Chapter 2- memories(changed 1)

First person POV

It's hard to describe what it's like to wake up in someone else's body, with their memories flooding your mind. At first, everything was confusing—flashes of faces, places, events I couldn't recognize, all tangled up with my own thoughts. But slowly, it started to make sense. The memories of the two souls who had lived in this body before me came crashing in.

The first one was the original owner, born during the chaotic Warring States period. He grew up in a time when the world was divided, with clans constantly at war, fighting for power and survival. The idea of peace was a joke back then. As he grew older, he started to hear rumors about two powerful shinobi from two powerful clans—Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha—who had united their clans and formed the first ninja village, Konoha. This changed everything. Other nations saw what they were doing, and soon the rest of the world followed, forming their own villages to stay on equal footing.

He became the First Kazekage, the leader of the Sand Village, Suna. He was a powerful shinobi, determined to protect his people and make his village strong. But the stress of leading a village took its toll on him. One day, while he was working on a strategy to increase Suna's economy, he suddenly clutched his chest and collapsed. It was a heart attack, and he didn't survive. His life ended just like that, not in battle, but from the very thing that had made him strong—his determination to keep going, no matter the cost.

Then there was the second soul, someone completely different. This guy wasn't from this world at all. He had lived in the old era, a time of office jobs and old technology. He worked a 9-to-5 job, going through the motions day after day. His life was nothing special until World War II broke out. He got caught in the middle of an explosion and died instantly, his life ending in a blink.

But that wasn't the end for him. He was reborn into the body of the First Kazekage, the same one I'm in now. At first, he thought it was some kind of dream, but soon he realized it was real. He remembered who he had been, but this new world was overwhelming. Then, just when he was starting to get used to it, he saw the system, like the kind you'd see in a game. He thought he was going crazy. He tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. He ended up drowning his confusion in alcohol, drinking until he couldn't feel anything anymore. One night, after drinking far too much, he overdosed and died.

Now, it's my turn.

I blink, shaking off the strange sensation of being two people at once. The ninja in front of me is still kneeling, waiting for instructions. I need time to process everything, to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Leave" I say, my voice sounding steadier than I anticipated.

The ninja hesitates for a moment but then nods and disappears, leaving me alone in the room. I take a deep breath and rub my temples. This is too much. I've been reborn, not just into any world, but into the world of Naruto—and not just anywhere, but as the First Kazekage. And now I have these memories, these lives, crowding my mind.

But before I can dwell on it, that icon appears again, floating in the corner of my vision. It's the system. I don't know what it is, but I need to figure it out.

"Open Starter Pack Contents," I say in my mind, half-expecting nothing to happen.

But then, with a soft chime, a screen appears in front of me, listing the contents of the starter pack:

    •    Bloodline Limit: Druid, Gold/Metal

A Kekkei Genkai that lets me control nature and manipulate gold and metal.

    •    Map of the Land of Wind

A detailed map of the region, with paths and hidden locations.

    •    Elixir Book

A book with recipes for creating elixirs that can heal or boost chakra.

    •    Modified Adam Tree Seed

A seed that can grow into a tree capable of healing and protecting large areas.

    •    Two Enchanted Golden Apples

Rare fruits that increase longevity and chakra reserves.

I stare at the list for a long moment, letting it all sink in. I don't fully understand what all of this means yet, but I know one thing for sure: I'm not just some ordinary person anymore. This is real, and somehow, I have to make sense of it.

I close the system screen, my mind still reeling from everything I've just seen. The memories, the strange powers, the starter pack—it all feels like too much to handle at once.

I take a deep breath and stand up, feeling the weight of the responsibility settle on me. I know from the memories of the original Kazekage that Suna is still a young village, trying to establish itself in a harsh, unforgiving desert. The people look to me for guidance, for leadership. And now, I have to somehow live up to that.

The abilities from the starter pack catch my attention again, especially the Golden/Metal Sand Release. That sounds like something incredibly powerful, something that could give Suna an edge. I need to learn how to use it, but I have no idea where to start.

For now, I decide to focus on the basics. I pull out the Map of the Land of Wind from the starter pack. As soon as I do, it unfolds in front of me, hovering in midair. The detail is incredible, showing every village, every oasis, every hidden path across the desert. This will be invaluable for leading Suna, especially if we need to expand or defend our borders.

I also glance at the Elixir Book. Healing and chakra-boosting elixirs could be a game-changer for our village. The harsh conditions of the desert make resources scarce, and anything that can help our ninja recover faster from missions or injuries could turn the tide in our favor. I tuck that knowledge away for later.

The two Enchanted Golden Apples and the Modified Adam Tree Seed seem like they could be useful in ways I don't fully understand why a tree from a different anime is here and why a item from Minecraft is here. From what the system description said, the apples can increase longevity and chakra reserves—something I might need if I'm going to last as long as possible in this body. The tree seed... that one is more mysterious. Healing and protection on a large scale sounds good,. I'll have to figure that out when the time comes.

But right now, the most important thing is mastering my new abilities. I've seen the show and what the shinobi of this world are capable of. I can't be weak or indecisive. If I'm going to lead this village, I have to be strong.

I head toward the window, looking out over the desert landscape. The hot winds sweep across the barren land, the sun beating down mercilessly. The people here are survivors, tough and resilient. And now, I'm one of them.

As I stand there, taking it all in, I can feel a strange sense of determination growing inside me, maybe from the original body feeling are coming out. I wasn't supposed to be here. I've lived two lives that ended tragically, and now I've been given a third chance. Whatever this system is, whatever power it's offering me—I'm going to use it. I'm going to make sure this life counts.

I have a lot to figure out. The original Kazekage was powerful, but he was also limited by the time he lived in. The second soul didn't have the strength to face this world's challenges. But me? I'm different. I have the memories of both of them, and I have the system backing me up and the knowledge of the show.

I turn away from the window, a plan forming in my mind. First, I need to test my abilities. Then, I need to strengthen the village, make it a force to be reckoned with. Suna won't just survive—it'll thrive and I will make. . .