Chapter 18: Research And Learning (2)

Looking at the familiar holographic display in front of him, Caleb began his mapping of the genome. Initially, he was planning on making genetic changes as and when needed. However, he wanted to first understand his genome, what he can edit and not edit and the limits to what he can manipulate.

"Hmm.. there are portions in the genes that are completely different, as expected. However, the mechanisms of expression and regulations are the same." Caleb took another look at the gene segments he had already changed.

"The genes responsible for everything that has to do with strength haven't shown any adverse effects. But what is this portion...?" He took a closer look and noticed that the area he had modified had some protein modifications. Picking out some of those proteins, he zoomed in and drew out its information.


[These proteins ensure the user does not exert too much power without sufficient saturation]

"I see... So even though I had increased my strength, that may not necessarily be the limit." Caleb deduced and called out his stats to take another look.


[Strength: 123/500] 

[Speed: 98/120]

[Perception: 50/60]

[Mana: 302/500]

This was the stats he had when he fought Bani at the academy. However, after a few days of mana refining, his base stats had increased.


[Strenght: 457/500]

[Speed: 112/120]

[Percception: 60/60]

[Mana: 500/500]

"So this could mean my base strength of 500 isn't the limit? But then I would have to get used to these stats before the limiters are removed." He muttered to himself before looking back to the holographic imaging before him.

Caleb continued to study his genome and made notes as well as things he could modify to increase his combat prowess. The more he learned, the more his excitement showed on his face. 

Time passed till evening before Caleb made his way out of the lab. He found John still around, sitting on the sofa with a book in hand.

"You're still here?" Caleb was impressed. He couldn't imagine himself waiting on someone from morning till evening. 

Quickly standing, John responded, "Yes, Lord Caleb. I am your assistant and it is only right I wait on you." 

He appreciated the boy's work ethic and asked him to lead him back to the dining hall. He was not particularly hungry but Caleb would never turn down food right in front of him.

"Oh...Look who decided to come out." Arriving at the hall, Caleb saw his father and mother having dinner. He greeted them before joining the table. 

"It was fruitful." Caleb responded to his mother. He signalled the servants to serve him and then turned to his father. 

"Father, if it's possible, I'd like to be training with the knights to polish my fighting skills once more." Caleb proposed. 

Putting his fork down, the duke responded, "All you have to do is go there whenever and you can have your fun." For the duke, Caleb's retraining was just extracurricular. 

"Won't it be more beneficial to wait for a bit?" Selina chipped in with her thoughts. Caleb just smiled and said to her, "It will be fine, mother. I don't plan on utilizing magic but purely physical combat."

With a few more words of reassurance, his mother yielded. The family then focused on their meal for the rest of the time. 

After dinner, Caleb retired to his room. Today was very fruitful. He had mapped about 12% of his genome. And this bit had opened a world of wonder he did not know before. With the portion he had already studied, he had also made a list of things he could modify in his genes to bring out his full potential.

He looked outside his window to stare at the moon in the night sky. 'Tomorrow will be for learning about magic and this world, the following day will be for physical training and the day after day, learn about nobility.'

He had made a schedule of how his coming days would be spent. Hopefully, within a few months, he will complete his research and learning.


3 months later.

"Haah... took me longer than expected. But I have to admit, it was quite a journey." Caleb released a long breath. Standing up from his lab stool, he moved to the chalkboard that had different magic circles of spells he had come up with. 

After months of studies, he had learnt that the people of this world used magic quite crudely. Not that they were amateurs, but that they were rigid in their thinking.

For instance, flight magic that some mages use relies on utilizing their immense mana reserves to move against gravity. But from his little knowledge about gravity back on Earth, Caleb has been able to design a spell that applies this logic.

In physical training as well, Caleb had become a complete monster. Even the strongest knights in the domain were barely able to match him. Even when they infused mana and utilized their attributes, he only needed his base strength and speed to defeat them.

The results of his hard work were going to be tested today. He took off his lab coat to hang and entered his office, where his assistant, John, still waited. 

"John, come with me. You're going to see something spectacular today." Caleb said with a bright smile. Over the past few months, Caleb and John had gotten close. Although he had become familiar with everything, he still kept his assistant.

"Have you completed the spell you were designing?" John inquired as he followed behind him. Caleb was a combat mage, but he had somehow convinced his parents and siblings about how he had awakened a special type of magic that allowed him to mimic other types of magic. 

His revelation had caused quite a stir within the estate but has now been accepted. He also informed them of how he could help them do the same but he had to research first before doing anything. 

"Alex, inform my parents and siblings to meet me outback. I have something to show them." Caleb told Alex when he saw him in the main hall guiding the other servants.

"Of course, Lord Caleb." Alex moved to carry out the order.