The match begins

Kay has his second assignment with a new team for the second practical month in the advanced chapters.

If the story receives 30 power stones in the next 24 hours, I will share one additional chapter tomorrow.

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As Kay instructed the players to do some light warm-up exercises and then head back to the locker room to avoid hearing the shouts from the audience, the kids began to file into the tunnel. 

Just as Kay was about to follow them, he heard the crowd's cheers grow louder. 

Turning to see the cause, he spotted a man leading a group of players wearing dark red shirts onto the field. 

It was Leo and the Giants team, making their entrance with a confidence that only added to the excitement of their supporters. 

Standing tall with a commanding presence, Leo walked at the front of the group, his expression focused and determined. 

The Giants players followed in a disciplined line, their dark red jerseys gleaming under the stadium lights. 

Each player's face showed a mix of concentration and anticipation, reflecting their readiness for the match ahead. 

The sight of the well-organized team seemed to fuel the energy of the crowd, their cheers growing to a deafening roar as the players stepped onto the field. 

Kay, recognizing the urgency of his own task, didn't linger to greet Leo. 

He had a more pressing matter to attend to. 

Back in the locker room, he gathered his players, their faces still showing signs of anxiety and doubt. 

He knew he had to lift their spirits and remind them of their capabilities. 

"Listen up, everyone," Kay began, his voice firm but encouraging. "I know you're hearing those chants out there, and I know it brings back memories of that last match. But today is a new day. We've trained hard, and we've improved a lot. You are not the same team you were then." 

He looked around the room, meeting each player's eyes. "Taylor, you've been incredible on the wing. Your speed and dribbling will open up their defense. Michael, your vision and passing are key to our play. Aiden, your strength and defensive skills will shut down their attacks. Each one of you has a crucial role to play. We are a team, and together, we can overcome anything." 

Despite Kay's passionate words, he could see that most of the players were still weighed down by the past defeat, except for Taylor, who seemed to hold onto every word. 

Determined to break through the barrier of fear and doubt, Kay continued, "I believe in you. We all believe in each other. Forget the chants, forget the past. Focus on the game. Play with your hearts, play for each other. No matter what happens, we'll face it together, as a team." 

As the time to go onto the field approached, Kay gathered his players and led them out. 

They had just half an hour left before the match started. Stepping onto the field, Kay glanced at the Eagles' fans and quickly spotted his parents among the supporters. 

They were waving enthusiastically at him. He waved back, and the sight of them erased any remaining hesitation in his heart. 

He couldn't afford to lose his first match in front of them. 

Kay then walked over to greet Leo. "Hey, Leo," Kay said, extending his hand. 

Leo shook his hand with a confident smile. "Hey, Kay. Ready for the match?" 

"As ready as we'll ever be," Kay replied, maintaining his composure. 

Leo chuckled. "Don't worry, we won't give you as hard a time as last match. No 5-1 this time." 

Kay just smiled politely and said nothing, not wanting to rise to the bait. 

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Kay walked away, focusing back on his team. 

A few moments later, Kay noticed a familiar face approaching, a man wearing black sunglasses and a cap. It was Guardiola. He walked up to Kay and extended his hand. 

"Kay, it's good to see you," Guardiola said, shaking Kay's hand firmly. 

"Mr. Guardiola, it's an honor," Kay replied, trying to hide his nervousness. 

Guardiola smiled warmly. "I'll be watching the first half from Leo's bench to evaluate his work, and then I'll switch over to your bench for the second half. Don't worry, I won't interfere. I'm just here to observe." 

Kay nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Guardiola. Thanks for your efforts." 

Guardiola patted him on the shoulder. "Just do your best. I've heard good things about you. I know the conditions all against you but, show me your best." 

With that, Guardiola walked over to Leo's bench. 

Kay took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. He then turned back to his players, who were already on the field and joined them. 

The atmosphere was tense. He knew they had to give it their all. 

As everyone took their positions on the bench, leaving only the starting lineup and the referee on the pitch. 

The match was about to begin, and Kay was ready to lead his team through this crucial test. 

The match was about to start. 

Matches for kids under 10 were shorter, with each half lasting only 25 minutes. 

The ball was smaller, and the format was 7 versus 7. 

Another significant change this year was the introduction of a league for this age category, a departure from the usual end-of-year trophies. 

Kay's team, the Eagles, lined up against the Giants. 

The referee raised his whistle, ready to begin the match. 

The Eagles took their positions, with Ethan in goal, Aiden and Mark as defenders, Michael in midfield, Taylor and Liam as wingers, and Alex up front as the striker. 

As the referee blew the whistle, the game kicked off. 

Kay's heart pounded with excitement and nerves, but he maintained his focus. 

He had to guide his team through this crucial match, especially with the weight of their previous 5-1 defeat against the Giants looming over them. 

The match began with a surge of energy from the Giants. They advanced their lines aggressively, pressing hard and attacking from the outset. 

Kay, standing on the sidelines, couldn't help but smile. The Giants were playing exactly as he had predicted. 

He knew that if his team could apply the tactics they had practiced during training, they had a good chance of winning. 

However, the challenge now lay in the mental state of the kids, who were still recovering from the daunting atmosphere and memories of their previous defeat. 

Kay attempted to gauge the opponent's players' stats, but they were too far for him to make any accurate observations. 

The Giants continued their fierce press, attacking from all sides: the left, the right, and the center. The Eagles struggled under this relentless pressure. 

Whenever they managed to receive the ball, they quickly lost possession, unable to hold their ground against the Giants' aggressive play. 

By the 10th minute, the Giants' efforts paid off. 

Javier Luiz, a nimble and skilled player, initiated an attack from the left flank. He effortlessly dribbled past Liam, who couldn't keep up with his swift movements. 

Luiz then headed towards Mark, who stood his ground, anticipating Luiz's next move. Luiz feinted to the left, causing Mark to shift his position, but then quickly changed direction to the right, leaving Mark outmaneuvered and out of the play. 

Aiden, however, was alert. He saw Luiz's trick and moved in to press him, but Luiz's feint had another layer. 

As Aiden vacated his spot, Luiz made a perfectly timed pass to the space where Aiden had been. 

In a flash, Carlos Mendes, unmarked and in prime position, received the pass and lined up his shot. With a powerful strike, he sent the ball into the net, scoring the first goal for the Giants. 

Kay's heart sank as he realized that the defensive error was due to Michael's lapse in concentration. 

Michael, still affected by the pressure and the shouts from the crowd, had lost focus at a critical moment, allowing Mendes to exploit the gap and score, as he was responsible for marking him, it was his fault. 

The giants' players began celebrating near the benches which allowed Kay to take a look at their stats. 


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 Player: Carlos Mendes

See you in the next chapter ... 

- - -Author's note: - - -

Hey everyone!

And the match begins! Who do you think will win? Write your expectations in the comments.

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