Chapter 32: Dramatic Entrance

After a few seconds of supersonic flight, Caleb spotted the commotion in the distance. Upon arrival, he surveyed the battlefield and noticed that the main wall was under intense pressure from monsters and beasts. However, when he looked towards the west, which led into the Luvet Kingdom, he observed that the number of attacking monsters and beasts in that area was lower.

'That side requires the least help.' He thought, analyzing the battlefield and deciding the best course of action. He was already feeling excited. The monsters and beasts he was seeing posed no threat to him at all. Even if he was swarmed for several minutes, he would hardly break a sweat. 

"Mmm... the variety of monsters is interesting." From what he read about monsters and beasts; they never cooperate; ever. But looking below, what he saw intrigued him. Someone or something was definitely behind the monsters and beasts coming out of their habitats and causing mayhem.

"Now what is the best way to handle everything..." As Caleb pondered and analyzed the best way to handle the multitude of beasts and monsters, hardly two seconds had gone by. Everything within his view appeared mostly in slow motion. His enhanced cognitive function and perception allowed him this much leeway. Switching to thermal vision, he looked towards the forest to determine exactly where the monsters and beasts were coming from. Normally, these monsters and beasts had different territories in the forest and were extremely territorial.

'I see... It's as we feared. They aren't coming out on their own accord. But to think I'd see this kind of technology.' Caleb spotted where the monsters were coming from and after switching back to normal vision and zooming in, what he saw had human intervention written all over. Anyone else would have missed those clues. It was precisely because of this reason that no investigations carried out previously had been successful. But the main issue was why. Why the elaborate scheme? What exactly were the people behind the attacks after?

He turned his attention back to the main wall and saw the fighters retreat to the top of the walls. 'Looks like it's time for me to intervene.' He noticed some of the flying monsters making their way over to the city behind him and finally decided on the spell to utilize.

'Since this will be my first dramatic entrance, let's make it flashy.' He jovially mused and changed his eyes to the colour of bright red. Red was a colour that gave a vibe of danger that drew people in and threatened to devour them whole. Caleb then flung his right arm out of his cloak and called out the name of his own designed magic spell.

Cardinal Strike!

Shortly after, all around and behind him appeared numerous miniature magic circles. They numbered in the hundreds and kept increasing...

....568, 799..., 1738,... 3573...., 12424...

The number of magic circles lit up the night sky in a white brilliance that caught the attention of the people below. Gradually the white brilliance within changed to a bright red concentration of light. Reaching a crescendo, the bright red miniature magic circles shot out beams of red light at the targeted and marked monsters.


'We need backup!'

As the knight commander contemplated his next move, attempting to drown out the chaos around him, he spotted a small white brilliance emerging high in the sky. This light rapidly multiplied, swelling to thousands of glowing orbs. The soldiers, adventurers, and even the monsters turned their gaze toward the radiant phenomenon.

"What is that?!" one adventurer shouted, echoing the thoughts of everyone present. The battlefield fell eerily silent, as if under a spell. As the brilliance intensified, it shifted to a menacing red light. Realizing the impending threat, the commander bellowed, his voice cutting through the tension.

"Get down!"

As if timed, the crimson magic circles unleashed a barrage of scarlet beams, each one precisely targeting the marked and unsuspecting monsters. The marked monsters caught unprepared and unsuspecting, found themselves helpless against the onslaught. The crimson beams struck with devastating force, shredding the targets in a fiery display of power. One by one, the monsters succumbed to the relentless assault, their cries of anguish drowned out by the crackle of energy.

The sheer scale and intensity of the attack left the spectators in awe. The night sky had become a canvas of destruction and rain of death upon the monsters. The air crackled with the residual mana, a testament to the immense power that was unleashed.

As the last of the monsters and beasts fell, silence descended upon the battlefield. The display of power was forever etched into the memories of those who witnessed it and the magic circles slowly faded and when the men below looked up, they saw the source of the mass destructive power. 

High above in the night sky, a figure cloaked in black loomed ominously. The wind whipped around them, causing the edges of the cloak to billow like dark smoke against the backdrop of stars. The figure's presence was both commanding and unsettling, exuding an aura of power that sent shivers through the onlookers below. The hood cast a shadow over the figure's face, leaving only the glint of piercing red eyes; eyes that seemed to burn with an inner fire, reflecting the intensity of the spells conjured.

Faster than the men could perceive, the dark figure descended to a halt; appearing a small distance from the commander, hovering about three meters above everyone. As his eyes swept over the men on the walls, they recoiled from the sheer intensity of his gaze. Commander Turner took a deep breath to calm his racing heart before addressing the dark figure.

"Are you here to help or to harm?" Commander Turner put aside his fear and questioned. Although he appreciated the help, if the enigmatic figure was the enemy, he would not hesitate to engage him in combat. But he would not need to go far. The backup he had wished for was right before him.

Caleb was amused by the reactions he observed. He had simply replicated dramatic entrances done by protagonists in the novels he read to see their reactions. And he was glad he did. Just like described, the men looked at him in awe and a touch of caution. 'Not gonna lie, this feels awesome!'

He focused on the commander when he voiced his concern. Caleb was debating whether to keep a mysterious persona or just reveal himself. But as he thought more about this, he decided to reveal himself. The dark and mysterious persona was not his style. Maybe he liked the attention, maybe he didn't, but at least he would be spared the suspicion and distrust. He had work to do and not to play around.

He quickly changed his eye colour to the usual brilliant blue and pulled back his hood. As all eyes fell on his handsome features, the soldiers and adventurers couldn't help but be captivated by the air of nobility and authority he exuded. With no effort whatsoever, Caleb pulled off a seemingly dramatic entrance.


"I'm here to help. I believe you were expecting my arrival?" Caleb responded.