Aries & Apus: part 1


Gregory…thank you for helping me get here.

But, from now on I can't have you with me, I can't put a child at risk when fighting.


Y-you're not planning to face their boss?!

Are you?!

You barely made it out of that last fight, you're still bleeding and injured!

James looks down at his arm, and clenches it tightly


It doesn't matter, I've come too far to turn back right now.

Surely, he's noticed me standing out here, he must have sent someone out here already.

The door begins to open





Use Cirinus to protect yourself!

Gregory begins sprinting off of the path, with the map in hand


Aww, why did you have to do that?

We could've gotten two at once, the boss always appreciates new recruits.


Are you two really the boss' last line of defence?

I gotta say, I expected more from the guys guarding the boss.


Well, looks can be deceiving, can't they James?


(So I was right, they do know me!)

(I guess that means I can't expect an easy fight from them)


James Spectre: a detective located in New York City, New York State. Height: 182 cm or 5'11". Age: 21, born to a David Spectre and one Mary Spectre. Both deceased, both killed by gunshot wounds. No one could locate the murder weapon, however, it was not a secret that David would beat his child, and that the child hated his parents.


What are you doing!?

What are you trying to prove by saying all this?!

That you know me?!

Is that it?!

Is that what you're trying to prove?!


You didn't let him finish!



You cut me off before I got to the best part of this biography James, James Paul Spectre, dead 1918-1939


What are you implying?

That you'll kill me?

Are you sure about that?

Do you really want to try that?


We're not implying anything…


Our word is law…

James glares at the two of them



James grabs his arm


That looks pretty bad.

Don't worry, in a few minutes, you won't even be able to feel your arm anymore.

Taylor begins walking towards James


(Fuck! I really can't fight them like this!)

(My arm is bleeding way too much!)

(I can't let this fight last long…)

James raises his left arm, with his fingers pointed like a gun

Taylor stops



Is this supposed to scare me?

Finger guns?

Haha, pew! Pew!

Right back atcha detective!


Oh, man. It's so funny to see what people do before their death.

Some accept what's coming, others struggle.

But I can't say any of them have had a sense of humour like that!

Pew! Pew!

How interesting!

That's your last action!




I mean, it's unique!

I'll give you that!



Taylor turns around


Eh? What do you want!?


Now's not the best time to taunt someone.

When someone thinks they're cornered, they get desperate…

We don't know what tricks he might have up his sleeve…

Just exercise caution!


Yeah, yeah. I get it. I'm not a child y'know!

Taylor turns back towards James and begins walking again


(What…was that?)

(These two aren't in sync at all!)

(If you told me these guys were professionals, I wouldn't believe you!)

(The way Taylor seems to be treating this as a game.)

(Well, if he has his guard down, then I might as well take advantage of that!)



James fires a bullet from his fingers



Protect me!

A Manifesto appears and the bullet gets lodged in its arm



(How'd you like that!)


A bullet hole appears in James' arm


(W-what just happened?!)

(It feels like Lacerta just got shot!)

(But how's that even possible!?)

(Does…does he have the same type of Manifesto as me?!)

(I've never seen something like that!)

(Could it be possible?)


Are you feeling the effects of getting shot in your arm?

Not a great feeling, huh?

Fortunately, it didn't lodge in your arm.

So you should be fine in the end.

But, tell me, honestly, how does it feel?

What do you think about my Aries?

Pretty impressive right?


I…don't…know if I'd say that…

James' breathing is heavy and laboured, struggling to draw each breath.


(What's this guy's deal?)

(I hate to say it, but he might have me outmatched!)


If it's not impressive, then how about majestic?


A work of art.

It's a gift isn't it?

None of the other Manifesto's in the Casa Dei Re can even compare!

Even if Mercury and May were the boss' personal hitmen…

…there's a reason we're his personal protection!

And that's cause he knows, no matter who they are, or how powerful they may be, they don't stand a chance against us two!

Taylor keeps walking towards James, Aries still behind him.


(That confidence!)

(There has to be some kind of trick behind how it works!)

(I just don't know how it works yet!)

(But I can figure this out…)

(I can solve it!)


What's with that look of fear?

Are you worried about why you got shot?

Don't be!

Why don't you aim for my head?

I'm sure that'll do the trick!

Just try it!


(Why's he so eager for me to attack him, but why?)

(Could it be that he's rebounding my attacks?)

(I'd have to test it to be sure!)

(I can't fire a bullet again, cause if I'm right, I'll just be hurt even more than before!)

(I'll have to do something light, but still something I'd feel!)

James runs towards a shocked Taylor



Taylor just stands there, ready for the attack

Lacerta just flicks Taylor



That was it!?

That was your big attack!?

That was pathetic!

What did you expect that to do?!


Taylor starts rolling on the ground from joy


(Laugh all you want Taylor.)

(Cause I just figured out the secret to your Manifesto!)

(You just bounce my attacks at me!)

James points his fingers at Deacon

(In that case, I'll just have to shoot your partn—)

A bomb goes off in front of James



Did you think I wouldn't notice you preparing to attack me?

Apus already has me protected.



Is that what you call your Manifesto?!

Apus, is it like apex? Like a predator at the top of the food chain?

Apus perches on Deacon's shoulder as Deacon walks forward


Ooh, I like that interpretation.

But, no.

Apus is in reference to the Greek constellation of the same name.

Apus signifies birds of paradise

I named it for the sake of the man who gave me this power.


Did you say…

…someone gave you a Manifesto!?


We aren't all so fortunate to receive Manifestos at birth.

Some of us would have never gained a Manifesto on our own.

However, he was there for me…

He appeared to me and gave me a Manifesto.

And when he did, I was found by Mercury and May, they were sent to kill me by the boss…

But Mercury stood up for me…

…he stood up for me.

He got the boss to trust me, and let me into his organisation.

That's why I must never let you meet the boss!

I must absolutely avenge Mercury, and honour my duties to the boss!