Lyra: part 2

James walks up on an old street sign where Alphabet St. can be faintly read on it


So this is it.

Alphabet St. isn't quite what I imagined it to be…

I think I set my expectations too high…

It looks like someone just came in here, demolished half the houses then dumped all their garbage on the street.

I guess the city stopped looking after it once they stopped giving it money

Doesn't seem like anyone cared enough to stick around to look after it…

James begins walking down the street looking around


(Even if I had a thousand guesses, I would never think this place was meant to house children…)

(...Nothing about this place seems safe in the slightest.)


James picks up an old poster off of the ground


"Welcome to Alphabet St.! A place of magic, amusement, education, and above all: security!"

"We provide top of the line classes to children ages 5-15"

"Free lodging and three meals a day are provided to all students: also including FREE checkups at the local sanitarium!"

Huh, given all of that, I can see why the government couldn't afford to keep this place up and running.

Especially not now, as much as I hate to say it, it's probably for the best this place was shut down.

This place must've cost a fortune to build–

Man in shadows

It did.

James turns around with Lacerta out


Who are you?

You know something about this place?

Man in shadows

As a matter of fact, I do.

The man steps out of the shadows


My name's Lynyrd Skynyrd, I was the lead architect responsible for designing Alphabet St.

The government approached me a few years ago with a proposition: Design a new neighbourhood in New York to help the children of veterans, to provide protection to them, and to make sure they would receive the same education that New York's upper class got to enjoy.

I've never been a huge fan of kids, but I was raised in the streets like a gutter rat, I felt like I could do better. I could create my dream childhood and give it to these children, so I went along with their idea and created schools, homes, sanitariums, gyms, you name it, we had it.

Alphabet St. was going to be my magnum opus.


Going to?

What happened?


Push back.

You know how I mentioned the kids of New York getting the same education as the upper class?

Don't know if you know this, but the rich tend to feel they deserve better for being born rich.

Avoiding combat wasn't enough for them, so they rallied hard against the city, using every means they could to put an end to Alphabet St.

They bribed politicians, used cops to threaten families, they even brought out mobsters to put pressure on anyone who wouldn't leave.


And that's how Alphabet St. became…this.



Their thugs came in and trashed the place, leaving the kids with nothing.


I-I'm sorry to hear that…

I'll take my leave…

James begins to leave as Lynyrd stands there

(Guess there wouldn't be any doctors to come out of here…)

(There's no way they could actually be able to have that much of an attachment…)


There was one success story.

James stops and turns around


She was one of the older kids, 15.

She was a very caring person and would always help around.

She'd pitch in here and there, never complained no matter how difficult the job was.

When she found out about the government's decision, she swore to us she would make something of herself to prove the program was a success.


Did she do it?


Of course she did!

She was a hard worker with the brains to back it up!

She went into nursing school as soon as she could.



(Nursing? If that's the case, maybe she would have connections to the "Mystery Doctor" I'm after!)



That piques your interest?


I was sent to search for a doctor around here, and when you mentioned she was a nurse, I figured she might know the person I'm looking for.


I don't know if she would…


Ah, thank you for all your help…


If you want to go meet her, she's just over there at the sanitarium.



She is?!

Where's the sanitarium!?


It's the large building on the corner. Very grandiose entrance, can't miss it.


Thank you!

James starts running for the sanitarium


(I wish that doctor wouldn't make me do his work in exchange for jobs like this…)

(Then again, I don't really have any room to complain, it's not like I could afford it to begin with…)

(...I should be grateful he's operating at all–)

James stops in his place


(What am I saying…?)

("I can't complain"?)

(Of course I can!)

Why should I do his dirty work to save my friend?!

How is that fair!?

(He mentioned how much money his clinics have been losing since this mystery doctor opened, but is that any reason to do this?)

(Who am I to close down a legitimate business?)

(What if this doctor's actually helping people?)

(What then? "Too bad, cough up the money or find somewhere nice to die?")

(What kind of world would that be?!)

(That goes against everything I stand for!)

(Forcing people to hide away and die like animals, I couldn't live with myself if I did that…)

(...On the other hand, there's a chance this doctor is actively hurting people…)

(...what if he's actually a serial killer and is torturing his patients?)

(Or what if he's just using this as a cover to steal organs from patients and resell them to rich clients?)

(Maybe he's doing this all for personal gain!)

(In that case, the "right" thing to do in this situation would be to shut this guy down!)

(Ugh! I'm just going in circles!)

(All this speculation is getting me nowhere!)

(I'll just have to go and see him for myself…)

James stands in front of the building, a sign outside reads "Alphabet St. Sanitarium: All are welcome!"


(...Once I can sit down and talk to the mystery doctor, that'll help me figure out who I should side with…)

(...Will Dr. Sunshine be money-grubbing, but well meaning, or will the illegal "mystery doctor" really be the good guy in this situation, and Dr. Sunshine's just trying to gauge money from struggling citizens?)

(All of the answers wait behind this door…)

James takes a breath



(I'll go in on the count of three…)


Lacerta's arm emerges



James puts his arm on the door handle



Concerned parent







Concerned parent (Talking to James)


You must help my daughter!


I-I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor!

Concerned parent

T-that can't be true!

M-my friends were all telling me to come here to meet the nice doctor who can heal people with magic!



(How would someone use magic?!)

(Does this doctor have a Manifesto?!)

(He uses it and it merely looks like magic to people who'd be none the wiser?!)

(If this guy has a Manifesto, then it's lucky Dr. Sunshine sent me after him!)

Sir, please stay calm, I believe the doctor to be right through this door!

He'll be able to help you!

(What am I doing, I haven't decided if I'll trust this guy!)

(With that said, I can't let a little girl die, and if he does anything suspicious, I'll have Lacerta ready to defend her!)

Follow me inside!

James opens the door



We have a problem!

This little girl is hurt!

She needs immediate help!


Hey, it's you…

The girl James bumped into from the last chapter is sitting in a chair inside the Sanitarium


Nurse, could you please find the doctor!

This little girl needs help!

Concerned parent

She came home coughing up blood! Please save her!

She's never been the healthiest child, but today was so much worse than usual!

I needed to go somewhere for help!


Please, lay her down here, I'll begin treatment immediately

Concerned parent

Nurse, could you please go get the doctor!

I need him to begin treating my daughter as soon as possible!

I'm not sure how much longer she can last!


If you're not sure, then that's all the more reason to SHUT YER TRAP AND LAY 'ER DOWN!!!


Sorry, sorry, my temper sometimes gets the better of me…

The woman takes a deep breath before looking back at James and the concerned Parent


I am very sorry, I should have introduced myself sooner.

My name is Caroline Sweet. 

Your friends were right.

I am the doctor that operates in this sanitarium




Outside of the building



They're making quite the commotion in there…

Orion smiles under his mask


Something interesting must be going on!