Manifesto Profiles 2

Manifesto: Lacerta

User: James Spectre

Ability: Can shoot its scales like bullets. Is able to heal itself from injuries.


Manifesto: Cetus

User: May

Ability: It has very powerful jaws, and is able to move through solid objects as if it were swimming through water.


Manifesto: Circinus

User: Gregory

Ability: Once a person has touched its map, it then will manipulate probabilities to bring them where they want to go. By following the given path, you guarantee a safe journey, however all bad luck is pushed off the path, meaning if a target steps off, they will then be subject to all the bad luck at once.


Manifesto: Musca

User: Krist & Kurt

Ability: This Manifesto is shared between two users. They are able to summon different parts of the Manifesto to them at any time.


Manifesto: Aries

User: Taylor

Ability: Can reflect any attacks back at the attacker.


Manifesto: Apus

User: Deacon

Ability: Can turn its feathers into small bombs. These bombs operate on a timer.