Like burning pasta (1)

Two months from now, Italy invades Ethiopia.

Italy had already invaded Ethiopia in 1894, over 40 years ago.

And it suffered a crushing defeat, earning the stigma of being the first European power to be defeated by an African country.

Mussolini, who was crazy about the ambition to build a second Roman Empire, conquered Ethiopia to make up for the humiliation of the previous war and emerge as a true power.

In addition to connecting Eritrea and Somaliland by land, they also rob Ethiopia of its resources to revive its economy.

In fact, if you really want to revive the economy, you should reduce military spending rather than prepare for war, but if that is possible, it is not Italy.

"Italy will definitely invade Ethiopia within two or three months. This is supported by Italian troops deployed in Eritrea and Somaliland. Before war breaks out, you must go to Ethiopia and convey my intentions to the Ethiopians. "Italy will soon invade, and I want to establish friendly relations with you."

"I understand, Mr. President. "But there's something I'd like to ask you."

"Tell me."

"Don't we have no contact with Ethiopia? "Is there any reason why we should approach Ethiopia first?"

Ribbentrop's doubts were natural. There is no need for us to reach out to countries in Africa or even Europe first.

However, the answer to this question had also been thought about in advance for a long time.

"First of all, we need to induce Ethiopia to fight Italy as fiercely as possible and drain Italy's national power. Italy will become an obstacle to Germany's development in the future.

At the same time, if we have friendly relations with Ethiopia, countries in similar situations as Ethiopia will be in a friendly position toward us. There are not many countries around Germany that are friendly to Germany. From Britain to France, Poland, and the Soviet Union, they are all hostile to us. To do that, we need to turn our attention to foreign countries and create a large number of countries that are friendly to us."

"But how helpful will countries like Ethiopia be?"

"That's right. Of course, I don't have very high expectations either. What I value more is image, image. If Germany is to escape even a little of the international community's scrutiny, it first needs to redefine its existing image.

With the Pearl of the Rhineland, the world has begun to be wary of us again. But the invasion of Ethiopia will turn the attention of the international community from Germany to Italy. If we take advantage of that and show our support for Ethiopia, which is the victim, we will be able to wash our existing image to some extent.

Lastly, Ethiopia has numerous buried resources, including gold and iron ore. If we have friendly relations with Ethiopia, we will be able to easily supply these resources. "It may take some time, though."

Only then did Ribbentrop's dark expression brighten a little.

He still looks somewhat skeptical about my words themselves.

"Well sir. "Then, I will go to Ethiopia."


"Are preparations for the invasion of Ethiopia going well?"

Italian dictator and prime minister, Benito Mussolini, spoke in an arrogant manner to Marshal Pietro Badoglio, who was much older than him.

Although Badoglio was a prime minister and did not like Mussolini's arrogance, he was polite and polite in his presence.

"Yes, Duce. "All preparations are going according to plan."

"That's right. In great Italy, failure is a no-brainer. "This time, we must conquer those barbaric blacks and avenge the shame of the last war."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"His Majesty also expressed his strong approval of this conquest. If the war ends successfully, your names will be recorded forever in history. "Isn't that something to be proud of?"

"That's right."

Another bluff.

Badoglio secretly laughed at Mussolini, calling him a clown imitating Caesar.

I wanted to stop listening to this guy's boring sermons. There is already a lot of work to be done in preparation for the invasion of Ethiopia.

"You probably have a lot of work to do, too. "Just go now."

Badoglio, finally freed from Mussolini's tirade, left the official residence at a brisk pace.

Today was a bit short. It's equally disgusting to hear.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency."

Badoglio's adjutant approached and handed him a coat. His face was full of respect and pity for his enemy.

"I don't know how long I can listen to that guy's nonsense. "I'll have to go back first, take a bath, and then quench my thirst with wine."

"Even if it wasn't, I told it to the soldiers on duty in advance."

After Badoglio left, Mussolini, left alone in his office, stared intently at the world map hanging on the wall.

The proportion of land occupied by Italy on the map seemed too small to him. It was so small.

Ethiopia, inhabited by uncivilized blacks, can never be a match for Italy.

The last war was simply the result of coincidence and misfortune. Ethiopia is destined to come under the Italian flag.

It had to be that way.

After Ethiopia was swallowed up, it was Albania. Albania, which is already economically semi-subordinate to Italy, will not be able to defend against an Italian invasion.

Not only Albania, but also Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, and even Austria had to become part of Italy.

Wouldn't that make it a powerful region suitable for the 'New Roman Empire'?

To do so, Britain, France, and Germany will become obstacles, but this too can be overcome. This country is a descendant of Rome.

"And I am Ducego from Italy."

Even today, Mussolini is inflated with his grand dream of building a new Roman Empire.


"This is Joachim von Ribbentrop. "It is truly an honor to be able to have an audience with His Majesty the Emperor."

"Nice to meet you too, Minister Ribbentrop. "Welcome to Ethiopia."

Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie reached out to Ribbentrop first.

"This is Prime Minister Mekonnen Endelkachu. nice to meet you."

Originally, Prime Minister Endelkachu would have welcomed the guests instead of Emperor Selassie coming in person, but the other person was too big a person.

Not a diplomat from a weak country in Africa or South America, but the foreign minister of Germany, one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

Moreover, wasn't Ribbentrop one of Hitler's closest associates?

Why did he come to Ethiopia?

Selassie, who was most curious about this, strongly insisted that he too meet Ribbentrop and talk to him.

"Thank you for your hard work in coming this far."

"no. "It was a comfortable trip."

After the three people sat down, the emperor's servants served coffee and refreshments. The servants withdrew and a sensitive conversation took place immediately.

"I would appreciate it if you could answer honestly. "Why on earth did the German Foreign Minister come to this distant land?"

Endelkachu said.

"I am here on the orders of His Excellency the Führer, Prime Minister. The Fuhrer asked me to convey this to His Majesty the Emperor."

"To your Majesty the Emperor?"

The envelope Ribbentrop took out contained a handwritten letter from German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.

When Ribbentrop handed it over, the Emperor's Chamberlain accepted the letter.

The interpreter interpreted the contents of the letter and read it to Selassie and Endelkachu. The eyes of the two people who listened to the conversation in silence became sharp.

"I had a guess that Italy would attack our country. "It seems Germany had the same thought as me."

Selassie clicked his tongue and said. Ethiopia is not an idiot either, so it had already noticed that Italian troops were being reinforced in Eritrea and Somaliland.

However, I refrained from making a diplomatic protest for now just in case, but now there is no need to do so.

War will soon break out and Ethiopia will have to make significant sacrifices.

Enderkachu's expression suddenly darkened. Selassie also did not look good.

The letter contained not only news of Italy's invasion preparations, but also Hitler's message that Germany would support Ethiopia.

Germany may not be able to provide much support due to difficult circumstances, but even Selassie and Endelkachu, as well as the interpreter, could not help but be surprised when they heard that they would provide various weapons and supplies, such as rifles, grenades, and machine guns, to the Ethiopian army.

"Minister, is this really true?"

"The President does not lie. He said he would, so you can believe him."

Ribbentrop took a sip of coffee.

Ethiopian coffee had a much stronger aroma and taste than the Brazilian coffee I drank in Germany.

The coffee in a country famous for coffee is truly different. It's very good.

"We are grateful for the President's support, but why are you doing this to us? "Even if you just think about it, I don't know that this country has ever provided any help to Germany in the past."

The letter stated that the reason Germany supported Ethiopia was because the courage and fighting spirit shown by the Ethiopians in the past deeply resonated with him and that he wanted to build a long-term friendly relationship with the brave Ethiopians.

Selassie was moved by those words, but he was also certain that this was not the whole reason.

There must be other reasons.

"Do you know, Your Majesty, that during the Great War, Italy fought against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire?"

"I know that much."

"Then the answer came. The Fuhrer is strongly convinced that Italy, a former enemy, will continue to hinder Germany in the future. Italy is both Germany's enemy and Ethiopia's enemy. If so, shouldn't Germany and Ethiopia naturally join forces?"

Selassie burst out laughing at Ribbentrop's words, which were nothing short of clearing water.

"I understand. That's right. "If you are the enemy of your enemy, then you are your friend!"

Selassie stood up, approached Ribbentrop, and offered to shake his hand again.

"I know very well the reputation of your President. I haven't read 'Mein Kampf', but I have heard well that the Fuhrer's insight is outstanding in many ways. "It is indeed true."

The German-Ethiopian talks were successful.

Selassie hosted a banquet for the German delegation, including Ribbentrop.

It was a luxurious banquet filled with the best delicacies from Ethiopia.

The German delegation had a hard time because Ethiopian cuisine did not suit their taste.

The day the German delegation returned to Germany.

Two cargo ships left the port of Kiel for Ethiopia. The cargo was scheduled to be delivered to Ethiopia through British Somaliland.

October 3, 1935.

Italy's invasion of Ethiopia led to the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.