The rifle was aimed at my head and there was nothing I could do…
I had no tricks up my sleeve and wasn't in a position to run, attack, defend.. or anything else I could think of.
I could see his eyes, they were looking at me as prey.
No, it couldn't end like this, I was trying to come up with something, anything to survive.
If begging could save me if licking his boots could save me I would not hesitate to do so.
But none of that would help me, why would they? If I was in his shoes…I wouldn't have let myself survive either.
In my last moments the only thing I could think of was…
"MY RAGE my unbridled hatred, hatred for these bugs that would decide my fate."
An explosion was going off behind my executioner, but it was too far away to change my fate.
"Rage towards the injustice of my miserable fate."
He was tensing his muscles as if preparing for the eventual recoil.
"Rage because I had not wanted to be a part of this war and yet I was suffering day in and day out, rage because even that miserable fate of mine would end now."
Any thought of getting out if this…washed away…. this man was different, he would show me no mercy, no hesitation.
I was sure of that look in his eyes
"In this crooked world there was nothing I desired more than vengeance, but the world I so despised was dead set on denying me even that.."
"If I could just have my revenge I was willing to die in peace.."
But that would never hap–..
The man fell down.
Just a second ago he must have had dreams and ambitions but now he was dead.
He would never be able to achieve what he wanted.
Whatever he had wanted, would be buried under the mud and soil of the battlefield, buried with so many other dreams and wishes of his fellow comrades.
But that was not important.
What really mattered was that I was still alive.
Saved by one of my comrades.
I stood up and grabbed my weapon pulling it out of the soldier that had slowly drowned in his own blood after I pierced him with the bayonet.
The soldier that had saved me gave me a short look.
I nodded at him silently conveying my gratitude.
He looks away and runs back into battle.
I wasn't naive nor was I kind hearted but I would make sure to repay him for saving my life.
My left arm seemed to be bleeding a lot.
I took some of the cleanest clothes I could find, which didn't mean much on the battlefield, and made some improvised bandages out of them.
It would be a rough battle and if I didn't get any medical attention anytime soon I would probably die from some kind of infection.
I could just stay here hoping the battle would end soon enough so that a medic would come.
But I won't leave my fate to chance, even if the dice had rolled, I would not sit still, I would take my life into my own hands.
Maybe I could get help faster If I was near a soldier who could supply emergency medical aid.
I convinced myself.
So I took whatever useful supplies the dead soldiers had on them and went in the direction my comrade fought.
After an hour of fighting, in which I tried playing as much of a background role as possible.
Finally the tanks arrived and the battle that had already been in our favor became an undeniable victory
It took quite a while till I found a medic but once I did my arm wasn't too much of a problem.
Once I lay down though, the sleepiness and exhaustion got to me.
I had no reason to stay awake, even if something would happen, there was nothing I could do.
So I drifted to sleep and as I did a strange feeling overcame me.
As if something had attached itself to my soul.
I opened my eyes to see white space all around me.
There seemed to be nothing next to me other than white space.
It looked like there was no end to it, like it had no boundaries but also like a small bedroom…
no even smaller like a tight fitting suit that was perfectly fitted to my body.
I was admiring the view when something caught my eye, something bright blue.
I tried looking at it but it just appeared as if it was a blue ghost-like creature.
"Mortal, I have brought you here to show my appreciation for your accomplishment."
The small ghost-like blob was talking to me and he called me a …. mortal?
It was hard for me to see him and I could not look at him directly.
Something was holding me back from clearly observing him.
Despite not being able to really see the ghost I noticed that he seemed angry.
"Do you mortals have no manners? You stand before a god! Should you not act accordingly?"
(What was all this gibberish he was spouting, I have to be in a dream)
"No you are not in a dream."
"You can hear my thoughts?"
I look at him in confusion, my expression changes, my open mouth closes and my eyebrows furrow.
He answered.
"I don't have to read your mind to know what you're thinking."
(Man this is oddly real for a dream)
That's when I ask.
"Who are you?"
I could almost feel the smug look on his face.
"I am glad you finally asked, although I think it is rude to ask someone for their name without introducing themselves first. I will forgive you due to the nature of my abrupt visit."
He says with a gentlemanly elegance, that cannot hide his smug smile.
"You might know me by the name of Shawa or "The God of the End", well despite my great position as …. …. …. …..
He continued talking but nothing else registered…
"The God of the End"
I was clenching my teeth.
My eyes were wide open.
While he rambled on, a storm was brewing inside of me.
My hands began to tremble.
Balled into fists cutting into my palms.
The God of the End….. a god …
Logic and reason left my head as I could practically feel my blood boiling.
I would not be able to control myself.
—It is not your time yet—
That's when a calm but cold voice rushed over me.
I felt like I stopped breathing and woke up from a feverish dream.
Like my head had been washed with cold water.
I looked into Shawas direction and shook my head slightly as if to rid myself of unnecessary thoughts.
I hadn't listened to him at all but I was sensible enough to not bring that up.
Shawa looked at me.
*Cough* *Cough* "I got a bit too excited and lost the point , I'm just going to skip all the details and tell you what I am here for."
"You Dio Magnolias have come under my radar and have the honor of receiving my blessing."
I was stunned.
How brazen of him.
He looked at me expectantly.
Was it joy or gratitude he was looking for?
Maybe even some big ol 'tears telling him I would be forever grateful.
But I knew who he was.
My mother had preached about him so much, there was no way I could forget him.
IF this was the REAL Shawa.
But if that was the case.
Then there was no way he would give me something for free..
Because Shawa is truly unperturbed by the fate of the world.
Even my mother who had devoted most of her life to praying to him barely got any kind of reward… and now this guy was telling me he wants to reward me for what?
My accomplishments….
I was just some basic soldier, not a war hero.
He interpreted my silence as something different though.
"I see, too stunned to speak. Can't blame you. I am the strongest of all gods and my blessings are nothing short of miracles."
He was rambling on like a waterfall.
You could practically see how much he liked to see himself talk, nodding along to everything he said smiling smugly.
"But I haven't even told you the best part yet. I will stay by your side and guide you throughout your journey. My blessing, although powerful, is nothing in comparison to the wisdom of a god.
You can start worshiping me now."
The smugness on his face was now spreading out like an aura.
His chest (if you could even call it that) was raised up high.
He even had his arms spread out like some kind of messiah.
But betraying his expectations in a moment of carelessness I just asked.
"So what's the catch?"
I was pretty sure by now that he was some kind of spiritual parasyte trying to hitch a ride on my body and not the almighty god of the end.
But maybe because of this strange white world around me or because I was still agitated from the mention of gods, my true thoughts slipped out.
I gulped as silently as possible while keeping a calm facade.
If someone who could hitch a ride on my soul became angry or noticed his plans not working….. I could only imagine the worst outcome.
Maybe he would leave me a mental cripple or start trying to take over my body in earnest.
None of those options seemed great.
So I would play his game.
And act the fool just like you wanted.
Let's see who will have the last laugh.
He looked away as if he was counting sheep in the sky.
His tendril-like arms were stretching out of his side scratching the back of his head.
"So… you.. would need to get me more followers."