(What the hell's with this guy?)
(No, more importantly, what the hell's with his Manifesto?!)
(I can't hit it, it can change its shape, it can turn people into statues…)
(...What can't it do!?)
(This man is showing no remorse for turning people into statues made of bone…)
If the disease turns their muscles into bones, doesn't that mean they can still breathe?
Dr. Sunshine
Hm, I suppose so?
I've never really thought about it.
So they're still alive!
Dr. Sunshine
Oh, if that's what you're hoping for, I imagine most of them are quite dead.
Some of them have been here for a couple decades, and even if they can breathe, it's not like I'm going to feed or give water to statues.
You're telling me you're starving these people to death while they can't even call for help?
Dr. Sunshine
Well, starved, past tense.
Though, I suppose your friends are now part of this group.
So, you're not entirely incorrect to say starving.
I'm sorry.
Lacerta destroys the desk with a punch
Are you fucking with me right now?!
You're apologizing over grammar, but not about the countless corpses you're displaying in your office?!
Lacerta fires off bullets from his hands and from its tail in an attempt to hit Dr. Sunshine, however gas clouds form and redirect the bullets into the sealing protecting him
Dr. Sunshine
You don't criticize hunters for having taxidermy of their prey.
How is this any different?
I'm putting my prizes on display for the world to see.
James grimaces more as he lunges for Dr. Sunshine pushing him out of the window
Dr. Sunshine doesn't seem worried as he pushes James off him and uses his clouds to lower himself to the ground
James notices the ground approaching him and uses Lacerta to break his fall
James lands as the shock from the impact catches up with him causing him to scream out in pain and collapse to the ground
Dr. Sunshine
Mr. Spectre, as your physician, I have to say defenestrating yourself and breaking the fall with your legs isn't the greatest strategy…
Neither is immobilizing yourself.
Dr. Sunshine walks towards James as James attempts to push himself up
James collapses back down
Lacerta…can…heal this…
Lacerta's fist takes a swing for Dr. Sunshine as Dr. Sunshine snaps Lacerta's arm
Dr. Sunshine crouches down
Dr. Sunshine
I will admit, you have a very interesting healing factor…
I'm excited to see you recover from that!
But while you're nice and docile, may I propose a plan to you?
Why don't you become my underling?
Dr. Sunshine looks down at James with a wide grin across his face
The fuck did you just say to me?
Dr. Sunshine
Think about it!
You're the physical specimen I was searching for, you've clearly proven your strength in defeating my previous underlings!
You're Manifesto is excellent as is your usage of it!
So why don't you submit to me?
We'd be able to do so much if you were to join me!
We could make the world such a–
Like hell I'd join you!
Dr. Sunshine jumps back at this response, falling as James begins to push himself up
You'd have to be out of your mind if you think I'd join you…
James legs snap back into place in a violent jolt
Why the hell would I join a person with such little consideration towards other people?
Only James' silhouette is shown with parts of Lacerta looming over him, contorting his silhouette into something inhuman
You're a fucking monster, and I'll treat you as such.
Dr. Sunshine looks visibly distressed at James' rejection
James' eyes glow as small black embers appear off the tip of his hair
Dr. Sunshine
Y-you're right mr. Spectre…
I was out of line suggesting such a thing…
Now, I'll be leaving!
Dr. Sunshine attempts to sprint away, as he does James raises his arm and fires at Dr. Sunshine
When Lacerta shoots, the same black embers from before appear, propelling the blast forward
Dr. Sunshine
Ophiuchus' body appears attempting to deflect the bullet like before, however this time the bullet tears through the Manifesto and digs itself into Dr. Sunshine's back
Dr. Sunshine gets pushed to the ground by the force
Don't make a scene doc, remember, none of them can see our Manifestos.
Dr. Sunshine's eyes begin to widen in fear at hearing this
You know, I always knew deep down that New York was a cesspool of scum, I guess that's what drew me to it in the first place.
Even the police can be bought off for a couple of bucks or a bit of liquor.
Do you get what I'm saying?
James' silhouette is shown from Dr. Sunshine's perspective as he crouches down to talk
There's no one who can help you now.
Lacerta's tail points at Dr. Sunshine's leg
Don't worry, I won't kill you, but it will be a bit difficult for you to move after this.
As James is about to fire, he suddenly gets a throbbing pain in his back and shoulders that causes him to collapse
Seeing this, Dr. Sunshine uses Ophiuchus to get up and then uses it to attack James
*Hack* *Cough*
(Damn it!)
(I forgot about the disease for a second!)
(I let myself get too confident!)
(Fuck! He's gonna get away, but I need to focus on just protecting myself for now!)
Lacerta throws punches at Ophiuchus, but they go right through it
Ophiuchus solidifies the clouds around Lacerta's arms again
Did you really think I'd fall for the same trick twice!?
Black embers appear as Lacerta fires off two bullets from its tail into Ophiuchus' chest, causing Dr. Sunshine to writhe in pain and releasing Lacerta
Why don't we stop all this running around and just fight one-on-one?
Or are you scared you're gonna lose?
James' eyes begin glowing again as the black embers from before reappear
Dr. Sunshine
(Yeah, no shit I'm scared!)
(No one's ever gotten this close to me before!)
(Caelum or whatever assassin I've hired has always done my dirty work for me!)
(That mob I was getting paid by suddenly disappeared a couple months ago!)
(He's even somehow managed to attack my invincible Manifesto!)
(Nothing should be able to touch a gas, let alone hurt it!)
(So how has he landed consistent attacks on me!?)
(I've got to stall for time, we're right outside my hospital!)
(Someone I know is bound to investigate the commotion we started!)
(When they come, I'll be able to use the moment of hesitation by mr. Spectre to finish him off…)
(...and without any physical evidence, it will just appear as though he died from suffocation!)
(For now, I'll distract him as I get Ophiuchus' disease to close in around his lungs)
Wait Mr. Spectre, hear me out for a second!
James just glares at Dr. Sunshine
Dr. Sunshine
What if I were to release your friends!?
I could simply undo the effects of my Manifesto and then we can all pretend like this never happened!
Doesn't that sound great–
A bullet hole appears in Dr. Sunshine's hand
Dr. Sunshine
What the hell was that for?!
I was extending a beneficial offer for both of us!
You expect me to accept a deal like that?
What about all those innocent people you turned into statues?
If I look the other way today, what's to stop you from moving your operation somewhere else and just doing the same thing?
How many innocent people would die because of my inaction?
How many people would die because I refused to do something when I could've?
Dr. Sunshine
What does it matter how many people I kill!?
It doesn't concern you!
You should be grateful I'd let you escape with your life at all!
James looks furiously at Dr. Sunshine as the embers on his hair begin to get even more intense
It doesn't concern me, does it?
Well I'll tell you what does.
I came to New York to atone, to make up for my sins.
How can I ever expect the people who've died because of me to rest easily if I let a murderer like you get away?!
Now, I'm not sure if you threw away your humanity, or if you never had it to begin with.
But when you kill someone, they're ghost stays with you.
They follow you no matter where you go and what you do.
They try to drag you down, reminding you of what you've done. Reminding you of what you are.
As human beings, we have two choices.
The bullets around Lacerta's finger begin to orbit it faster and faster, as do the bullets on its tail.
We can choose to either ignore these ghosts and in doing so, ignore our mistakes...
…Or, we can carry them with us, not as a burden or a chore, but as a service to the dead and to all the people that have ever been touched by them, because for better or for worse, humans are bound to leave an impact on each other's lives.
Finally, as James raises his arm in preparation to fire, the tip of James' hair turns black with small stars in it.
Now, as I said before, I won't kill you.
I don't want another ghost to resent me.
But I will make sure you experience the most painful and agonizing minutes of your life
Dr. Sunshine soils his pants as he desperately looks around and sees someone dressed in a labcoat
He flags them down
Dr. Sunshine
James turns his head around to look at who Dr. Sunshine's yelling at, as he does he gets tackled to the ground by the man
Dr. Sunshine!
Are you alright!?
Are you hurt!?
Dr. Sunshine
Just a bit, it's nothing too serious.
That's a relief, is there anything I can do for you!?
Dr. Sunshine
Just hold that man in place for a few seconds.
Ophiuchus begins to form behind Dr. Sunshine
Dr. Sunshine
I'll make sure to teach him a lesson about why you never mess with the wrong person.