Exam Test and Relationship Test

Nneoma and Tunde's relationship was blossoming, but the looming MOCK examinations cast a shadow over their happiness. The stress of studying and preparing for the exams began to take its toll on both of them.

Nneoma, usually a high achiever, felt the pressure to perform well, and her anxiety levels skyrocketed. She became withdrawn and distant, spending most of her time studying and rehearsing past questions.

Tunde, trying to be supportive, offered to help her study, but Nneoma pushed him away, feeling like she needed to do it alone. "I'll be fine, Tunde. Just leave me alone for now," she snapped, her frustration boiling over.

Tunde, taken aback by her harsh tone, tried to reason with her. "Nneoma, I'm just trying to help. We can study together and support each other."

But Nneoma was too far gone, her stress and anxiety consuming her. "No, Tunde. I need to focus. Just give me space."

The tension between them grew, as Tunde felt rejected and Nneoma felt overwhelmed. They began to argue more frequently, their conversations strained and tense.

One evening, as they sat in the library, studying separately, Tunde finally confronted her. "Nneoma, what's going on? You're shutting me out, and it feels like you don't want me around."

Nneoma sighed, her eyes welling up with tears. "I'm just so stressed, Tunde. I feel like I'm going to fail, and it's all too much."

Tunde's expression softened, and he reached out to her. "Hey, it's okay. We'll get through this together. We can study together, and I'll support you every step of the way."

But Nneoma pulled away, her pride and fear getting the better of her. "No, Tunde. I need to do this alone."

The distance between them grew, as they both struggled to find a balance between their relationship and their studies. The MOCK examinations loomed closer, and the stress threatened to tear them apart.