Chapter 4: Captured

"Why don't you try to cultivate a bit longer?"

A voice said, startling Van greatly. "W-Whos there?" Out of instinct, Van tried to move his head to look at his surroundings but failed.

"Relax child. I mean no harm. Why don't you follow this elder's suggestion and cultivate a bit more?" The voice said again. Van didn't respond, his alertness was on peak.

"Relax child. As I said before, this elder means no harm." The voice spoke again, assuring that he will not harm Van before continuing. "You're one of the lucky people whom had accidentally stumbled upon my Realm. Not to boast but, all those who received my inheritance and blessing are meant to achieve something great. "

It said with a proud voice. "Senior, can you enlighten this junior where we are currently?" Although wary of the voice owner, Van knew that he was talking to someone immense powerful, thus he decided to be respectful lest he wanted to incure the entity's wrath.

"Mm. Good junior." It said. "Now, allow me to answer your question. Where we are currently is what I call, the Realm of Origin. I am the owner of this, the venerable Origin. "

The voice proudly said. " Now, pick one the Origin Orb. You can only choose one. Each of them will grant you an ability that will grow alongside you. "

Following what the voice said, Van gazed at the floating Origin Orbs with uncertainty. All the orbs looks the same, making it hard for him to choose. Also, he can't move. How is he going to pick?

"Just think and it will come to you by itself." The voice said again seeing Van's complicated expression. The Origin Orbs have stopped moving, staying only at one place directly above his face. Sighing, he randomly chose one. He chose the one the middle, hoping it would give him something good.

The Origin Orb that he chose revolved around him at super fast speed, before stopping into a complete halt and turning into particles of black and white. The particles showered his front body, filling him up with some unknown energy.

"What!?" Van was instantly alarmed when a strong suction force appeared behind him and pulled him towards a rift. When Van dissappeared, a figure clad in black and white appeared in the emty grey space.

"The power of....Creation huh...." It muttered. The same voice from the elder before came from the figure.


Thud!! Crack!!

A loud thud was heard when Van's back hit the land, followed by a breaking sound as web like cracks appeared on the land beneath him.

"I-I can move!" Van immense rejoiced after being able to control his body again. He looked at the area surrounding him, confusion appeared in his face.

"Ahh....where am I?" He hastily stood up, brushing away the dirts in his clothes. Despite the fact the he fell down from a height doubled of his own, he remained unscathed.


An arrow came out of the forest, passing through Van's neck and embedded itself near his left feet. Van froze in shock. He was scared for his own life!

Not only did the arrow almost pierced his neck, he almost lost his own life. Furthermore, as someone in the Veteran Stage, his sense was heightened to a frightening degree.

Yet, an unknown assailant almost took Van's life. Before Van could move from his spot, several more arrows came, shooting through the air at fast speed.

Each of the arrow struck the ground around him with almost perfect precision. He froze again. Fear filled his entire being as more arrows came.

"Fuck this!" For the first time in his entire life, he cursed. For some reason, he managed to overcome his fear. Lightning Elemental Energy gushed out from his Lightning Seed, covering his entire body with snakes-like blue lightning.

"Catch me if you can!" Van shouted as loud as he could before running away as fast as he can. With his speed enhanced by lightning, Van easily crossed 100 meters in minutes.

But before he could take another step, something hard hit the back of his neck, causing him to stumble on the ground.

"Argh!" He grunted in pain. Another strong strike hit the back of his neck, this time causing him to get knocked out cold. A shadowy figure appeared near Van, who was now knocked unconscious and laying on the ground defenseless.

Several more shadow figure appeared, kneeling in front of the first one to appear. "What are your orders, Captain?". One of the kneeling figures asked.

"For now, locked him up. I will discuss on how to deal with the human child with the Chief."

The standing figure said, disappearing after giving orders to his subordinates and leaving them to carry out the tasks he gave. Two of the shadowy figures picked up the sleeping Van, as they too dissappeared.


"Ugh...." Van muttered as he woke up, the events before he got knocked out still fresh in his mind. "Shit. Where am I?"

He asked himself before scanning his surroundings. He was inside a dimly lit room, his two hands and feet tied by a strange chain with intricate symbols.