Velder Masquerade Party

By the time the Fantastic Ten arrived to the Velder Castle, they encounter Vera, the princess of the kingdom and a member of the Velder royal family, along with her uncle Laudius, also a member of the same family and the duke and current leader of the kingdom, since the throne was left empty, at the castle gates. The latter informs them about the masquerade party and gives them a quest to infiltrate the party and help the entire family regain access to the castle.

A few hours later, the Fantastic Ten arrived at the castle doors, where they were stopped by security guards, who asked for their name, to which they gave out fake names like Elsword's "Sir Eldridge", Aisha's "Lady Aurelia", "Mistress Reina" for Rena, "Sir Rylan" for Raven, "Evelyn II" for Eve, and "Bruce Chung" for Chung to note a few, in which they all let them in.

As soon as they entered the castle, Elsword, while posing and acting as Sir Eldridge, told the group to split into small different teams, in order to trick the Rokugen loyalists and sabotage the entire masquerade party. The first team consisted of him, Raven, Elesis and Ara, who were both under the guises of "Queen Elizabeth III" and "Maharajah Han" respectively, whereas the second team consisted of Aisha, Rena and Chung, the third one initially consisting of Add (as Edward Presley), Eve (as "Evelyn II") and Ain (as "Master of Fantasy") until Lu and Ciel joined them under the aliases of "The Daemons".

Meanwhile, while they were chilling in a large mansion, Laby and Noah were shocked to see a stranger, clad in a chef hat and a pot covering his entire body, knocking and breaking into their door, when suddenly, Rose came to their rescue by attacking said stranger, before informing them about the masquerade party and how they can help by joining the Fantastic Ten in their efforts of sabotaging the party in Velder.

As a result, the trio left the mansion and arrived in the Velder castle gates, only to be greeted by the security guards, who eventually let them into the castle after they gave fake names, including "Rosalina", "Miss Labyrinth" and "Ebalon's Keeper".

Upon arriving into the castle, they were welcomed by Sir Eldridge, who allowed them to form a team consisting of themselves, with their ally Lithia, posing as "Princess Lithium", joining their party, to which he assigned multiple different tasks for the teams in order to gain control of the Velder Castle.

The four teams parted ways with each other, with Sir Eldridge, Sir Rylan, Queen Elizabeth III and Maharajah Han getting their way through the ballroom, only to find a control room in a restricted area of the castle, where they managed to hijack into the castle's security system, with Rylan, disabling the system in order to let the blacklisted guests in.

On the other hand, Lady Aurelia, Mistress Reina and Bruce Chung managed to get in touch with a noble, who told them about a secret meeting between Rokugen loyalists, whereas Edward Presley played with the lightning and sound systems while Evelyn II and Master of Fantasy tricked the partygoers by creating multiple ghostly guests and the Daemons disrupted the entire flow of the party.

Right before the final phase of their plans to sabotage the entire party, Rosalina, Miss Labyrinth and Ebalon's Keeper secured the main hall while Princess Lithium threw a potion containing lithia water at a man who was one of the party-goers and trying to seduce her, never caring about the fact that she told every single of them that she had no idea of what the real world was for her since she lived beyond the gap for a long time, and that she only explored Velder in her own memory shard.

And now, with the security systems being disabled and chaos throughout the Velder Castle, it was time for the final phase of their sabotage of the masquerade party, as the four teams gathered and reunited in the main hall, where they took off their masks, with Sir Eldridge, now revealed to be Elsword, telling others to take the castle away from the Rokugen loyalists. By the time the clock reached midnight, Add, also ditching his Edward Presley aliases, started a blackout, causing multiple loyalists to scream out of surprise.

By the time the lights came back, the loyalists were surrounded by the Fantastic Ten, now known as the Fantastic Fifteen, with everyone's identities being revealed. Laudius and Vera, who were both watching this party the whole time, appeared along with Prince Roark of the disposed Rokugen Empire, accompanied by multiple soldiers of the Velder Castle, wielding spears, swords and magic. The duke then told Roark "Prince Roark, shut that silly party down, now!" by summoning the latter's father, the disposed emperor Rocco, to ground him for invading the entire Velder kingdom with a masquerade party, and as a result, the father and son teleported to the Republic of Hachimaru, formerly known as the Rokugen Empire, and were never seen again in Elrios.

After the Rokugen royal family left Velder, Vera thanked the Fantastic Fifteen, as well as Elsword and Lithia for saving the kingdom from him, before giving them medals for their efforts of defending the castle from the fallen Rokugen Empire. As a result, the Fantastic Fifteen left Velder and returned to Ruben, where the group began making plans to arrive in Astrophel, a faraway starry realm located in an different dimension from Elrios and the home world of Saros, a female starry guardian.

Meanwhile in Astrophel, while in the living room of her house, Saros and her best friend Rosana, a blacksmith and part-time sword dancer, were playing chess, when suddenly, their game was interrupted by a stranger, whose face looked suspiciously similar to Elsword's younger self, although clad in a chef hat and a cooking pot costume, knocking the door multiple times to the point the two friends tried to barricade the door with their furniture, but it was no use, as this stranger barged into the house and stole an baseball bat, before using it to threaten them, to which Rosana said to him "Are you crazy? Leave me and my friend Saros alone!"

The suspicious-looking stranger refused to answer her and leave them alone, instead he threatened to assault Saros, when suddenly, Elsword appeared out of nowhere, wearing a chef costume, throwing a frying pan at the stranger, knocking him to the ground, telling him to leave them alone in Spanish. Upon hearing what he said to him, the stranger resorted into insulting him in Spanish, only for Lu and Ciel to intervene by throwing him out of the window.

Shortly after he was thrown out of the window, Azure appears, clad in an old brown cloak, walks in the house and said to Saros "I have a feeling that I've known these people before. Wait, who's that guy wearing an chef costume and a frying pan?" The latter responded to her that the guy whom she's talking about is Elsword and points her finger at him, to which the former soon recognized him and told her "That's exactly what I've been talking about the whole time. Why is he in your house?"

Saros told Azure "He came here to save me from that stranger who barged into my house and almost attacked me and my friend Rosana." Suddenly, the stranger with the cooking pot costume reappeared by jumping to the window, to everyone's shock, that Elsword said to Lu and Ciel "Here we go with that guy again... How many times do we have to teach him a lesson?" Aisha, Rena and Ain appeared, telling the three of them "We have an better way to teach this guy a lesson."

However, just as they were trying to discuss their plans on how to defeat him, the stranger forcibly took Saros away to her bedroom, to which Rosana ran after him to the bedroom door, but unfortunately, it was locked to the point she told Elsword to come help her break into her friend's bedroom. 

Using their strength, the two managed to break into Saros' bedroom, where Elsword's eyes turned blue from his usual red and he told the guy "Your life ends right there." before throwing him out of the window, before going outside of the house with the rest of the group, with him and Aisha combining their fire abilities and the stranger told them "I'm sorry! Please forgive me for what I've done!", to which he responded "Absolutely not." before telling Eve to give him flint and steel, in which she listened and gave him one, with him sharing the flint and steel with Aisha.

Soon, by using the flint and steel Eve gave them, they set the stranger on fire and half an hour later, he was nothing but a cooking pot. Saros and Rosana walked outside of the house, and Ain told them "We found the cooking pot your attacker was wearing as a costume. Would you mind using it to cook some food?" Saros told him "No, thank you.", to which he respected her decision, before she and Rosana went back to their house.

A while later, Saros started to cry in her bed, with her friend Rosana comforting her, but it wasn't enough when suddenly, Elsword came next to her and hugged her before telling her "Are you okay?, in which she responded to him "I'm okay.". Soon, she asked if she could kiss him, only for him to tell her that he's already married, and instead, to their surprise, an man around the same age as the two friends, walked in her bedroom, and offered in to become Saros' boyfriend.

Rosana said to him "Hey, who are you?" The man introduced himself as Hamal, and he responded "I'm a mutual friend of you and Saros. Haven't you forgotten about me after all of these years? I'm here to become your friend's boyfriend." She quickly understood his purpose, and Elsword told him "Are you willing to make her happier than I?" Hamal replied "Of course, I'll try my best to make her happy as much as I can. You and I will always be on her side."

He responded back, saying "That's so sweet of you, Hamal. I hope you two can get along with each other. Well then, I'm leaving you guys alone. Goodbye and have a great day!" before walking out of the house to join the remaining Fantastic Fifteen, and they all parted ways with the three friends in Astrophel, before moving to an another dimension.

Meanwhile, a trial related to the Velder masquerade party concluded in Elrianode, with the judge ruling on the Velder royal family's favor, issuing an restraining order against the Rokugen royal family to them, meaning that if a member of that royal family dares to step foot into the castle, they'll automatically be sent to prison. 

On the other hand, prior to the Fantastic Fifteen's arrival in an another dimension, now known as Sophronia, Crescentia was living in that dimension, along with her husband Deimos and their daughter Creola in an large mansion, when suddenly, she went to her own room without telling her family about it, which led to said family getting worried about her, who started to isolate herself from her own family.

The two tried helping her as much as they could, but she refused their assistance. Instead, she mysteriously vanished, without an trace, upon them entering her room. Not long after, Crescentia found herself in an void dimension, where she grabs a sword-shaped resin from the ground, and fills it with her moon energy.

Soon after, the resin absorbed the energy of the Dark El, causing it to have an dark-purple color. "And now, I have the power of the Dark El." Crescentia said before disappearing. Back in Sophronia, her former friends Tuesday and Rufina, who went on several adventures with her in the past, as well as her husband and daughter, were all worried about her mysterious disappearance, and tried to search for her, but to no avail.

Suddenly, by the time the Fantastic Fifteen arrived in Sophronia, Elsword and Aisha noticed Crescentia, and she said to them "Hey, who are you?" Aisha told her "Crescentia, it's me Aisha, and this is my husband Elsword. Remember us?" Soon, the Dark El energy, inside the resin Crescentia was holding, slowly started to corrupt her without her noticing, with her grandfather Qamar running, only to push the married couple out of the way, telling them "Watch out! She might corrupt you with the Dark El! Let me handle things with her!"

Deimos responded to Qamar "No, you don't! Let my family and her friends handle things with her!", resulting in a fight between the two men, in which Tuesday stepped in and told them to stop fighting, only for the two to saw him, and soon, the former told Crescentia "Hey, who's that guy?" She replied "He's an ex-lover of mine right before I met you, remember?!" Ain overheard their conversation, which escalated to an argument and a fight, and he told Elsword and Aisha "Things are getting out of control with that crazy lady and her husband. Let's get out of here as much as we can not to bother them." The former of the latter two replied "I agree. Let's get out." before telling his group to run away from the scene with him, and to teleport back to Elrios safely.

2 days after the Sophronia incident, while staying at Chung's house in Hamel for the whole night, Elsword was standing in the balcony all alone, with a bottle of wine, when suddenly Lithia came to the scene and he saw her assets, causing her to run away from him and soon, he had his way with her, in the master bedroom, to the point the two were exhausted and became unconscious, to everybody's horror, that they were taken to the ambulance.

Soon, Elsword wakes up in his own bed in his house, all alone, from that dream, which turned out to be an nightmare. Not long after, he tried to go back to sleep, only to have yet an another nightmare again, this time with him trying to save Crescentia from the Dark El even if it meant risking his own life to be cursed by said energy.