Cetus & Cancer: part 2




That's more like it!

Now monster…

Show me what you've learned!


(I will not let this person, no, this devil, leave without a bullet wound in him…)

What was it you told me?

If I could defeat you, then you'd leave me alone?

That you'd no longer blame me?

Today is that day.

The day I never see you again

The day I hear you say, I'm not a monster…


(I-I can't believe it…)

(It's so hard to keep my pride hidden!)

(That killing intent!)

(That look in his eyes!)

(He's exceeded all of my expectations!)

(As a teacher, I couldn't be prouder…)

(But as a hitman…I have a paycheck to collect…)

Well then, why don't you try shooting me?!


(He's clearly trying to bait me into attacking…)

(But I don't care!)




A mindless attack

I was hoping for more from you…

You've never seen my Manifesto, have you?

I guess that's to my advantage then…


What do you mean by that?!


If this is the kind of strategy you're using, then you wouldn't understand anyways…



Wh-what did you just do?

I don't feel any different…

You haven't disappeared…

I can still see your Manifesto…


James suddenly looks down and sees that his leg is rippling like water


Is this it!?

Is that your attack!?

That's nothing, you just made my leg a little wobbly…

So what?

I can still—

A bite gets taken out of James's arm


James collapses to the ground in pain

I knew it!

You did something to me!

Is this your attack!?

Is this what your Manifesto does!?

Well, I can still fire at you, 






What's the matter?

Can't see your little lizard?



So the bite wasn't your only attack?!

Was it?!

Did you stop me from using my Manifesto too?!


Now, what kind of hitman would I be if I went around telling people about my Manifesto?

As a teacher, I want you to know that I want you to succeed…

But as an adversary…

I know you'll only understand once it's too late…

(Be strong, student…)

(Think about it…)

(Come to your own conclusions about what's happening)


(Is that weak looking thing his Manifesto?)

(It has to be…)

(So what's its power?)

(I can't see Lacerta anymore…)

(It was after the bite…)

(Could it be!?)


Unfortunately for you, I've figured out your Manifesto!

And I know how to defeat it…


Aren't you scared?


Isn't it terrifying?

Someone fueled by a grudge, knowing your pow–



James screams in pain as another bite gets taken out of him


That's for mouthing off to your elder…

Didn't you learn anything from me?

Boasting doesn't work…

The minute you see someone boasting about their victory before winning, they've lost…


(What the fuck!)

(I didn't see his Manifesto move at all!)

(How could he have attacked without moving?)

(I made sure to put distance between us when the fight started…)

(From this distance, I should have the advantage!)

(But I can't see Lacerta!)

(I have no way to gauge accuracy like this!)


You seem confused…

It's a simple concept really, the strong try to look weak, and the weak try to look strong.

So, monster, which are you?

Are you going to show me?

Or will you keep letting me tear chunks out of your flesh?


(I hate to say it, but he's right…)

(I can't keep letting myself get hit…)

(Before I can do anything, I have to figure out what exactly his Manifesto does…)

James opens his arms, as if accepting his defeat



What are you doing?

Are you trying to lure me in?

Are you thinking without your Manifesto, you might be able to physically outmatch me?



(What am I going to do!?)

(Calm down…)

(Think rationally, act upon reason and evidence…)

(This isn't a foe I'll be able to brute force…)

(Like always, it'll be about finding the opening for the perfect shot…)

(It'll show itself eventually…)

(Just be patient)



Mercury stares at James

Mercury twitches in fear

(Wh-what is this feeling?)

(I-is it fear?)

(Am I feeling scared of him?!)

Something about you seems different…

Your posture?

Your stance?

(No, while he's become more defensive in his form…)

(What really shook me…)

(Was his eyes!)

(They're no longer clouded by a killing intent, instead something else has replaced that!)

(He's become cautious, he knows he can't win at this pace, so he's taking a step back to rethink his strategy!)

(But…that killing intent still isn't gone!)

(No…if anything…)

(It's stronger than ever!)

As he says this, it zooms in again on James eyes

(I just wasn't scared before, because he didn't have anything substantial to back it up!)

(But if he's taking the fight seriously, then…)

(I might not make it out of here alive!)

James just stares down Mercury

Narrator box

In that moment of calm from the onslaught of attacks…

James' brain began moving kilometres per minute!

He knew this might be the only chance he gets to come up with a strategy to defeat Mercury!


(That look on his face…)

(Good. He's scared…)

(While he's rattled, use this time to think!)

(He refuses to close the distance…)

(Meaning he's worried about engaging me in close quarters…)

(But he could definitely overpower me if it came down to it…)

(And I can't touch his Manifesto…)

(Which means…there's something else I have that's discouraging him…)

(What could it be?)

(I don't carry weapons with me…)

(No, it's not him he's worried about.)

(It's gotta be his Manifesto!)

(There must be something here that could hurt his Manifesto!)

(And the fact he hasn't retracted it yet, means his Manifesto needs to be out for his power to work!)

(So as long as he wants the advantage, he has to sabotage himself as well!)

(It must be the steam coming out from in between the seams in the rag!)

(But that wouldn't explain the bite marks!)

James looks down at the wounds on his arm


(Now that I think about it…)

(I recognize these teeth marks!)

(I didn't even realise until now, I must have been too focussed on Mercury to notice…)

(These are the same bites as on those mobsters!)

(And, I didn't even consider it until now…)

(But those mobsters all travel in groups of two!)

(And his Manifesto doesn't have the teeth to make these marks…)

(And if he's so worried about his Manifesto getting hurt, then why would he send it so close to me!?)

(No, I might not be what he's worried about…)

(Yeah, it all makes sense now!)

(He's not alone!)






I know you're not alone Mercury!

Where's your partner!?


W-what do you mean?

There's no one else here!


No, no…

He's got us figured out

It's not like we gain anything now…

Who would've guessed?

The thorn in the boss's side turned out to be Mercury's best student?

I never would've thought you two knew each other!

But, I guess that doesn't really matter now…


(What's with his getup?)

(Who is this guy?)


Where are my manners?

James, it's a pleasure to meet you in person…

My name is May.

Mercury and I are the hitmen for the Casa Dei Re.

We answer directly to the boss.

I'll give him your regards after we've finished dealing with you.