Chapter 10: Abyss Gate(3)

Huh!?" I felt myself falling, making me very confused. The ground beneath transformed into a purple mist, just like the the door of the Abyss Gate.

Once again, my vision was enveloped by purple light. When my vision returns,

"THE HECK!!??"

I was falling down at fast paced! I was unknowingly transported high above air, below me is a dense forest of red woods and blue leaves? The strong wind slammed brutally into my face, making me flinched in pain.

Slowly, I released Mental Energy and condensed them outside my body, helping me to decrease my falling speed. Cultivators of Mental Path and Elemental Path can fly for a short time, but those were only accessible after reaching the Third Realm.

It wasn't easy to decrease my falling speed, many minutes have passed and I'm still high in mid air. I've already used atleast 30% of my remaining Mental Energy. "I can survive, probably." I tried to console myself, who is very nervous at my current situation.

If I created a solid flatform below, chances are that I will undoubtedly slam myself into it, and with falling speed, I am certain that I'm just going to knock myself unconscious and destroy the flatform, making me fall to my death unconsciously.

The only thing I could do now was to decrease my falling speed and try to reach out for a tree branch to stop myself from falling. Another plan also involved me in decreasing my falling speed, but instead of using tree branches, I plan to create flatforms of Mental Energy and stop my fall completely.

Only half of my Mental Energy remains, making me desperate more than ever. The only thing that made me sigh in relief was, I was close to the highest tree near me!

"Closer....A little bit closer....Now!" I stopped myself from releasing Mental Energy, the condensed Mental Energy enveloping my body dissappear, my falling speed drastically risen. Shifting my body so that I will fall on two feet, I landed safely on a thick red branch with a thud. I felt my legs numbed for second because of the strong impact.

The branch was a few meters thick, making it safe for walking. Slowly, I walked towards the tree center, were a wide clearing was situated at the highest part of the tree. The clearing was flat, spanning over ten meters wide. This alone shows how huge and thick a tree is. On the sides of the clearing were even more branches, incredibly long and thick red branches filled with blue, huges leaves.

"I should cultivate." I sat in a meditative position, chanting the Empty Mind Sutra and feeling the Natural Energy around me. If I am still inside the Abyss Gate, then the Natural Energy here is way thicker in the outside world but compared to that Origin Realm, it was abysmal.

It took me at least an hour to completely recover all my Mental and Lightning Elemental Energy. The whole place quiet, strangely so. Nevertheless, I took advantage of this and cultivate.

Once again, I chanted the Empty Mind Sutra and absorbed the Natural Energy. Soon minutes passed. Minutes became Hours, Hours became Days, Days turns into Weeks. Soon a month has passed. I sat atop of the wide clearing on a giant tree, sitting still without any movement. Then, a small explosion occurred deep within me, it was a breakthrough!

From the Expert Stage, I had a breakthrough to the final stage, Sage Stage!. I stretched my whole body, feeling a surge of power flowing into my body. My Lightning Elemental Seed became a little bigger, and can now store more energy than before. My body feels a little stronger and tougher too. My armors even felt lighter too.p

"This feeling is wonderful." I clenched my fist before punching forward.


My simple punch was followed by a swirling sound of air, probably with enough force to knock someone without cultivation.

"I it possible to become a Physical Cultivator with the help of Creation?" An intrusive thought of mine suddenly appeared, making me excited just by entertaining the thoughts.


But before I could carry out the plan I have in mind, the place rumbled strongly, almost throwing me off the tree top. I can't see anything below because the view is obstructed by branches and leaves.

Rumble! Rumble!

The whole place continued to shake strongly, then coming to an abrupt halt.

"Hmm?" For some unexplainable reason, I felt a strong gush of wind pass through me. Blinding purple light covered my vision again. A strong pulling force pulled me upward as my body stopped listening to me.

Moments later, the blinding light, the pulling force and the unknown force that stops my body from moving disappeared. I was no longer inside the Abyss Gate, but the outside world!

"Wait....what happened?" I frowned. What just happened? Was I kick out of the Abyss Gate? By who? All these thoughts were cut off when I heard a voice nearby.

"Oh? It looks like the human genius is still alive. Heck, your cultivation even jumped by one stage. Let's go, slave."

The slave collar in my neck glowed in purple as the man who enslaved me a long time ago appeared right in front of me. With just one word, my mind lost control over my body as I began to follow the elf back to the Elven Settlement.

'How? My face is hidden by my did he recognize me????"