Chapter 28: Interrogation (2)

Hearing the words of Caleb, Enoch closed his eyes momentarily and sighed. After reaching this point, he found it pointless to keep his mouth shut. And with his strength gone, there was not much he could do. However, what bothered him more was that he wasn't able to circulate his mana at all!

While he was considering his actions, the healer quickly approached. Caleb instructed her to heal the injured prisoner. The healer quickly performed her role and excused herself. Enoch felt much better thereafter. The pain from his side was gone and he had regained a bit of his energy. But he still could not sense his mana. While he harboured no thoughts of escaping as he saw that as pointless, it still reassured him that if worse came, he could at least make a last stand.

"If you're wondering why you can't sense any mana in you it's because I took away your ability to do magic." Caleb softly uttered.


His words were like cold water being poured on him in a cold winter. And he wasn't alone. Sean and Elina also felt the same emotion. The power to take away someone's ability to do magic sent shivers down their spine. It was like telling a normal human he would never be able to see again!

That meant literally taking away the light from their life. They would never be the same again. Although Caleb could understand how they felt about such power, he didn't see it as that big of a deal. They could still live a normal life, and in his book, that beats dying. Of course, the implications of such a power sounded very different to someone who had known magic all their life.

Sean, Elina and Enoch looked at him as if he was some kind of monster. A power that allows one to take someone's ability to do magic was the most powerful and dreadful power a person could have. In their books, that was the most powerful spell ever.

"Em... brother, did you say you can take away a person's ability to do magic? Like indefinitely?" Elina wanted to make sure she heard right. She knew her brother would not joke about something like that. But it was still hard to believe!

Looking at how they looked at him, Caleb began to understand that maybe having the power to take away magic was unheard of. 'I see... You would think a world of magic would be capable of doing something like that.' 

Even if it wasn't via genetic manipulation, there should be something similar right? Yes, there was; prisoner's hand bands, but those were temporary. Howevr, from the looks they gave him, he knew he was wrong. "Is it that bad?" Caleb asked innocently.

Sean seeing how he responded realised Caleb wasn't seeing the bigger issue. "Lord Caleb, maybe you haven't realised this yet but having a power like that would make you the most feared person in the world.

Imagine working your entire life to achieve the power you have only to be told that there was someone out there who had the power to strip that power away from you; permanently. What would be your first reaction?"

Caleb thought about his words for a moment and his face hit it in realisation. "Exactly. At first, you would feel fear. And when fear sets in, what follows? a campaign to rid the world of such a power." 

Taking in what he heard, Caleb just let out a small smile. "Well, it doesn't matter what people think. If they come after me, I'll just put them in their place." He shrugged off their concerns. If he was being honest that would save him a lot of trouble. Maybe the weaklings would leave him be so he could fight stronger enemies.

He fixed his gaze on his prisoner and urged him to speak. "I would consider giving you your power back if you answer all my questions." He threw him a carrot. Of course, he would only consider. 

Enoch came out of his stupor and took in a deep breath to calm his beating heart. The realisation had already broken him. In the face of true power, he could only give in. What nonsense about being stronger than him? No power came close to having that power!

"My name is Enoch Winslow, a mercenary based in the underworld." He introduced himself. At this point, he had nothing left. He continued talking without Caleb having to ask him what he wanted.

"Four days ago, a man came to us. He never introduced himself and he was also in a cloak that covered his face. The presence he let out made it hard for me to question him. And since we are mercenaries, it didn't really matter.

"He proposed we carry out a job for him; abducting you on the way to the border city. He didn't tell us why and simply told us he would send a messenger to inform us what to do afterwards. After giving us enough description, when to expect your arrival and half the payment, he left."

Caleb, Sean and Elina listened to his confession quietly. While there wasn't enough information to tell them who ordered the job, that couldn't be helped. 

"Is that everything?" Caleb asked after he finished his narration. Enoch responded in the affirmative before hunting his head low. Caleb thought about the information he received. As he thought more about it, he asked another question.

"Was the job only to abduct me and no one else?" As he asked, he briefly looked at his sister. Whoever ordered the job must have also known about his sister journeying with him.

"Yes... We were instructed to kill everyone else. That way, word of it spreading would be delayed for as long as possible. From his response, Caleb deduced the mastermind just wanted him. But he couldn't think of anything that would make them want him.

He made a silent decision to look more into this issue. If he had not been as strong as he was, they could have all met their end. While Sean was as strong as Enoch, if he was being held back, they could have succeeded. Sure, they had the other knights, but they were simply outnumbered. His party only totalled thirty-five, him included.

He looked at Elina and Sean and saw their expressions. It seemed they also came to the same conclusion. Caleb still had his mission and couldn't afford to be distracted.

Yes, while Sean and Elina realised how close they were to dying, Caleb just saw it as a minor concern. At most, something to pass the time. The more exposure he had in this world the more he learnt about himself. 

Furthermore, the mastermind was smart enough not to go back himself, since there was always a possibility of failure. But was he even the true mastermind? As he thought more about it, he sighed.

"I'll look into it when we get to the city. For now, let's get some rest." Caleb instructed and moved towards Enoch still with his head down. He got him up and led him to the knights and instructed them to tie him up and put him in one of the carriages. 

Elina and Sean just stared at him before their eyes met. They could still see the dread in their eyes.

The ability to take away magic?!

It scared them more than hearing about the failed ambush.