Chapter 11

AN: the winner of the main character's name is Kamui _Yurinagi and the main character name will be [Mahoraga Shiba] I got impatient and I decided to choose the one I liked.

Quick question should I add brain rot at the end of the chapter for shits and giggles?


Chapter 11: Training Arc 3

Third Person POV

[2 days later]

The full moon apperead high in the sky, its light over the Adam tree. From his balcony, Shiba stood silently, his eyes locked in, deep in thought. He took a deep breath and muttered to himself, "It's time."

With a flicker of chakra, Shiba vanished from the balcony, reappearing miles away at the edge of the village. He knew he couldn't afford to train openly—too many prying eyes. Suna was growing stronger under his leadership, but with that strength came unwanted attention. Spies from Kumo, iwa, kiri, and even Konoha were surely lurking, gathering every scrap of information they could just in case. Let them watch, Shiba thought. If they wanted to conquer and claim Suna, they'd have to survive the harsh desert and its predators first. And that wasn't even counting him.

He moved quickly across the dunes, the wind passing in his ears as he traveled deep into the desolate wilderness. Eventually, he arrived at the ruins of an village, a forgotten place long swallowed by the sands. The broken pillars and crumbling walls only stood, a perfect spot for what he was about to do. No one would see him here, and no one would live long enough to report what he was capable.

Shiba clenched his fists, feeling the familiar pulse of his druid bloodline flowing through him. It was time to stop holding back, to push his abilities to their absolute limit. If he wanted to protect Suna, if he wanted to crush his enemies, and if wants to make suna the number one powerhouse, then he had to train until he was exhausted.

He stood in the center of the ruins, inhaling the cold night air before closing his eyes. The wind picked up around him, swirling around him. Shiba could feel his chakra flowing.

"Alright," he growled to himself. "No more holding back."

With a sudden roar, Shiba released his chakra in a massive pulse. The ground around him trembled as his chakra flooded the air, creating a violent gust that sent dust and sand spiraling into the air. Green chakra swerving around him.

Palm trees began to sprout from the dry sand, their roots snaking through the ruins. Grass and flowers bloomed in an instant, covering the barren ruin in lush green. Streams of water flowed out from underground, turning the once empty and dry ruins into a thriving oasis. Shiba power surged uncontrollably, and for the first time, he felt something he'd never experienced before—a power high. It was intoxicating, the sheer force of nature at his fingertips. He couldn't help but let his mind wander to dangerous places, imagining what he could do with all this power, thoughts that could have easily gotten him maimed or killed in different circumstances. But out here, away from everyone, he was safe. For now.

Taking a deep breath, shiba decided it was time to stop playing around. He needed to push his abilities further. He started by testing his offensive capabilities, summoning massive vines to strike down the remaining structures of the ruins with ease. But as he continued, he realized his abilities went beyond just controlling vines. Focusing his chakra, he raised his hand, and sharp thorns erupted from the palm of his hand, shooting out with precision, tearing through stone like paper.

"Well, that's new," shiba muttered, a smirk forming on his lips. The thorns weren't just sharp; they were infused with chakra, making them strong enough to pierce through anything probably even A's lightning armor.

He focused once more, tapping into the life force of the oasis he had created. He could feel the energy from the plants, the trees, the very earth itself. With a simple thought, he began to drain it, siphoning the life out of everything around him. The once lush and vibrant oasis started to wither, the palm trees shriveling up, the grass turning brown and brittle. In seconds, the beautiful paradise he had made was reduced to dust.

"This power…" shiba whispered, watching as everything around him decayed. It was terrifying and exciting all at once. The ability to bring life and destroy life so easily was something he'd need to master completely asap.

After some time of testing out his offensive capabilities, he figured it was time to see how well he could defend himself. He raised his arms and focused on creating a protective barrier made of the same vines and thorns he had used for attack. The ground shook as thick vine walls sprouted up around him, forming a dome that could shield him from any potential threats. He then tested its strength by sending out a wave of thorns against it. The barrier held strong, absorbing the blows without breaking.

"Not bad," Shiba said, nodding in approval. He then tried something different, focusing on creating armor directly on his body. The vines and thorns began wrapping around his arms and chest, hardening into a thick, natural armor that fit him like a second skin. It wasn't heavy like regular armor, but it felt incredibly durable and light.

"Let's see how this holds up." He smashed his fist into a nearby boulder, shattering it to pieces while barely feeling the impact.

For what seemed like hours, shiba continued testing and experimenting with his abilities, losing track of time. By the end, he was exhausted, but he had learned a lot. His druid powers were more versatile than he had imagined, and he still hadn't even scratched the surface of what he could do with them.

Shiba knew one thing for sure—he was gonna have fun doing so.

"Alright," he said to himself,"time to make a training montage."

[the next day]

After slipping into the village under the cover of early morning light, shiba moved carefully through the narrow alleyways, avoiding the main streets and any prying eyes. His goal wasn't the Kazekage office this time, he sent a shadow clone in his place—it was his mansion, his home. He needed to process everything from his training session last night, and the last thing he wanted was more interruptions. Once he reached the large, marble structure that served as his home, he quietly entered, making sure none of the guards or servants saw him. It wasn't that he was trying to hide anything major, but he wasn't in the mood for questions.

Inside, the cool air of his mansion was a welcome change from the harsh desert heat. He made his way to his private quarters, closing the door behind him. He exhaled, letting out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding it since.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Shiba recapped what he'd discovered during his late-night training. His druid abilities had shown far more versatility than he originally expected. He could control plants, give life, and even siphon chakra from the environment. His offensive capabilities were impressive, but there was one thing that bothered him. Despite all the progress he had made, he realized he wasn't capable of throwing out massive, earth-shattering techniques like Hashirama's true several thousand-hands Buddha or deep forest emergence.

He had tried, pushing his chakra reserves to the limit, willing the very earth to rise up and form colossal figures—but nothing close to that level of power had manifested. He gritted his teeth in frustration at the moment he discovered this.

'Hashirama was and is a monster. But then again he is the reincarnation of Ashura, a literal ninja god' Shiba thought. The fact that he couldn't yet perform those giant attacks didn't bother him as much as it might have someone else. He knew that kind of power took years of honing and perfecting the skill. He had only just begun to truly explore his druid bloodline. If Hashirama could do it, then so could he. It would just take time, training, and patience. I'll get there, eventually. When I do, no one will be able to stop me, I will make my self a ninja god and not a reincarnation of one.

After reflecting on his findings, shiba decided it was time to check on something else—Shukaku.

Making his way to the room where he kept the contract seal, shiba placed his hand on the door, feeling the faint pulse of chakra through the wood. Once inside, he approached the large scroll that contained the One-Tailed Beast. His hand glowed with a faint green aura as he activated the seal, checking its integrity. Everything seemed to be in order. Shukaku's chakra remained locked within, unable to escape.

"Still there, huh?" Shiba muttered, smirking slightly. He didn't expect anything different. Shukaku was too prideful to try something as basic as brute force against a seal this strong. It would take a lot more than that to break free.

Satisfied with the seal, shiba left the room and returned to his private quarters. As he walked back, his thoughts turned to another matter The spies in the village.

He knew there were spies in his village. It was inevitable with how fast Suna had grown and the attention it was attracting. Other villages—especially Kumo and Iwa—would be interested in what was happening here. But knowing that and doing something about it were two different things. Finding them would be a challenge, but one he was prepared to tackle.

"Tomorrow", shiba decided. "I'll deal with it tomorrow".

For now, he was too tired to focus on anything else. The training had drained him both physically and mentally. With a heavy sigh, shiba fell onto his family-size bed, his eyes closing instantly.

AN:more power stones = more chapters