Episode 278: Blue Operation (2)

Chiang Kai-shek was almost speechless.

Less than four weeks after receiving news of a civil war breaking out in the Soviet Union, Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

In just one year, the positions of Germany and the Soviet Union became completely opposite.

And one more thing,

Kulik, who rebelled in the Soviet Union, requested asylum in China.

Kulik and his men boarded three transport planes and crossed the border into the jurisdiction of Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai.

Currently, they were in charge of protecting and monitoring Sheng Shicai, and Sheng Shicai sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek to inform him of their exile.

Kulik's group has only one request. They asked to be allowed to stay in China.

In return, Kulik expressed his intention to provide Chiang Kai-shek with various Soviet secrets he had discovered while serving as Marshal under Stalin.

Chiang Kai-shek, who had been burned by Stalin several times, felt relieved.

I am glad that Hitler defeated the Soviet Union, which had been stealing materials from Landris and using it as a leash to abuse people, but what is even worse is that a high-ranking officer who had been an enemy under Stalin is requesting asylum.

Chiang Kai-shek wondered whether Stalin, upon hearing the news of the German invasion and Kulik's exile, would go on a rampage or be devastated.

As the civil war broke out in the Soviet Union, many difficulties arose in the arrival of landless supplies that were coming via the Pacific route, but Chiang Kai-shek was not in a hurry as there were enough supplies for immediate use.

As Burma was liberated, landless supplies poured into China through Burma, so there was no longer a need to rely solely on the Soviet Union.

"What do you plan to do Kulik?"

Chiang Kai-shek answered the question from his aide Dai Li with a big smile on his face.

"Of course you should accept it. After all, popularization is different from communists who only know how to kill people."

In particular, the opponent is a person who is no less than a Soviet army marshal.

He came empty-handed and did not ask to be accepted, but instead announced that he would provide various Soviet secrets in exchange for acceptance, so Chiang Kai-shek had no reason to reject him.

"The Soviets may send assassins to kill Kulik, so you go and bring them here to Chongqing. Kulik, I need to meet him and have a very deep conversation."

"All right."

After Dairi left, Falkenhausen came in as if he had been waiting. Chiang Kai-shek, who had a special relationship with him, greeted Falkenhausen with a bright smile.

"Welcome, Marshal. "Have you heard the news?"

Falkenhausen nodded.

"Did the enemy even know in advance? "Germany will attack the Soviet Union."

"I didn't know."

Falkenhausen shook his head.

Hitler was concerned about leaks of confidential information, so he did not inform the military advisory group in China that he was planning to attack the Soviet Union, but instead ordered anyone staying in the Soviet territory to immediately go to China.

Falkenhausen was also well-established in this field, so he had roughly expected it, but was quite surprised when the second German-Soviet war actually broke out.

But although I was surprised, I wasn't confused.

The Soviet Union is Germany's biggest enemy. Although this war resulted in the loss of all the valuable lands in the West and loss of power, the national power that came from that weight class could not be ignored.

Falkenhausen also did not expect that Stalin would endure this humiliation and be content with just living until his death.

No matter how many years it takes, the Soviet Union will certainly gain strength and attempt a revenge war against Germany, and if the United States becomes involved, Europe will be swept up in the devastation of war again.

Before that happens, we must attack the Soviet Union while it is in chaos, as it is now, to prevent future disasters.

Therefore, Falkenhausen enthusiastically supported the Führer's decision.

"How do you think the second war between Germany and the Soviet Union will end?"

"I think it is a bit early to discuss whether the war will be won or lost on the first day of the war. However, from my limited insight, wouldn't it end in defeat for the Soviet Union? "There is no place in the present-day Soviet Union where gunfire cannot be heard."

The Jewish uprisings that took place in the Far East were almost all suppressed, and it was safe to say that Kulik's uprising was also almost completely destroyed, judging from Kulik's current actions.

However, Central Asians were still fighting against the Soviet Union with great vigor and calling for independence.

"Still, I'm a little worried… … The Soviet Union remains the world's largest country with a population of over 100 million people. I don't know what the Führer's goal is, but if the Soviet Union pushes the war into a long-term war using its territory and population as a shield, it will not be good for Germany either. "I hope the war ends before then."

"Right. Anyway, I hope that Fuhrer Hitler will take this opportunity to cleanse the face of these communists. "The Soviet Union is a pest-like country that has caused great harm not only to Germany but also to us, China."

Even if Germany's military power was the highest in the world, it could not occupy all of the vast territory of the Soviet Union.

However, even if the Soviet Union could not be completely destroyed from the face of the earth, Chiang Kai-shek was satisfied with crushing it to a level where it could never recover.

"Why not have a drink on this beautiful day? "I want the enemy to make a toast."

"Is that okay?"

"of course! "We are winning the war, but we can't stay like losers forever!"

Japan was also in the process of being defeated, and the Soviet Union, which was supposed to be China's biggest obstacle after Japan's defeat, was also about to fall.

Chiang Kai-shek opened a bottle of champagne prepared for the victory ceremony.

It may be a bit early, but on such a beautiful day, shouldn't there be a drink to go with it?

"For eternal friendship and a bright future between China and Germany!"



November 26, 1943

Washington DC White House, USA

Hitler. This damn human being... … !

Wallace felt like the back of his head was on fire.

The moment he heard the news that a civil war broke out in the Soviet Union, what came to his mind was Hitler and Nazi Germany. The most dangerous country in the world, led by a greedy dictator.

Wallace was worried that Hitler's Germany might take advantage of the civil war in the Soviet Union to start a new war in Europe.

So he considered sending a warning to Germany not to interfere in Soviet affairs, and he really tried to put it into practice.

However, everyone in the White House, including Hull, Leahy, and Marshall, came forward and desperately opposed it.

Germany should not be provoked first even before the ink is dry on the peace treaty signed with Germany.

Now is the time to focus our energies on the war against Japan.

And even if we did warn them, if Hitler ignored them, it would not only be the end, but it could also have given Germany an excuse for the United States to intervene first.

Above all, the ministers and generals were strongly dissatisfied with Wallace's attempt to infringe on America's national interests in favor of the communist Soviet Union.

"dismissal. "Your Excellency is the President of the United States."

"Be sure. "Do America's national interests come first, or the security of the Soviet Union?"

"However, if the Soviet Union falls at the hands of Germany, the United States will also suffer."

Wallace also had something to say. The only countries on earth that can go 1:1 with Germany are the United States and the Soviet Union.

However, if the Soviet Union collapsed, only the United States would be left, and it was too much of a burden and at the same time dangerous for the United States to face Germany, which had taken over Europe alone without the help of the Soviet Union.

Before that happens, wouldn't it be best for America's national interests and security to help the Soviet Union keep Germany in check?

But Hull's thoughts were opposite to those of Wallace. Hull asked Wallace what he would do if he warned Germany and Germany ignored the warning and invaded the Soviet Union.

"You're not planning to answer by saying we're going to war with Germany again, are you?"


"Oh my God, Your Excellency. In this case, how much would Germany look down on the United States? They will think of me as a braggart who says he won't go to war. "If we act carelessly to protect the Soviet Union, we could end up with even greater national losses."

Wallace was not unaware of the fact that Congress and citizens would not accept it if war with Germany started again three months after the armistice.

He also had no intention of going to war with Germany again for the Soviet Union.

Even Wallace, who was the most conciliatory toward the Soviet Union among non-communist party members, had at least a sense of reality that this should not be the case.

"War is not necessarily the only answer. "Aren't there economic sanctions?"

Since war could not be chosen for practical reasons, the next best option for Wallace was economic sanctions.

After the signing of the US-German Peace Treaty, Germany began full-fledged economic recovery and began to actively attract American companies.

However, if economic sanctions were imposed now, Germany's economic recovery would naturally be delayed, and it could have been a measure to strangle the Hitler regime by talking about an economic recession.

But Hull said it as if it made no sense.

"It is possible to damage the German economy with economic sanctions. But didn't you think that our companies would also suffer from the same measure?"

American companies that had maintained close relationships with Germany even before the war also showed active efforts to enter the European market dominated by Germany.

However, if the government suddenly announces economic sanctions against Germany and blocks these companies from entering Europe, the backlash from companies would not be a joke.

Wallace sighed as the ground fell.

"Then what should I do?"

"It's simple. "Hitler and Stalin are just watching, regardless of whether they fight or not."

The position of Hull, his ministers, and the generals was simple and clear. Let's leave it alone whether Germany and the Soviet Union fight each other bloody or not, and let's focus on our own work.

"Minister. I didn't tell you. "If the Soviet Union falls-"

"But we can't go to war with Germany again, can we? We can't kill our companies with our own hands. And, Sir, the Soviet Union is a country that even planted spies in the United States of America. In other words, to those Russians, we are their enemies just like Germany. Don't you think it's funny that we unilaterally consider the other side a friend when the other side actually considers us an enemy?

And what would the public think if economic sanctions were imposed on Germany to help the Soviet Union? "Please remember that our people's resentment toward the Soviet Union has not yet disappeared."

Wallace's plan to save the Soviet Union from Hitler's Germany and further pressure Germany was shattered without even being able to move forward in the cold rejection of the White House family.

Ministers also expressed opposition to providing material support to the Soviet Union. Then, if the public finds out, what are you going to do about it?

'You're such idiots that you think Nazis can be business partners...' … .'

'Really, which country's president is he? … .'

Wallace swallowed his anger as he saw the ministers taking Germany's dangers too lightly, and the ministers sighed as they saw the pro-Soviet president taking action without any measures.


November 28, 1943

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

The third day of the war.

The German people were also confused about the suddenly announced special military operation.

I thought the war was completely over, but three months later it's war again. Also, are we going to attack first this time?

The SD report stated that areas where there were many people waiting for their husbands and sons who had gone to war did not appear to be very enthusiastic about the special military operation.

Rather, there were very few, but clear, responses asking whether there was any need for another war.

Still, the general reaction was that everyone was cheering, saying that this time they could definitely put an end to the Soviet Union.

Germany had already achieved an overwhelming victory in the first war against the Soviet Union, and even succeeded in defeating Britain and the United States and forcing them to sign a humiliating peace treaty.

So what is there to be afraid of?

Even the minority who are confused by the war are generally convinced of Germany's victory, so is there any need for further explanation?

Israel, established in the Far East, eventually collapsed. The Jewish Autonomous Oblast was devastated by the Soviet army's merciless suppression, and some Jews fled across the border to Manchukuo.

Japan, which ruled Manchukuo, did not particularly welcome these Jewish refugees, but did not hand them over to the Soviet Union.

It seemed that Japan, too, was trying to cut off the Soviet Union (although they too were facing destruction).

Kulik, who had rebelled, was currently in China. Falkenhausen of China sent a telegram in which Kulik promised to convey various secrets of the Soviet Union he knew to the Kulik government in exchange for asylum in China, and Chiang Kai-shek was said to be very satisfied with Kulik's proposal.

Who would have thought that the rare shooting star in the history of the Soviet military would go this far and spread shit on the Soviet Union.

Of course, the most fundamental cause of the current situation is Stalin, so Kulik is not the only one to blame.

If you think about it, no matter how much nonsense Kulik said, it wouldn't have happened if Stalin had cut it.

However, Stalin accepted Kulik's bullshit as nonsense, and the result was a disaster in the form of a decline in the quality of the Soviet military.

Although this is a very welcome event for Germany, there will be no such disaster for the Soviet Union and the Soviet Army.

"By the way, America is surprisingly quiet. "I thought there would definitely be an uproar."

Surprisingly, the United States has not shown any significant response until the third day of the war.

Especially since the current US president is Wallace, who can be said to be the ultimate pro-Soviet faction.

Of course, the United States did not remain completely still, and called Papen, saying that the United States was viewing this war with a very serious eye and requesting that the war with the Soviet Union end as soon as possible for the sake of world peace.

However, as I was expecting a stronger statement than that, I couldn't help but be surprised by the weaker level than I expected.

"Aren't you still acting passively because of the memories of being scolded by the National Defense Forces?"

"They are clearly intimidated by the outstanding leadership of His Excellency the Fuhrer!"

"Wallace also realized that it would not be good for him to be hostile to us any longer. Hahaha!"

"Enough of flattery, you people. Anyway, it's a good thing that the United States came out more passively than expected. "Isn't this proof that you have no intention of going to war with us?"

The fact that the United States, which could act as the biggest variable in the second German-Soviet War, is coming out is clear evidence that the United States has no intention of intervening in this war.

Since we could provide land leases to the Soviet Union in the future, we cannot conclude that there was no U.S. intervention at all, but the mere fact that there was no direct engagement with the U.S. was a huge advantage for us.

This is a fight that cannot be lost, as millions of defense forces and Axis forces can only be deployed on the Eastern Front.