Chapter 20: Strange Happenings

After Caleb's demonstration, Duke Zane prompted everyone to return, save for the knight commanders and Caleb. Caleb had been given enough time to relax and familiarize himself with all he needed.

"Follow me." The duke said to the rest. They moved to the training barracks and headed to one of the buildings used for meetings and briefings. Entering the hall, Duke Zane, the two knight commanders who Caleb came to know as Frederick and Sean stood around a large round table with a map of the Central continent.

"I believe you've had enough time to adjust. Now it's time to resume some of your responsibilities to the kingdom." The duke said to Caleb who nodded in understanding.

Over the past few months, Caleb had learnt a lot more about his system and its functions. His system was unlike anything he had read before in novels. After weeks of exploring, Caleb noticed that his system could be integrated into his eyes as an augmented-reality display. It was basically like a personal computer he could modify.

With that function, Caleb integrated the system with his eyes. This made the blue colour of his eyes shine with an ethereal feel. When asked about it, he credited it to another one of the spells he created.

Looking at the map in front of him, the system scanned it and imprinted it in his memory. He could project it out for others to see a 3D model and also interact with it. However, this was not his presentation.

"The Central continent is home to two kingdoms; The Luvet Kingdom and the Amkesh Kingdom. With our domain located close to the Amkesh Kingdom, we have the most contact with them while also ensuring no attempts at invasions and to an extent, espionage." The duke began.

Caleb already knew this information from the books he had read. 'The dukedom is huge!' Caleb had thought at the time. But that wasn't all, the entire world of Trent itself was bigger than Earth. The central continent alone was like a combination of Africa and Europe from Earth! The Luvet Kingdom was half the continent. Basically, there was more land than populated areas. 

This also meant that the Forest of Lost Dreams was also huge. From what he had learnt, most parts of the world had still not been explored due to being populated by beasts. Cities and towns were located nearby. This was to ensure that in case of attacks, reinforcements could be deployed quickly. But there were strategic locations that could not be left uninhabited either.

"The border city between the two kingdoms serves as a trading hub in this region. However, recent reports we have received from our forces located there tell us of strange happenings in the surrounding region. Merchants and travellers are being attacked by beasts emerging from the forest."

The duke explained up to this point. As Caleb listened and looked at the location of the border city and the forest, he could not see how such a thing was happening. 'The forest is thousands of kilometres away from the city and the garrison located near the forest should be able to handle any threat of monsters. So how are they intercepting travellers?' 

Caleb then looked back at his father. As if understanding his gaze, he continued, "The problem isn't the soldiers stationed there, but the number of monsters and their levels. Monsters normally stay within the forest; unless the weaker monsters' population increases, they will not venture out.

"They seem to target that specific region, which we don't understand. Frederick had to move some of our forces from the other garrisons in our region to that section. Right now, the numbers are the issue and we can't spare men to investigate the reasons behind the happenings." The duke continued, pointing at the map.

Caleb felt as if this was where he came in. "And this is where I come in, isn't it? You wish for me to go and investigate." Caleb declared, to which his father nodded. 

"With your current strength and new magic, you are the best bet we have to finding out." The duke reasoned that with Caleb's new flight magic, escaping shouldn't be an issue if he had to. 

In all honesty, Caleb was itching for some adventure and this presents a perfect opportunity. He had already made plans to explore the forest to fight some monsters, but with this, he could kill two birds with one stone.

"Alright, I'll go." He declared. He would have to go fetch some things he designed to be made for him and it was time for him to collect. 'This is good. I'm already excited.!' A sly grin was already forming on his face, but the duke mentioned something else that halted his expression.

"You'll be taking your sister, Elina, with you." Caleb was left speechless. Why would any sane man and a father for that matter want to send their daughter into the belly of the beast? Caleb almost said out loud!

Of course that was not the duke's intention. "Your sister will be going to the border city in two days to carry out some administrative work on my behalf. You will act as an escort along with Sean to the city. Only after arriving at our estate there will you depart to carry out your mission." 

Hearing his reasoning, Caleb signed heavily and looked at Sean who gave him a thumbs up. He had no problem with the arrangement. He only had to protect his sister on her journey to the border city and back. Chances are there could be monsters attacking on their way and as the strongest in the dukedom, besides his father(due to face), his presence would ensure no problems arise.

"Make your preparations and in two days you, your sister, Sean and some knights will accompany you on your journey. Any questions?" Asked the duke.

"Yeah...Is there a time limit on my mission?" Caleb didn't want to rush his first adventure. Theoretical knowledge alone was not enough. Although he had combat experience, he was more interested in visiting the places himself and experiencing what they offer.

"No. But it would be ideal if you could finish up before a week's end. That would be the time your sister concludes her duties. The kingdom will also be having one of its festivities very soon." 

Caleb nodded in glee... It was finally time to spread his wings!