
First name: Shiba

Last name: mahoraga



Eye color: bright lightning blue

Hair color: blonde

System & powers & abilities:

Shadow clones Jutsu

Multi-shadow clone Jutsu

Body flicker Jutsu

Substitution Jutsu


Medical Jutsu










Starter Pack Contents:

1- Bloodline Limit: Druid, gold/metal


The Druid Kekkei Genkai, allows Shiba to manipulate nature by fusing his chakra with nature chakra. This power, connected to the God Tree, enables him to interact with the natural environment. Shiba can restore life to barren lands, control plant life, and harness nature chakra for both offensive and defensive purposes.


    1.    Life Aura


•    Effect: Releases an aura of chakra that revitalizes the environment, promoting rapid plant growth and accelerating the healing of living creatures. Allies within the aura experience faster recovery, while desolate areas are restored to life.

    •    Use: Restoration, healing, and area-wide regeneration.

    2.    Nature Chakra Manipulation

    •    Effect: Absorbs and manipulates nature chakra, amplifying physical strength, speed, and chakra control. Shiba can enhance his sensory abilities and detect disturbances through shifts in nature energy.

    •    Use: Boosts combat abilities and environmental awareness.

    3.    Vine Bind

    •    Effect: Summons chakra-infused vines that immobilize enemies and drain their chakra, even suppressing opponents.

    •    Use: Immobilization and chakra suppression.

    4.    Thornbind

    •    Effect: Creates thorned vines that can either bind enemies or fire thorns as projectiles. The thorns pierce chakra defenses and suppress chakra flow.

    •    Use: Ranged attack and chakra disruption.

    5.    Nature's Rebirth

    •    Effect: Channels nature chakra into the earth, causing rapid regeneration of plants and healing the land. Can also heal allies by infusing them with energy.

    •    Use: Environmental restoration and healing.

    6.    Druid Sage Mode

    •    Effect: Entering druid Sage Mode grants Shiba enhanced physical attributes, chakra control, and the ability to manipulate larger natural structures such as mountains and rivers.

    •    Use: Power amplification and control over terrain.

   7.    Life Siphon

    •    Effect: Absorbs life energy from plants, animals, or enemies to replenish Shiba chakra and health. Weakened enemies are left drained, while Shiba gains strength.

    •    Use: Healing, chakra restoration, and weakening enemies.

•Poison Immunity: Shiba is immune to poison.

•genjutsu immunity: Shiba is immune to genjutsu

2- Golden/metal sand release: Grants the user the ability to manipulate and control gold/metal sand. the user can refine and purify gold/metal as well.

3- Map of land of wind: a very Detailed map of the land of wind

4- elixir book: A book that Shiba can instantly learn the art of making various elixirs. It covers the basics to advanced techniques and includes recipes for different types of elixirs and is superior to chakra pills and food pills.

• Contents: Detailed

instructions on ingredients, preparation methods, and effects of each elixir, and keep in mind that the user can make the elixirs permanent no matter the grade (which will be more expensive) or a time-limit elixir(which is less expensive)

(AN: for EX, if Shib uses a low-grade permanent elixir like the genjutsu immunity, Shiba will be immune to low-level genjutsu while the higher grade will make him immune to all genjutsu, but keep in mind that only a few elixirs can be permanent)

Types of Elixirs-

Chakra Elixirs:

• Chakra Regeneration Elixir: Restores chakra quickly.

• Chakra Reserve Elixir: Increases overall chakra reserves.

• Chakra Control Elixir: Enhances chakra control.

. Physical Enhancement Elixirs:

• Strength Elixir: Boosts physical strength.

• Speed Elixir: Increases movement speed.

• Stamina Elixir: increase stamina

. Healing Elixirs:

• Basic Healing Elixir: Heals minor injuries.

• Advanced Healing Elixir: Heals severe injuries.

• Vitality Elixir: Restores overall vitality.

. Mental Elixirs:

• Focus Elixir: Enhances concentration.

• Calm Mind Elixir: Reduces stress and anxiety.

And more. . . .

. Special Elixirs:

• Poison Antidote: Neutralizes poisons.

• Senjutsu Enhancement Elixir: Enhances Senjutsu techniques.

• Elemental Resistance Elixir: Provides resistance to elemental attacks.

• Invisibility Elixir: Grants temporary invisibility.

• Illusion Elixir: become immune to genjutsu.

. Miscellaneous Elixirs:

• Night Vision Elixir: Grants the ability to see in the dark.

• fertility elixir: will grant the drinker huge libido and make his sperm very potent.

• Energy Boost Elixir: Provides a

   burst of energy.

• Sleep Elixir: Induces sleep.

• Wakefulness Elixir: Keeps the user awake and alert.

And more. . . . .

Elixir Grades:

    •    Low-Grade: Basic effects, very easy to make, requires common ingredients and can be mass produced.

    •    Medium-Grade: Moderate effects, requires intermediate skills and ingredients.

    •    High-Grade: Powerful effects, requires advanced skills and rare ingredients.

Side Note: The elixirs are protected by the system. If someone tries to sell the elixirs or sell the methods of doing them or attempts to discover the methods to make them, they will die or be brain dead, and the methods will disappear from their memories. Additionally, the elixir will either explode or evaporate. Only if Shiba agrees to sell the elixirs or teach or sell the methods himself.

5- modified Adam tree seed(One Piece and Naruto)

Life Force Enhancement

• Effect: Those who spend time near the Adam Tree experience an increase in physical and mental vitality. It can heal injuries, cure illnesses, and prolong the life of those who are exposed to its energy over time. Villages or nations that house an Adam Tree see their population healthier and more robust.

• Use: Healing, boosting physical abilities, and extending lifespan.

Life Infusion & Regeneration

    •    Effect: The Adam Tree has the ability to restore life to the surrounding land. Barren wastelands become lush forests, and dead plants or crops are brought back to life. Its roots can even regenerate broken structures or terrain in the village.

    •    Use: Healing environments, restoring villages, and creating fertile grounds.

Adaptive Growth

    •    Effect: The Adam Tree can adapt and grow in any environment. Whether in a desert, a frozen tundra, or deep within the ocean, the tree's roots will take hold and provide stability and life to the surrounding area. Its leaves and bark also change color depending on the chakra it absorbs.

Adam's Will

    •    Effect: The Adam Tree has a semi-sentient nature, connected to its master. It can act on its own to protect or fight alongside Shiba. The tree's branches can form barriers, and its roots can rise from the ground to bind or crush enemies without needing direct control.

    •    Use: Autonomous protection, battle assistance, and defense

6- 2 Enchanted Golden Apples (from Minecraft): Increases lifespan, lifeforce, chakra, strength, and Yang chakra significantly.


How does the system work:

The Oasis System functions as follows:

[Main mission]: bring life to the desert, and village  and make Suna, the number one powerhouse ninja village in the world.

1- Essence Collection:

    Defeat, Kill, Tie, and intercourse: When Shiba defeats, kills, tie or have intercourse, he gains their essence, and the amount he gets depends on how strong the opponent is.

    •    Stat Increase: The collected essence increases Shiba overall stats, for example, S.P.E.C.I.A.L( Strength, Perception, Endurance, c

Charizzma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck) chakra, nature transformation etc.

    •    Item Drops: Occasionally, defeating an opponent will yield special item drops. For example, defeating a Uchiha may result in a Sharingan shard(1-5)or a Sharingan eye, or a fire-style user can drop fire essences(which increase both resistance and power) or fire-style techniques, but most of it is random.

2 - Mission System:

    •    Mission Levels: The system issues missions of varying difficulty levels and sometimes there are also secret missions and most of the time they yield high rewards.

    •    Rewards: Mission rewards are random but scale with the mission's level. Low-level missions provide low-level items, while high-level missions offer high-level items.

System message to you:

  •    "Make Suna Great Again and also don't die early as the last one did"