Orion: part 2


Oh, so now you show me what your ability looks like!


Just make this easy on both of us and try to not make a fuss.

I'm gonna destroy your Manifesto, then bring you to Dr. Sunshine.

You can explain what happened to him.


If you're able to do it, then by all means go ahead!

Caroline lunges for James with Lyra grabbing Lacerta by the throat




Where's all that big talk now?

Not so cocky anymore, huh?

Don't worry, I'll beat you until you're on the brink of death, then I'll restore your body…then I'll repeat the process until I'm satisfied!





What's that?

Are you trying to say something?


I-I'd be more careful if I were you.

Lacerta fires off a bullet into Lyra's chest



Don't worry, that wound shouldn't hurt you too bad.

A Manifesto is only as strong as its connection to its user.

The tradeoff is the users of powerful Manifestos take more damage from blows dealt to the Manifesto.

But judging by that attack you launched…

…you've never used your Manifesto in a fight before.

You still don't grasp how these things work.

Lacerta and I have honed our skills in countless battles against other Manifestos.

You're just a drop of rain in the ocean of Manifesto users.

James fires off another bullet into Lyra's leg


I've fought more powerful foes, and yet I'm still standing.

Lyra throws a punch at James, but Lacerta catches it


C'mon, you gotta try harder than that–

Caroline punches James across the jaw


You talk too much!

This is a fight!

Why aren't you actually doing anything!?

Is this the tradeoff you talked about?

You said your Manifesto's strength was forged through battle, so would it be a safe assumption that you take more damage from my attacks than I would to yours?

And you're right, I'm new to fighting with Lyra…

…but I have plenty of experience in fist fights!


(Fuck! That hurt! And it wasn't a hit on Lacerta that can heal!)

(This will leave an impact!)


What I'm getting at is you have to defend on two fronts, whereas I can send Lyra to attack your Manifesto while I attack you!

Caroline and Lyra charge at James

Lyra gets hit to the ground by Lacerta's tail


I've got you, douchebag–

Caroline stops in place


Word of advice from one fighter to another…

…when you have a strategy in a fight, don't spell it out for your opponent…

Lacerta steps onto Lyra, pinning it in place


…By explaining it to them, you're giving them a chance to come up with a counter to it.

You want to keep the upper hand at all times.

Now, I'm gonna make you regret insulting me and my friend.

I don't care if you're a woman, or a doctor…

Lacerta fires a bullet into Lyra


…anyone who insults the people close to me gets taught a lesson.

Lacerta fires off another bullet


Ask the gangster "Mad Dog Sinatra" of the crime family Casa Dei Re, or ask the serial killer and arsonist "Chuck Berry".

Lacerta fires another bullet as Caroline begins to cry


Both of them attacked me, and neither one of them is still breathing.

Caroline's eyes widen

James looks at her, realizes what he said and throws her to the ground


I'm sorry…

I went too far again…

I-I don't know what's happening to me lately…

I'm not myself…

I'll be leaving now before I do anything else…

Caroline is on the floor, gasping for air


(Who was that guy!?)

(He comes in here, questions me, picks a fight, then leaves.)

(I swear, this city is full of weirdos…)

(...but it's my duty as a doctor to help people, oddball or not.)

James opens the door and steps outside


(Get a hold of yourself, Spectre!)

(What's wrong with you!)

(You almost did "it" again!)

(How can you kill a person on accident?!)

(You can't!)

(I'm truly a monster, that's the only explanation!)

(No decent human would kill and hurt as much as I do…)

As James walks on the steps, he steps on a trip wire, causing brick from above to fall on him



(A trip wire?!)

James looks up and sees the bricks




Lacerta breaks all of the bricks


What! Was hurting me not enough for you!

You have to go and damage my building as well!?


It wasn't me!

It was a trap that was set!

But who would've done that?

I could've sworn this trap wasn't here earlier…




What do you mean "trap"?

I don't see any–

Lyra steps on another trip-wire as syringes launch at her from inside




Lacerta breaks the syringes before they hit her



How'd that happen!?

Where'd they come from!?


It's because you stepped on that trip-wire.

Someone's set traps all throughout this place…


Don't look at me!

Why would I boobytrap my own sanitarium!?

I'm a doctor who goes out of her way to help people!

Why would I try to kill them with flying syringes!?


I wasn't accusing you, I was merely letting you know.


We're both in this mess, we should try to get along


Or, you stay back and let me deal with this.

Here's the plan, because we don't know if we can trust Dr. Sunshine–


We can't.


Fine, assuming we can't trust dr. Sunshine, he knows you work in Alphabet St. which is how I found out about you.

So Alphabet St. isn't safe, meaning we need somewhere to hide out.


If someone is really hunting us down, is there anywhere we could go?

The police wouldn't be any help, Dr. Sunshine's rich enough he could definitely pay them to look the other way.

Do you have an office?

You're a detective, so you must have somewhere you work, right?


I do, but it's a small wooden apartment, I don't think it would provide much security…


Where should we go then?


There's one place in New York where even the patrons are so unfriendly that they'll refuse to help anyone with anything.


That-that doesn't sound like a good thing


It's normally not, but considering someone is following us, we can try to shake him off our trail and then hide there until he comes out into the open.


So we're gonna use ourselves as bait to trick an assassin into falling for our trap.


Pretty much.

Sound good?

Caroline smiles


It's dumb, it sounds like a terrible plan…

…but terrible plans are the best kind!

Sounds good to me pal!


Heh, glad we're in agreement.


What's the name of this joint?


It's called the "Fish in a Birdcage," it's run by someone called Mother Mother.


Is-is that his real name?


Considering drugs and many other illegal services are exchanged through his establishment, I'm willing to wager it's not his actual name.

To reach the Fish in a Birdcage, we'll need to get to the other side of the city safely.

It will be pretty dangerous because we're going to be cutting through Central Park.


Wouldn't it be better to take alleyways so he couldn't see us?


Normally, I'd agree with you. However, because our plan is to lure our friend out into the open, it's better if we're in an open environment where he'll be as open as us.

Besides, in Central Park, because it's such an open space, it would be impossible for him to already have traps set.


I guess that makes sense…

…but are we sure trapping is the only way this guy will attack us?


If this is who I think it is, then we can be sure.


That makes it sound like you already know this guy, do you have a history?


Not exactly, my work requires me to visit many seedy places, and in those dens, gossip and rumours tend to spread like wildfire…

…across the city, there's a rumour about an assassin named "Orion."

This man named after the hunter from Greek myths hunts down his prey using only traps.


With traps?

But, if he only uses traps, how come he hasn't been caught?


Because–I'm not sure how–but he turns everyday objects and appliances into deadly traps.

He lulls prey into a false sense of security in their own homes, and then attacks them when they least suspect it.


And you think this guy is after us?


I'm certain.

The chapter ends on a wanted poster of Orion, with him tearing it down