Chapter 13: My New Home (1)

Next day

Caleb was before sunrise. In this world without modern technology, there wasn't much to do besides read books or go out. But that was for those who had nothing to do. 

He decided to adopt a new routine. Back on earth, he had done nothing physically exhausting. Going to the gym to stay fit and healthy never came to mind. Caleb was someone who already had a great physique without doing anything towards that goal.

'Why would I go to the gym when I already have a great physique.' He reasoned.

Now, however, with basically nothing to do and already being up, he made the resolve to at least do a few pushups. This world was a definition of survival of the strongest. He had not been in a fight yet, but Caleb wouldn't have been in this world if the previous Caleb had been strong enough to survive.

"189, 190, 191,..., 200!" He completed it and quite easily at that. With a body like an Olympian athlete, he didn't even break a sweat.

He proceeded to take his bath and prepare for departure. He couldn't wait to explore the world outside. Although no one restricted his movement, Caleb has always been one to be cooked up inside his room of his own accord. 

This was one of the reasons he was considered an introvert. But in a world with so many mysteries just waiting to be solved, he plans on breaking out of his shell and spreading his wings.

'Alright, let's go get something to eat. Food is very necessary. Anyone who says otherwise will have problems with me!' He thought to himself.

Caleb made his way to the cafeteria for his heavy breakfast before leaving.


Two hours later

The headmaster, healer Barnes, Kathleen, Bani and a few other professors came to see Caleb and wish him well. 

Caleb accepted their well wishes before making his way to the carriage. Kathleen walked with him the way till he reached the carriage. The headmaster and the professors departed the scene as if understanding their need for privacy.

Caleb glanced at them briefly before focusing on Kathleen, staring at him with heavy emotions. 'I don't know how I'm to approach this issue. The man he loved is already dead. And I feel like I am taking advantage of her emotions.'

Caleb pondered on how best to solve this dilemma. Of course, he was more than willing to have a relationship with her, but he wanted those feelings directed at him, the new Caleb. He arrived at a potential solution to the issue.

Staring directly in her eyes, Caleb began, "Kathleen, I don't know how to tell you this. But the way I am right now, I might as well be a new person. It's best if you could forget the feelings you had of the previous Calbe. And if you are willing to learn to love me the same, come find me." 

Kathleen felt like daggers had been stabbed into her heart. Yes, she had seen the difference between the previous Caleb and the new Caleb. If she was being honest, it was like he was a completely different person.

While she was lost in thought, Caleb entered the carriage. He had said his piece. It was now her turn to make her decision. Caleb knew he was being unfair to her, but he couldn't live with himself if she stayed in love with someone already dead. It went against his principles as a man and he was unwilling to compromise. 

Kathleen was only drawn out of her thoughts when the carriage began moving. She lifted her head to see the carriage already on the move to the entrance. She was at a loss for words and couldn't give Caleb any answer yet. Caleb understood that things like this took time to think things over before making a decision. 

Inside the carriage, Caleb closed his eyes as various thoughts and plans were made about the way forward. He had no idea how this Duke Zane would receive him. His years of reading novels and watching animes had made him understand that men like the duke could have sharp instincts. 

Although the memory loss could be used as an explanation, that could also backfire. Then there was the mother and as they say, 'A mother knows best.'

'Let's not make a big issue out of this. I'm sure all will be fine and maybe this is all in my head.' He opened his eyes and noticed they were already outside the academy and on their way to the city. From the little he had gathered, he learnt he was in the Kingdom of Luvet, a nation on the western side of the central continent and the other side of the central continent was occupied by the Kingdom of Amkesh.

He looked outside the carriage to take a look at the city around him. Just as he had imagined, the royal was the definition of a fantasy world. The streets were paved with smooth, polished cobblestones and the buildings were a striking blend of medieval and fantastical architectural styles. Wooden beams and stone masonry were interwoven with intricate carvings. 

Caleb was fascinated by the magic of it all. For the first time, Caleb saw different races; elves, dwarves, and beastmen and they were as he expected. Carriages decorated the streets and buildings of similar heights could be seen all around. Shopkeepers, artisans, and common folk went about their daily lives, accustomed to the manifestations of magic that have become an integral part of their lives. 

The carriage that carried Calen manoeuvred the streets and went straight to the teleportation guild. Teleportation magic required a huge amount of mana to perform. Thus, the royals built guilds to deliver this service to those who could afford it. 

Half an hour later, "Sir, we have arrived." The coachman informed Caleb. He acknowledged his words and exited the carriage and facing him was an impressive building designed with high pillars and windows made of glass with intricate carvings. 

At the entrance was a middle-aged man who seemed to be expecting him. Caleb made his way up the stairs before facing the man. "Welcome, Lord Caleb. Please follow me inside." said the man.

Nodding his head, he followed the man inside.