explanations.

"For instance, my attribute is lightning, just as you saw earlier and your attribute is fire. Attributes don't just increase our physical prowess, they can also be used in attacking. Before, I only used my attributes to boost my speed and perception.

"Attributes can be other things like the water element, earth, and shadow. Each one with its advantages, and when utilized well, can bring out the full potential of a combat mage."

'Interesting... this boils down to which genes are expressed in each individual.' Caleb mused quietly with excitement. Various thoughts about what to manipulate next came to mind in spades. 

'However, having everything doesn't also mean being all-powerful. Being a jack of all trades without mastering any one thing can be detrimental. But that only applies when you don't train properly.' His thoughts were raging and a grin was slowly forming on his face.

Quickly catching himself, he cleared his throat before saying, "This was very informative, Prof. Thank you very much."

Bani smiled and replied, "Don't mention it. It was fun sparring with you again. And don't think I haven't noticed, but I will catch up to you real soon."

Not really understanding what he meant, he nodded. He looked back at the students who were still observing and turned to Bani. "I think we've taken quite a bit of your lesson hours, so we will be taking our leave now. Let's talk more when you're free."

Bani acknowledged his words with a nod and wished him well.

Caleb and Kathleen proceeded to leave through the entrance they took to enter. He looked around the field and noticed the damage around wasn't extensive. Thinking of the amount of force each of his attacks and Bani's carried, he half expected the field to be in a mess. 'Mm... this world is probably more denser than Earth. So it will require more than a few attacks to wreak destruction.' Caleb has always been someone who preferred relying on himself over others to get an understanding of things around him, save for a few.

Once outside, Kathleen asked, "So where to next?" 

"I'm not sure. Everything looks foreign and new to me. Besides, as my host, shouldn't you be the one doing everything to impress me." Caleb supposed with a smile.

Shaking her head, Kathleen led to him other parts of the academy. They toured the Professor's lounge, the academy's library and the different classes with the final years on the third floor and the other year groups below.