A Helping Hand

Nneoma couldn't help but notice that Tunde seemed off lately. He was distant, and preoccupied, and his usual enthusiasm was waning. She also noticed that his grades were slipping, a stark contrast to his initial excellence.

Concerned, Nneoma approached Tunde after class one day. "Hey, is everything okay? You seem a bit off lately, and your grades are suffering," she said, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Tunde shrugged, trying to brush it off. "I'm just a bit stressed, that's all. I'll get back on track soon."

But Nneoma wasn't convinced. She knew Tunde was capable of better, and she sensed that something was amiss. "Let me help you, Tunde. We can study together, and I can help you catch up on your assignments," she offered, her eyes sparkling with encouragement.

Tunde hesitated, unsure if he should accept her offer. But Nneoma's kindness and genuine interest in his well-being won him over. "Thanks, Nneoma. I appreciate it," he said, a small smile creeping onto his face.

As they began to study together, Nneoma was unaware of the weight that Tunde carried. She didn't know about the scholarship, the pressure to perform, or the fear of failure that haunted him. All she knew was that her friend needed help, and she was determined to provide it.

With Nneoma's support, Tunde's grades began to improve, and his confidence soared. He was grateful for her help, but he also felt a twinge of guilt. He knew he couldn't reveal the truth about his scholarship, fearing that she would see him differently.

As they continued to study together, Tunde realized that Nneoma's help went beyond just academics. She had reminded him that he wasn't alone, that there were people who cared about him and wanted to see him succeed. And for that, he was eternally grateful.