Caelum: part 1


Doc, are you up for a fight?


I guess so, it sucks that we didn't even get an hour to rest!!

Who is this freak?


I don't know, but something tells me he's dangerous


Where are my manners, you may address me as Caelum.

I am the doctor's assistant.

He asked me to come collect your bodies, however it appears as though I'll need to handle you myself.

It doesn't seem as though Orion was able to harm you much.

Alas, he's making me do all the hard work to clean up his mistakes.

Mother Mother


Who is this freak!?

How'd he get in here?!


Please be quiet.

I have urgent business to attend to, and you're being a bother.

Mother Mother

A bother?

 Heh, you hear this guy?


Light 'im up!!!

Mother Mother's waiters start firing off guns at Caelum as James grabs Caroline's hand



We gotta use this chance to escape!!!

James uses Lacerta to break down the door


Sigh, now look at what you've done.

You let my prey escape.

Tsk, tsk.

You must take responsibility for that.

Cut to James and Caroline


I-I think we're far enough now…

What was up with that guy?


He said he was the doctor's assistant…

If there was any doubt left as to who wants us dead, it should be gone now.

But why would he want to kill both of us?

I can see why he'd kill you, he did hire a private eye to find you after all, but why me?


Maybe it's because you insult people that offered to help you 5 minutes ago.


That can't be it, I'm always professional with clients…


So you aren't even gonna try to deny the fact you insulted me?


Still, today's been nothing but bad news…

I think it would be for the best if we made our way over to the hospital now.


But we have no way of knowing that Dr. Sunshine doesn't have more people situated in the hospital itself.


We can't leave Will with him any longer, if we can get him back and healed up, he'll be able to help us.


So your plan is to just throw him into another fight right after he recovers from his last one?


You're right…

I couldn't do that to him, still, I want to make sure he's out of the Doctor's hands, so let's make our way to the hospital.


I guess, because that Calub–






Because that Caelum guy works for Dr. Sunshine, I'm sure once we beat him, this guy will stop chasing us as well.


Great, so it's decided.

Cut to the Fish in a Birdcage


Oh dear, it seems I spent too much time dealing with this trash…

I hope my prey hasn't gone too far away…

The doctor will be furious with me if I don't capture them soon!!

Thank you for the warm-up gentlemen…

The camera shows Mother Mother and his goons impaled on long dark spikes


Very much appreciated.

Cut to James and Caroline


Is there anything you can tell me about Dr. Sunshine?

He's my doctor, but that's about all I know about him.


Well, he's been at the hospital way before I was.

He's been known throughout the hospital as a medical genius with a talent for recognizing and treating rare diseases.

He's used to serving very important clients, but he only takes clients he has a personal interest in.


So he has an interest in Will and I?


Seems like it.

The doctor's never really been one for charity.

He always stands to gain something.

I'm not sure why, but whenever I spoke with him, he always seemed intimidating…

He never seemed to like me, and I think he wanted to get rid of me anyways and this whole thing has just given him a good reason.

He's scary, unfriendly, malicious, greedy, and self-serving…

…but despite all that, as a doctor, I can't bring myself to dislike him. It's an admiration I wish I didn't have…

No matter how much you hate him, you can't deny his skill as a doctor.

You know, it's nice to vent about stuff like this every once and a while.

I don't normally get a chance to talk about stuff like this, so thanks for listening.

It means a lot that someone is willing to listen to me and is willing to help me.

I know it's only been a few hours, but still, if you ever need to talk about anything, just let me know.

I like to think I'm a good listener.

James and Caroline keep walking


(is he really not gonna talk about anything?)

(I feel kinda awkward being the only one who talked about their problems!)

Uh, nice weather we're having today.

Can't believe it's February.


Uh, is everything alright?

You're being awfully quiet.

James just stands there and stares, Caroline gets closer


Woah, are you sure you're ok?!

You're crying!

What's wrong?!



Did that guy in the mask do something to you?

I'll heal you if that's what you need.

Lyra emerges


Where were you hurt?

James begins to lift his arm, as if preparing to point to an area, before launches a flurry of punches at Caroline



What the–?!

Lyra blocks the punches


What the fuck is wrong with you Detective!?

I offered to help you, and this is the thanks I get?!

Fuck you!!

(Wait, something isn't adding up…)

(The Detective hasn't been speaking for a little while now…)

(Just now, those punches were far too fast for any human, and he definitely wasn't using his Manifesto…)

(Even those tears don't look completely natural, they're black…)

(Black tear streams…)

(Like on that guy's mask!!)

You aren't the detective, you're that Calub guy!!


Damn, did you figure me out already?

And I was so happy, you were going to the hospital on your own, I gotta thank Mr. Spectre for that.

Now, Dr. Sweet, what made you want to betray Dr. Sunshine?

You yourself just admitted that you admire him.


I'm not crazy for that Communism stuff, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of private healthcare either.

I just wanted to give the poor a chance to get the help they need, especially nowadays.


A noble cause, I'd expect no less from someone at our hospital.


What about you Calub?

Why're you so loyal to Dr. Sunshine to the point you're willing to kill people?


Hm, Maybe I'll tell you once the doctor has begun your treatment.

And please, don't call me "Calub," if you won't call me by my Manifesto, then just call me by my name: Professor Elemental.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait–

Professor Elemental, as in, Dr. Sunshine's assistant?

Professor Elemental



You mean, you aren't an assassin sent by the doctor, but rather, his assistant?

Professor Elemental

Yes, my job is simply to serve the doctor by any means necessary.

His every whim is my command.

He had ordered me to collect your bodies from Orion, however in the event Orion failed him, I was to bring you to see him myself.


So, this whole time you've had a Manifesto?

Professor Elemental

I could say the same to you.

Isn't it such an interesting phenomenon?



What is?

Professor Elemental

Think about it.

In our hospital, to nobody's knowledge, we had three people with Manifestos working there, the doctor, you, and myself.

Then–also unbeknownst to us–another man with a manifesto arrives as a patient, bringing with him his friends who themselves possess one.

Don't you find it rather odd that so many Manifesto users were drawn together?

For it all to be chalked up to coincidence would be foolish!

Even the assassin sent after you has a Manifesto.


What are you trying to say?

You think that there's some invisible force that attracts people with Manifestos to each other?

Professor Elemental

Perhaps, perhaps not.

I'd need to study the phenomenon, however it's not as though the general public are aware of the existence of Manifestos in the first place.

However, if given the chance, I'd leap at the opportunity to study Manifestos in a more scientific setting.

However, as I said before, my current task is to recover you and Mr. Spectre.


Ha! Well jokes on you, James isn't around, I guess he got away!

Professor Elemental

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Does it not strike you as suspicious how I appeared in his form the minute he goes missing?


What are you getting at?

Professor Elemental

For a doctor, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Do you want me to paint you a picture?

I've already captured James Spectre, and soon you shall join him.

Shows James being completely wrapped in inky black appendages

James stares at the tendrils defiantly