Prologue : Journey To Freedom

Jake Carter sat on the worn wooden bench in his backyard, the summer sun casting long shadows as it began its descent. The air was thick with the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant hum of cicadas, a symphony of nostalgia that tugged at his heart. In his hands, he held a thick envelope, the college acceptance letter that had arrived months ago and remained unopened.

His parents, both alumni of prestigious universities, had been ecstatic when they learned he'd been accepted to their alma mater. For them, it was a dream fulfilled. But for Jake, it felt like a weight, an obligation that didn't fit with the rhythm of his soul.

He glanced toward the house, where his parents were preparing dinner. Their laughter floated through the open windows, a reminder of the life they'd carefully planned for him. A life that, despite their good intentions, felt suffocating.

Jake's gaze shifted to the old map pinned to his bedroom wall, visible through the window. It was a relic from his childhood, filled with pins marking the places he dreamt of visiting. The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, New York City, Paris, Tokyo. Places that had fueled his imagination and desire for adventure. Places that, until now, had only been fantasies.

He remembered the first time he'd pinned a location on that map. He was eight, and his teacher had asked the class to draw their dream destination. While others sketched castles and amusement parks, Jake drew a sprawling landscape with mountains, rivers, and endless skies. His teacher had smiled and asked, "Where is this, Jake?"

He'd looked up, eyes bright with excitement. "Everywhere."

Now, a decade later, the boy who'd dreamed of seeing everywhere felt trapped. The future laid out for him—a future of lecture halls and exams—seemed to stretch out endlessly, a path that led away from his dreams.

As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, Jake made a decision. He carefully opened the acceptance letter, the crisp paper rustling in the quiet evening. His eyes scanned the congratulatory message, but his heart remained unmoved. This wasn't his path.

He pulled out his phone and began to type a message to his parents. His fingers trembled slightly, but with each word, his resolve strengthened. He told them he needed to talk, that there was something important he had to say. He pressed send, took a deep breath, and stood up.

Inside, his parents were setting the table, their faces lighting up as he entered. "Jake, dinner's almost ready. We made your favorite," his mom said, her smile radiant.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad. But before we eat, I need to talk to you about something."

They exchanged glances, concern flickering in their eyes. "What is it, son?" his dad asked, his voice steady but tinged with worry.

Jake took a deep breath, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I know you both have high hopes for me to go to college and follow in your footsteps. And I appreciate everything you've done to make that possible. But… I've realized that it's not what I want right now. I want to travel, to see the world, to experience life outside of textbooks and classrooms. I want to follow my dreams."

The silence that followed was deafening. His parents' faces were a mix of shock, confusion, and a hint of disappointment. His mom was the first to speak. "Jake, we just want what's best for you. Traveling is dangerous, and college is a sure path to a successful future."

"I understand that, Mom. But success isn't just about a degree or a career. It's about living a life that makes me happy, that fulfills me. I need to do this. For myself."

His dad sighed, rubbing his temples. "Have you thought this through? Do you have a plan?"

Jake nodded. "I've been saving up from my part-time jobs. It's not much, but it's enough to get started. I'll work along the way, find odd jobs, and make it work. I'm not asking for your approval, just your understanding."

His mom's eyes filled with tears, but she nodded slowly. "We're scared for you, Jake. But we raised you to be strong and independent. If this is truly what you want, we'll support you."

His dad extended a hand, pulling Jake into a tight embrace. "Just promise us you'll be careful, and that you'll keep in touch."

"I promise," Jake said, relief washing over him.

That night, after dinner, Jake went to his room and stared at the map. He took a red marker and drew a circle around his hometown. This was where his journey would begin. He packed a backpack with essentials—clothes, a journal, a camera, and the map. The next morning, with the sun rising behind him, he stepped out the door, ready to embrace the unknown.

As he walked away from the familiar, Jake felt a sense of exhilaration and freedom. The world awaited, filled with places to see, people to meet, and experiences to cherish. This was the start of his adventure, his journey to freedom.