

While civil wars raged in Italy and Greece, presidential elections were held in the United States.‌​‎‍


The result was a comfortable landslide victory for incumbent President Dewey.


This extended Dewey's term until 1953.‌​‎‍


One month after the US presidential election,


Finally, the gunfire stopped in Europe.‌​‎‍


Greece suffered enormous damage, with the entire country being devastated, and Italy also suffered significant damage, although not as much as Greece.‌​‎‍


The fact that the debt owed to Germany has increased is a bonus.


Even though the civil war was over, there was still work to be done.‌​‎‍


"Bring everyone out! "Don't miss a single one!"




"Come here, you bastards!"


"You fucking bastards!"


All those who joined the Communist Party or sympathized with it were arrested.‌​‎‍ All of their families and relatives.


If the target's relatives and friends were deemed not to be particularly suspicious, they were released after completing a 'brief investigation', but in unlucky cases, they were taken to prison.‌​‎‍


Those who were more unlucky went straight to the execution site.‌​‎‍


Even though the civil war ended, blood continued to flow.‌​‎‍


In Italy and Greece, the German army had only a security role. The task of arresting rebellious rebels and their followers was solely the job of the local military and police.‌​‎‍


Of course, there were German orders behind it, but on the surface, the German military did not seem to be involved in this series of large-scale arrests.‌​‎‍


This was also due to orders from Berlin.


There are many locals who feel uncomfortable just because of Germany's intervention, but if it interferes more than necessary, it will not look good.‌​‎‍


Therefore, the German military officially only maintains security and leaves arrests to the local military and police.‌​‎‍


Of course, among the arrested traitors, all the major figures were handed over to Germany.‌​‎‍


Neither the Italian government nor the Greek government had any hesitation in handing over the weightlifters to Germany. Just dealing with the minors was a headache, but there was no reason to refuse that Germany would take care of the heavyweights.‌​‎‍


"W-Where am I?"


"Rest assured. "It's Germany."


"Do, Germany… … ?!"


"Why on earth am I in Germany-"


"Are you asking because you don't know? "That's because you're a communist."


"ruler. Take a slow breath and go in.‌​‎‍"


"Now, wait a minute- ugh!!!"


The heavyweights who were transported to Germany spent 'serious time' with friendly Gestapo agents.‌​‎‍ For the first time in a while, the Gestapo's dungeons were filled with prisoners.‌​‎‍


The prisoners were terrified as they heard the screams and cries of their comrades coming from the torture room. The time waiting for their turn was the most nightmarish time for the prisoners. ‌​‎‍


The prisoners could hardly calm down because they knew what would happen in the future.‌​‎‍


"Hey, come out."


"Um, you mean me?"


"Then who else is there besides you?"


"Come out quickly while I have good words to say. "You know if I don't listen, right?"


When their turn finally came, the prisoners who had heard the screams of their colleagues became meek sheep and walked to the interrogation room.‌​‎‍


"Help me!"


"I will do anything you ask me to do! So please! "At least your life!"


"I'll tell you everything I know!!"


And as soon as he sat down, he begged for his life and expressed his submission.‌​‎‍


This entire process was completed smoothly.‌​‎‍




Every day, the newspapers were full of articles about the shameless crimes committed by the Communist Party and its henchmen during the civil war.‌​‎‍


He terrorized and killed the families of military and police officers, raped women, and exterminated them along with their entire families simply because they had bad relations with him, then branded them as 'reactionaries', etc.


People were furious and trembled at the Communist Party's atrocities. And with one voice, they shouted for strong punishment. ‌​‎‍


Death to the human race that betrayed humanity.


Heavenly punishment to those who gave up on being human.


The leading figures of the Italian and Greek communists, democrats, and anarchists were brought to Germany and tried.‌​‎‍


Except for the very few who were deemed useful, all were sentenced to death, and most were executed on the day of sentencing.‌​‎‍


The leader of the Italian Communist Party, Palmiro Togliatti, and his henchmen also became dewdrops on the execution ground.‌​‎‍ To prevent them from being deified by communists, their remains were ground into small pieces and scattered in the Baltic Sea.‌​‎‍


Since ancient times, it is best to beat up communists. As long as I live, I can never tolerate the communists setting up positions not only in Germany but also in Europe.‌​‎‍


Even after dirt got in my eye.‌​‎‍


"Anarchists are no different from communists. Rather, they are idiots who are even more clueless than communists. "We need to take this opportunity to eradicate these guys as well."


"Would it be possible? Mr. President, we, the SS, will take responsibility and ensure that it is eradicated.‌​‎‍"


Himmler, who was an expert in such matters, smiled and walked away.‌​‎‍


"You can't be the King of Italy now. Vittorio, that man has lost the trust of the people. "If he continues to do so, there will be a second or third civil war."


"You are right.‌​‎‍"


No matter how much he expressed his intention to surrender, Vittorio Emanuele III was a man who could not be used. The Italian people's support for him, which was already low, plummeted to the bottom during the civil war.‌​‎‍


In order to alleviate even a little of the dissatisfaction of Italians, it is necessary to change him first.‌​‎‍


"The same goes for the National Fascist Party. "Let's disband the fascist party and create a new party with those who listen to us."


"I understand, Mr. President."


"Nevertheless, we have selected a few suitable candidates.‌​‎‍"


There was not much interest in Italy and Greece.‌​‎‍ But now that these two countries are also in Germany's arms, there is a need to modify them to suit our tastes.‌​‎‍


Unlike Italy, Greece did not need to do much.‌​‎‍ Greece originally did not have very high support for the Communist Party, and almost all of the Communist Party's gangs were wiped out in the civil war.‌​‎‍


In addition, unlike Italy, which is relatively safe as there are no particularly threatening hostile countries other than Germany, all countries bordering Greece are hostile countries that want Greece's destruction.‌​‎‍


That's why Greece quietly followed what we told it to do. It was a much better choice for the Greeks to become part of Germany than to be killed by Turkey, Bulgaria, and Albania.


"Tell me to step down from the throne."


"That's right.‌​‎‍"


"The people have already turned their backs.‌​‎‍ No one in this country wants you on the throne.‌​‎‍"


"If you want to maintain the monarchy, please step down now."


"this person… … !!!"


At first, Vittorio resisted requests to step down from the throne, saying he could not do so.


But even if you don't like it, what can you do? I don't like it, and the people say they don't like it either.


"The incompetent king must step down!"


"If you have a conscience, take the minimum responsibility!"


Now that the National Fascist Party, which was supposed to be his loyal dog, was disbanded, there was nothing to protect Vittorio.‌​‎‍


As angry people burned Vittorio's photos and held protests every day, Vittorio was cornered.


Since it was not an abolition of the monarchy but a request for personal retirement of King Vittorio, there was no significant reaction even in the south, which was relatively friendly to the monarchy.‌​‎‍


"-Therefore, I declare that I will step down from the position of King of Italy as of today… … ."


Bowing to public opinion, Vittorio had no choice but to abdicate and hand over the throne to his son.


"That's a wise decision.‌​‎‍"


"You made a truly courageous decision.‌​‎‍"


"We, Germany, will protect you safely for the rest of your life.‌​‎‍"


"… … "Thank you."


Umberto II, who became the fourth king of the Kingdom of Italy, was a friend with whom he could communicate better than his father.‌​‎‍


He sent a messenger and earnestly requested that Germany help rebuild Italy, saying that he would accept all of Germany's conditions.‌​‎‍


Of course, I also plan to contribute to the reconstruction of Italy.‌​‎‍ Anyway, I just have to add it to the compensation and get it all back later.


The Italian army was expected to receive supervision and training from the German army and be reborn as a strong army worthy of the country's name, Italy, rather than the ragtag army it had been before.


For this purpose, German-made equipment was provided, and the doctrine was modified accordingly.‌​‎‍


All the generals who opposed this were stripped of their clothes and young talents were put in their place.‌​‎‍


The young officers, who were loyal to their country, Italy, but had to be hit and run by incompetent superiors, swore allegiance to Germany and National Socialism.


Lastly, Switzerland. Switzerland is a neutral country and has never fought against Germany, but when Italy and Greece completely fell into German hands, Switzerland also changed its mind.


It is much more beneficial to fall into Germany's arms like everyone else, rather than remaining a superficially neutral country.


"The Swiss government has just applied to join the Axis powers.‌​‎‍"




With even Switzerland joining the Axis powers, all European countries except the Vatican became members of the Axis Alliance.‌​‎‍


It was a pleasant end to 1948.‌​‎‍




The origins of the European Union (EU) begin with a speech on European institutions made by Churchill in Zurich, Switzerland in September 1946, immediately after World War II.‌​‎‍


Two years later, the three Benelux countries signed a customs union, and two years later, on May 9, 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman gave a speech about German-French relations.‌​‎‍


This day was designated as 'Europe Day' 35 years later, and the 'Chiman Declaration' was signed by the three countries of France, West Germany, Italy, and Benelux and signed the Paris Treaty, establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (European Coal and Steel Community), which can be considered the predecessor of the European Union. This is because it became an opportunity for the birth of the Steel Community.‌​‎‍


After advancing to the Ural Mountains and receiving the surrender of the Soviet Union, I planned to create an organization similar to the European Union in this world.‌​‎‍


You may ask whether there is a need to establish a separate organization called the European Union since there are already Axis powers, but the Axis powers are fundamentally different from the European Union.‌​‎‍


Unlike the European Union, which aims for political-economic cooperation and integration, the Axis powers are closer to military alliances like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the Warsaw Pact in real history.‌​‎‍


In order for Germany to securely dominate Europe, it needed an organization that could control politics and economy separately from the military alliance.‌​‎‍


Since all of Europe had already been taken over by Germany, there were no voices opposing it.‌​‎‍ Who would dare to think of rebelling against Germany? That too in Europe.


Preparations for the creation of the European Union went smoothly.‌​‎‍


Only Portugal's Salazar, who dreamed of a peaceful rural nation, reacted hesitantly to the plan to create the European Union, but soon turned in favor.‌​‎‍


Well, if you're going to give up any time soon, don't step forward. That's why it's not for nothing that they say that if you stay still, you'll get halfway there.


"The purpose of creating the European Union (Europäische Union) is not that grand. It is to create a unified Europe, which has been the wish of all Europeans for a long time, and to contribute to world peace beyond Europe.‌ ​‎‍"


In front of the broadcasting station's cameras, I explained the reasons and purpose of the creation of the European Union.‌​‎‍


Prevent the possibility of war between member countries in advance.


Protect European freedom and culture from the threat of communism and spread the ideals of National Socialism.


Starting with the coal and steel markets, it will contribute to the economic revival of Europe as a whole in the future.


Ultimately, we will create a politically and economically unified Europe and spread the ideals of National Socialism.


This was the reason and purpose of the European Union as I envisioned it.‌​‎‍


Naturally, the German people gave overwhelming support to this idea.‌​‎‍


"Dream comes true!"


"I can't believe that our generation will see the unification of Europe!"


"Long live the Fuhrer! Long live Germany! Long live Europe!"


The flag was also decided in advance.‌​‎‍


Twelve stars in a circle on a navy blue background.


That's right.‌​‎‍ It is the European Union flag in reality.‌​‎‍


"Well, what do you think?"


"As expected, His Excellency the President has an excellent sense of aesthetics!"


Just as the Axis flag was designed with a white Hakenkreuz on a black background, I thought about designing the European flag similarly, but somehow I thought it would be fun to follow the real one, so I copied the real EU flag.‌​‎‍


The EU, which has become a target of attack by the European extreme right as a symbol of liberal democracy and multiculturalism, has now become a symbol of national socialism and anti-communist dictatorship. How fun is this?




January 13, 1949


Washington DC White House, USA


Across the ocean in Europe, the news that Germany had created the European Union became a hot topic in the United States and the world.‌​‎‍


Dewey, who had already acknowledged Germany's hegemony over Europe, was not very impressed with the creation of the European Union. Everyone knows that the entire Europe fell into the hands of Nazi Germany, but is there anything special about it?


The creation of the European Union was a declaration and preparatory work by Germany and Hitler to govern Europe more clearly, so it was a serious matter to ignore, but it was something that the United States could not interfere with. Unless.


There was something else he was really worried about.‌​‎‍


"Chiang Kai-shek, what on earth is this guy thinking?"


Although the war ended a long time ago, China still could not recover all of the damage caused by the war, and many of the 550 million Chinese people were barely making ends meet with aid sent to China by the United States.‌​‎‍


The United States, having learned of rampant corruption in the Chinese Nationalist Party, requested Chiang Kai-shek to eradicate corruption and reform, and Chiang accepted, but the reforms he promised were sluggish.


It was difficult to blame all of this entirely on Chiang Kai-shek.‌​‎‍ Chiang Kai-shek was also not unaware of how important it was to eradicate corruption and reform, but in order to solve this problem, it was necessary to establish a relationship between corrupt officials, soldiers, and local officials deeply rooted throughout China. It had to be destroyed from the beginning.‌​‎‍


However, this was not as easy as it sounds, and Chiang Kai-shek did not have the will to solve it right away.


Therefore, contrary to the United States' intention, most of the aid provided to China was being deposited into the pockets of corrupt officials and warlords, not starving Chinese people.‌​‎‍


This alone was enough to create a stir, but Chiang Kai-shek was making suspicious moves.‌​‎‍


The ranks of the National Revolutionary Army heading towards the China-Mongolia border and supply stations set up here and there.


German weapons sent to China via Central Asia.


Even the remaining German military advisors in China.


These could only mean one thing.‌​‎‍


Just war