Chapter 8- rewards(changed 1)

Third person POV

Shiba sealed Shukaku, his hands weaving through the signs of the contract seal. The One-Tail was bound, its massive chakra now under Shiba's control, locked away much like Obito had done to Kurama in Konoha. Shiba's lips curled into a smirk as he stared down at the seal glowing faintly in his hand. The hardest part of the mission was over.

"Not bad," he muttered to himself. "I just captured a tailed beast… alone."

He turned and began his long trek back to Sunagakure, his body fully healed from the battle, and his spirits high. The desert winds blew softly now, and sometimes it blew hard(pause) almost making him fly away. He pressed on, thoughts of returning home and finding what rewards he would get from the system kept him going.


By the time Shiba reached the village, night had fallen, and the streets were quiet. The sight of his mansion—an impressive structure made entirely of polished marble—was a welcome relief. contrast to the rest of the village's buildings.(insert mansion pic)<—

Entering his lavish home, Shiba made his way to a private room where he placed the contract seal containing Shukaku on a table. He exhaled deeply, feeling the weight of his accomplishment settling in. But before he could enjoy the quiet moment, a familiar ding echoed in his mind.

[Mission Complete.]

He quickly opened the system interface to check his rewards. His eyes widened as he read the details.

[+200 Chakra Nature]

[+200 Chakra Reserves]

"Damn, that's a hell of a boost," Shiba muttered, feeling the surge of chakra swelling within him. But that wasn't all.

[Summon Character Ticket (x2)]

His heart skipped a beat. "Wait… character summons?" Shiba eyes lit up with excitement. He had heard about these rare rewards from fan-fiction novels he used to read, but never imagined he'd get two at once.

Without hesitation, he activated the first ticket.

A swirl of energy filled the room, and a figure began to materialize in front of him. When the light finally faded, shiba stood face-to-face with none other than [Tatiana Erza Scarlet] from Fairy Tail. She stood tall, her long red hair flowing down her back, her armor gleaming.

Shiba's jaw dropped. "No.Fucking.way… Erza Scarlet? From Fairy Tail holy shit!?"(AN: insert a sexy erza pic)<—

Erza looked around the room briefly before locking her stern gaze on Shiba. "Who summoned me?" she asked, her voice commanding.

Shiba could barely contain his excitement. "That… would be me."

Before erza could say anything else, Shiba activated the second ticket. Another swirl of energy filled the room, and standing next to Erza was none other than [Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro] from One Piece. He stood with his usual three swords strapped to his side.(AN: insert a hard pic of Zoro)<—

Zoro blinked a few times, clearly disoriented. "Where the hell am I now? This better not be another detour…"

Shiba eyes darted between the two legendary warriors in front of him. His mind raced with possibilities. Erza Scarlet, the Queen of the Fairies, and Zoro, the swordsman who could cut through anything. And they were both here, in this world, his village.

"Holy shit…" Shiba muttered, staring at the two in disbelief. Then, as if a switch flipped in his head, he realized the absurdity of the situation.

Erza turned to Shiba, her expression deadly serious. "What is my mission, master?"

Shiba brain short-circuited for a moment. He could barely focus on what she was saying. His eyes traced over her figure, taking in every detail of her armor—and of course, the parts where there wasn't any armor. He gulped. Damn, she's even more beautiful in person than in the anime.

"Uh… mission?" Shiba stammered, trying to regain his composure. "We'll, uh, get to that."

Erza raised an eyebrow, clearly not amused by his hesitation. "You summoned me for a reason, didn't you? I expect clear orders, master."

Zoro, meanwhile, yawned and scratched his head. "Yeah, yeah. Orders. Where's the booze? I could use a drink."

Shiba blinked. "You just got here and you're already looking for alcohol?"

Zoro shrugged. "What else would I do? If there's no fight, there's gotta be booze."

Shiba couldn't help but laugh. "Well, you're in luck. I've got plenty of sake."

Zoro's face lit up. "Now we're talking!"

Erza shot Zoro an annoyed glance. "This is no time for drinking. We need to focus."

Zoro just waved her off. "Relax, Red. You're always too tense."

"Red?" Erza repeated, her eyes narrowing dangerously. "You want to fight, you moss head?"

Zoro smirked. "Anytime you used tampon."

Shiba could sense the tension rising between the two, and while part of him didn't mind watching them spar, he decided it was best to intervene. "Alright, alright, let's save the fighting for later, okay?" he said, stepping between them. "There's plenty to do, but for now, I need to figure out how to… well, deal with the fact that I just summoned two of the most powerful people from entirely different worlds."

Erza folded her arms, her gaze still fierce. "Very well. But I expect fair treatment."

Zoro, on the other hand, was already making his way to the kitchen. "You can handle the serious stuff red. I'm getting some sake."

Shiba watched Zoro disappear into the other room, shaking his head. "This is going to be interesting."

As his eyes drifted back to Erza, a familiar, yet dangerous, thought entered his mind. His gaze traveled over her figure again, his mind wandering to places it probably shouldn't.

I've got Erza Scarlet in my house… alone…

He quickly shook his head, trying to push the perverted thoughts away. Focus, Shiba. Focus.

Erza caught his lingering gaze and frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Shiba quickly snapped out of it, coughing awkwardly. "N-No, nothing at all. Just… just thinking."

Erza's eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't say anything. Shiba inwardly cursed himself for letting his mind wander.

Great. Now she probably thinks I'm some kind of creep.

Before he could embarrass himself further, Zoro returned with a bottle of sake and two cups. "Found it!" he announced proudly, handing one of the cups to Shiba.

Shiba sighed, accepting the drink. "This… is going to be one hell of an adventure."

As the night went on, Shiba tried to focus on the bigger picture—the mission, the village, and everything he still had to do—but with Zoro's laid-back attitude and Erza's fierce attitude, he knew one thing for sure: life in Sunagakure had just gotten a lot more complicated… and a lot more fun.

AN: don't worry the summons are loyal only to Shiba