Orion: part 5


Is us fighting for our lives nothing but a game to you?!

Does human life mean nothing?!


Doc, it's no use.


He's right, you know.

You don't make a name for yourself in my line of work through sympathy.

Now, if you'd rather beg and plead for your lives, then I'd be all ears to your screams!!

A bullet flies through the head of the decoy


We need to talk quickly before he comes back




His comment earlier.

For someone who's never been caught by the police, he slips up pretty often while talking

He mentioned how he likes to watch his victim's dying moments, but the decoys couldn't see for him, they're just another trap.



…He's not just in Central Park, he's even closer than that!



Now, we have the issue of how we should find him while making sure it's not another decoy…


Well, Central Park is full of plants, I could use Lyra to force them back to when they were seeds.

If he's hiding in any plants, we'll be able to find him.


That doesn't work as well in Winter.

The plants have already lost their leaves, so it's more likely he's hiding in the snow.


Th-that's true–

What if I removed the snow then!


I'm not sure about you, but last time I checked, snow is water, and water isn't a living organism.


If you're gonna be like that, I'd like to see you remove the snow.



Could you say that again?



"I'd like to see you remove the snow?"


That's it!


What is?

Wait, has the gas finally gotten to you?

You've gone crazy, haven't you?


No, I can use the heat created by Lacerta's bullets to melt the snow!


And you're saying you haven't gone insane?

An Orion appears next to them


Hey guys, what're we talking about–

It collapses as a bullet passes through the head.

The snow around where the bullet hit is melting



Where my bullets hit, there's heat being generated

If I could use this over a large enough area, then we could melt the snow


Yeah, but all of the snow in Central Park seems like a bit much…


But you said it yourself!

He has to be nearby to see us, so all I need to do is melt the snow around us!

We can see the fence from here, it can't be more than a few kilometres away!

Lacerta definitely has what it takes to deal with this much snow.

It's not even too deep, we're only about ankle-deep in it.

Now, keep your eyes peeled for Orion.


Do it.

Lacerta lies on the ground and begins firing off bullets in a circle around James and Caroline

In a few moments, all of the snow is completely melted to the shock of Caroline and James

Caroline & James



I mean–of course it did!!

I never doubted Lacera's skills!!!

Caroline stares blankly at James


Why do I feel like you don't believe me?

Wait! Do you see him anywhere?!

James and Caroline look around them scanning for Orion


No, I don't…

Well, whatever, let's just keep going.

Do you think you could use Lacerta to melt the snow as we go to make travelling easier?


Of course.

Lacerta's arm emerges


C'mon Doc, we're gonna get out of here alive.

Panels fade to black before fading back in


How are you feeling?


I've been better…

I'm not used to doing that much running…


Well we're basically there, so it's not much more work from here.

Though, if I'm being honest, I don't know how something like that could exhaust you.

It was just a nice jog for me, we didn't even run into Orion on the way here.


Haha. We're not all built like Hercules.

Now can it with the jokes until we're safe–


I do have to agree with her.

Is this anytime to be joking around?

I mean, your friend has been dying for days, and where's the man responsible? Cracking jokes in Central Park as if nothing happened.

How can you do something like that?

I'm an assassin, and even I wouldn't do that–

A bullet flies through his head


Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!!!

Be careful where you shoot those!!

This is the actual me this time!!

I don't feel like getting a bullet through the head!!

I kinda need to be alive for my operation to function.

James stands with Lacerta out, furious. He raises his hand again, getting ready to fire


Don't you dare say another thing about Will.


Ooh, is that a touchy subject for you?

I guess it would when you're single-handedly responsible for his injur–

Another bullet flies past, this time grazing Orion's arm



Ugh, that hurt!!!

How dare you touch me!!!


And how dare you talk about my friend in front of me.

You can't possibly know what you're talking about.


Ugh, this is getting lame…

The gas won't even catch up with you at this rate…

I'd just be putting myself at risk of getting caught if I keep this going…

Don't get me wrong, I'll still be close-by, but I'll be leaving for now.

See ya soon…

Reeeeeaaaaal soon.

Orion fades into the ground.


I-is he gone?

Are…are we safe?

Phew, that's a relief, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Caroline hears sobbing



Caroline looks over and sees James crying



James, are you ok!?

What's wrong?!


I-It's all too much…

I-I can't keep living with the guilt of what happened to Will!!

He's in danger again because of me, and he can't even defend himself!!

Not just Will, I put everyone in danger!!!

I got Will and Ricky hurt…

…I exposed John to danger by fighting outside of his bank…

I brought a child to a fight against a dangerous killer and brought that same kid to the hideout of a mobster!!!

I…I've killed people…

Even people I didn't kill still died right after fighting with me!!!

Doc, why do people around me keep getting hurt?!

Why can't I protect them!?

It always repeats, I fight someone, I get stronger, I get someone new to protect!!

And the cycle just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and–

Caroline slaps James


Snap out of it Detective.

Your friend is his own person, he's a grown man, he can make his own decisions.

It was his decision to join you in your fight.

I don't know what happened to you in your past, but it's clear to me that you're carrying a lot on your shoulders right now.

Don't worry about having to protect others, try focussing on yourself.

Your loved ones want you to be happy, just as much as they want themselves to be.

You shouldn't treat their wish as a second priority for your own desire to be needed.


Doc, I understand that, but I've killed people…

I killed both of my parents when I was younger…

I got my teacher killed…

I got my friend killed after he came to my rescue and tried his best to help me, even though we were enemies before.

I even deliberately shot a man.

I know it was for the greater good, the cops even thanked me for doing it, but I can't escape the guilt of killing him.

No matter how evil he was, he was still human at the end of the day.

It's not humanity that's wicked…

…it's me…


But you feel remorse over that, right?

Everything I've seen about you screams someone who's refusing to deal with his trauma.

You don't want to face it head on, instead you tip-toe around the issue by taking on more responsibilities and more guilt.

This isn't a healthy way to live.

So instead of trying to take on this burden alone, let me help you.

Let your friends help.



A-are you sure you wanna be involved with me?

Because of me, that assassin was able to find you.

If I had never been involved–

Caroline slaps him again




Stop it!

I told you earlier, I'll use Lyra to heal your friend!

So, just take me to him and let me handle things from there!!

James looks at Caroline and smiles


Thank you…

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this…

I'll never forget what you've done for me today…


Well, we're not out of the woods yet, why don't you show me this bar you were talking about?


Sounds good.

James opens the door to the Fish in a Birdcage

James (to employee)

Excuse me, I'd like a word with your boss


Of course–

Mother Mother

Well, well.

James Spectre, twice in one day.

To what do I owe the honour?


And who is this delightful lady you've brought back with you?

Mother Mother kneels down and kisses her hand

Mother Mother



Uh, is he normally like this?


M.M., we need to stay here a bit while we…is that a kid?

Why is there a child here?

Mother Mother


Oh, him.

He said he was waiting for someone.


I was, thanks Mother Mother!!

James Spectre, I can't believe I got to meet you in person!!

Could I have your autograph?!



Look, this isn't the time.

The boy begins to tear up





Do you have a pen?

A large hand gives him a pen





The pen stabs through James' hand



I can't believe you fell for it!!!

Oh man, that was easy!!!

I'm so glad I decided to wait for you!!!


Decided to wait…?

Does that mean…

The boy stretches as he stands up

Poor Man's Poison


I've had tons of names to stay secret, but the one I've liked the most has been "Poor Man's Poison," so that's what you can call me.

It was tons of fun watching you guys deal with my Orion Decoys out there in Central Park earlier, I hope we can have just as much fun here!!!

Poor Man poison smiles as Orion looms behind him.