

Lev Trotsky, who lost the power struggle with Joseph Stalin, went into exile.

Erich Maria Remarque's masterpiece, an anti-war novel, has been released.

And on Thursday, October 24th,


"What is this!"

"This is a scam! It's a scam! Sieeeebaaal!!!"

An incident occurred in the New York stock market, causing a sharp drop in stock prices.

This event, later called 'Black Thursday', signaled the beginning of the Great Depression that changed the entire world.

The Great Depression, which began in the United States, soon swept the entire world.

The German economy, which had gotten back on track, fell into complete decline, and the streets were filled with unemployed people.

People who could not endure the hardships of life and ended their lives began to appear in droves.

Strikes and protests followed, and the Communist Party, whose popularity had waned, began to expand its influence.

However, the popularity of our National Socialist German Workers' Party could not match.

When the Great Depression mentioned in My Struggle actually broke out, I became a world-renowned prophet.

Before the Great Depression, he was called a bullshit expert, a revolutionary advocate, and an honorary Chinese, but not anymore.

Now that the Great Depression had really broken out, no one dared laugh at me. I couldn't do that.

My Struggle sold like hot cakes, to the point that previous sales figures were easily ignored, and my position and the party's popularity increased even more.

The following year, in the Weimar Republic general election held on September 14, 1930, the Nazi Party won 302 seats and stood tall as the largest party in the National Assembly.

It is no longer a no-frills political party in Bavaria, but has established itself as the largest political party in Germany.

A year later, on September 18, 1931, Japan attacked China and took control of Manchuria.

The Manchurian Incident occurred.

Although it was a sad event for the Chinese people and Chiang Kai-shek, the Manchurian Incident was a significant boon to me.

"Hitler, what kind of person is this..."

"Aren't you really from the future? "How can it fit together so well?"

Even so, my awareness had already increased as the predictions of the Great Depression became a reality, but when Japan took over Manchuria, I came to be treated as a second Nostradamus.

Did Eugene Kim feel this way? Even though she was a character in a novel, she had a rough idea of how it must have felt.

And then the day came.


May 30, 1932

"I'm sorry about you, but I can't help it. "I hope you understand."

Heinrich Brüning was dismissed from his position as chancellor by German President Hindenburg.

"If that is what your Excellency means... I understand."

Brüning opposed Hindenburg's decision, but did not show it outwardly.

Even though he despairs of the reality that confronts him, he humbly accepts it.

The relationship between Hindenburg and Brüning was not that bad.

On the contrary, Brüning respected Hindenburg, and Hindenburg would often dine with Brüning or discuss important matters together.

However, Brüning's economic policy aroused opposition from the German people, and he also had a major conflict with the Junkers over the land tax issue.

Hindenburg, who had been one of the Junkers before he was president, could no longer appoint Brüning as chancellor.

In this way, Brüning resigned from his position as chancellor.

"I hope you don't blame me too much. I want to keep you by my side, but if I do, something bigger will happen. I understand?"

"Of course, Your Excellency."

Hindenburg, who had both good and bad feelings for Brüning, held a farewell party for Brüning, even though he had cut off his head with his own hands.

As the orchestra played, Hindenburg raised a glass of wine high.

"Let's all toast to our Prime Minister who has worked so hard."

Brüning also raised his glass. The wine was of the highest quality, but to him it felt like wine-flavored poison.

That day, Brüning returned home very drunk.

When Brüning stepped down, the person appointed as his successor was Adolf Hitler, the prophet of the century.


"It's been a long time since we last met."

"It's an honor to meet you again, Your Excellency!"

Hindenburg had not forgotten his encounter with Hitler, who was a corporal, at a small hospital a dozen years ago.

A friend who is brave and knows how to please his superiors.

In addition, he is a man who not only predicts the future, but attracts attention from all over the world.

Hindenburg became even more attracted to Hitler when he heard that Hitler had given up running in the presidential election a few months earlier.

I heard that people around Hitler encouraged him to run for election, but he refused, saying he would not dare to confront his former superior.

Due to this series of events, Hindenburg trusted Hitler more than anyone else.

"I'm only telling you this... Actually, I had no intention of becoming president."

"No, why?"

"I've already served as president once, and I'm old, so I just want to rest comfortably. But people around me insisted that if I quit, Germany would fall. Is there any way to turn Germany into a place full of communists?

Funnily enough, the people who pushed me were all commies. I still feel embarrassed when I think about that. "Oh, shit."

The support of the Social Democratic Party contributed significantly to Hindenburg's election, but to Hindenburg, who viewed the Social Democratic Party as a counterfeit communist party, the support of the Social Democratic Party itself seemed only a stain on his life.

"Your Excellency, you may think so, but I think a little differently."


"In order to achieve your original intention, you must know how to join hands even with the enemy in front of you. "If Your Excellency had not run, wouldn't it have been only good for the communists?"

"Hey, if I hadn't run, wouldn't you have run?"

"I won't deny it, but who dares be greedy for the presidency when you are here? "If only you were sober."

"I chose the right person."

Hindenburg laughed heartily. He admired his own eye for people.



"Congratulations, Mr. Party Leader... No, Mr. Prime Minister!"

The day after the Prime Minister appointment ceremony, I held a congratulatory party at my home to which party executives were invited.

"My thoughts were short, sir. "How did you think of all that?"

Goebbels said: Goebbels urged me to run for president, but I declined his offer.

In actual history, Hitler accepted Goebbels' suggestion and ran for president.

Although the result was defeat, he was able to leave a deep impression on the public by finishing in second place in the number of votes.

But there was no need for that here.

If I run for president anyway, I will be defeated by Hindenburg, and in terms of popularity, there are very few people who don't know me.

But is there still a need to harm the relationship with Hindenburg by running in the presidential election?

My calculations were correct, and Hindenburg dismissed Brüning and appointed me chancellor.

"Now that you have become Prime Minister, this country will change."

Goering, who was already drunk, said. I smiled silently and nodded.

Goering, this guy, he talks a lot, but it gets even louder when alcohol is involved.

Still, compared to his original history, Goering had changed to the level of a complete transformation.

According to history, Göring was injured by a bullet in the testicle during the Beer Hall Riot, and he took morphine to forget the pain and ended up becoming a morphine addict.

Göring's morphine addiction became more and more severe, and he made increasingly harsh decisions, contributing to Germany's defeat.

To prevent this situation, I deliberately sent Göring to the rear.

As a result, Göring was not injured and did not touch the morphine.

In addition, as a result of my ordering him to take care of his health and putting him on a diet, Goering was transformed into a middle-aged man with a level of beauty that women would fall for.

Now you won't have to make fun of me for being fat Goering.

When the party was ripe, Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, approached.

"dismissal? I have something to tell you. Would you mind for a moment?"

"Well, sure."

Let's go to a corner where people can't see, and Himmler gets to the point.

"It's a matter of Röhm, Your Excellency."

I knew it. I knew it would be like this.

"I know what you're trying to say. "The military doesn't have a good view of them, right?"

"You knew. "This is information obtained through spies planted in the military, and there is a rumor going around publicly that something needs to be done with Lung and the assault corps."

"Oh, there are still many mountains to climb."

Although he belonged to the anti-communist Nazi Party, Röhm, who paradoxically had socialist tendencies, advocated a 'second revolution'.

The second revolution he advocated was that industry should be nationalized and the property of capitalists should be confiscated and distributed to workers.

Going one step further, he argued that a 'people's army' should be created by merging the military with the shock trooper he led.

Naturally, there was no way the military, dominated by Junkers, conservatives among conservatives, would have approved of Röhm's nonsense.

"But anyway, I was also thinking about what to do with Röm. "If we leave it like this, there will definitely be a big accident."

"That is a valid statement, Your Excellency. If you need anything, please call me anytime. "As long as your Excellency gives orders anytime, anywhere-"

"Okay, let's go and finish eating."

Anyway, this guy is always trying to flatter me. No need, man.