John B. Goode

Exterior of a house as an alarm clock goes off

A man turns it off before getting up, the man has disheveled black and white hair, large bags under his eyes and a generally gaunt face


(Humanity is wicked.)

(They steal, destroy, and corrupt everything they touch.)

(However, I will never give up on humans…)

In the bank


Well mr. Brobeck, after reading your file I've decided to approve your loan–

Mr. Brobeck

Oh thank you sir! You've changed my life! You've had no idea what this means for me–


I wasn't finished.

Now, save your praises and sit your ass down.

Mr. Brobeck looks stunned for a second


Did I stutter?

Mr. Brobeck sits back down


Good. Now, as I was saying, we'll approve your loan on the condition that the bank receives 30% of your profits for the next decade.

Mr. Brobeck


That's way too much and a decade is way too long for me to agree to that!

I'm leaving, screw you.

Black embers begin to appear around John


Are you sure you can afford to pass on this offer?

Isn't your family in a rather rough position right now?

You know, the depression's hitting hard and there don't seem to be any signs of it stopping.

So, let me ask again, are you sure you can afford to pass on this offer?

Mr. Brobeck




What was that?

Speak up. I couldn't hear you.

Mr. Brobeck

Fifteen, please, I'm begging you!

That's the highest I can go!

You said it yourself, I have a family to feed!

They're relying on me to get this loan to keep our business afloat!

Please mr. Goode, can you find it in your heart to help me?



Well, when you put it like that…

I suppose I could change the terms a little…

Mr. Brobeck begins to smile

Mr. Brobeck

Oh thank you–



Mr. Brobeck



Well, you're just so much more desperate than I ever could've imagined!

How could I pass on this opportunity?

How do you think I've kept my business afloat?

I didn't do it by showing sympathy to every penniless twat that walked into my office.

People put their trust in me to protect their investments, and that's exactly what I plan on doing.

If you take issue with that, then I 

Cut to John on the streets as he walks by an alley before stopping

He takes a deep breath


Ugh, such a long day…

The black embers emerge around him as he begins to walk down the alley and his face gets obscured by shadows


…I need to relieve some stress.

Homeless man

Spare change?

John stops and looks at the man and sees a manifesto on his shoulder



I have something even better for you, how would you like a job?

Homeless man


Of course!


Excellent, follow me this way…

Homeless man

Sure, but where are we going?

A manifesto's silhouette appears


Don't worry, I'm just going to be helping you a bit…

The shadows show the man getting picked up by the throat by John's manifesto as the next panel shows him crumpled onto the ground, neck snapped


Ugh, why do they always insist on putting up a fight?

For the first time, we get a full reveal of what John's Manifesto looks like


At least they can rest easy knowing their sacrifice is for the greater good.

I'd kill thousands if it means the good of the rest of humanity.

Individual life has no value. 

Humans only have value when they serve a greater purpose.

And I have the greatest purpose of all…

…I suppose that makes me the greatest human by association.

They say God works in mysterious ways, but there's nothing mysterious about it.

Ever since he bestowed this power onto me, he chose me as his faithful servant.

I will carry out his will, no matter the cost.

No one will get in my way.

Cut to James as he sits in a diner with Will and Caroline


So, while we were dying as statues made of our own bone, you were out dyeing your hair?


What? No! Of course not!

It just kinda…happened I guess?


How does that happen?


I'm not sure…

Lyra outstretches its hand towards James' hair, but black sparks shock Lyra causing her arm to recoil in pain


Lyra can't get close to it…

I've never seen anything like that hair…

I've never seen hair that black before


If you ask me, I don't think it's hair at all.





What do you mean?


Well, think about it.

No Manifesto is able to get close to it, it's emitting black sparks, you said it appeared in the middle of your fight when your Manifesto became more powerful.

It sounds like it's related to your Manifesto

James and Caroline sit in silence for a couple of seconds



Did I say something weird?


No, it's not that, it's just that makes a lot of sense…


Yeah, and normally James or I are the ones to make those kinds of connections


We're just impressed is all


Hey! I was a journalist, of course I'm good at putting things together!

As the three of them cause a commotion, John steps into the restaurant


(Despite my holy mission, there are still some who stand in my way…)

(Will Wood, I've seen his Manifesto in his fight against Chuck, it wasn't anything too impressive, though I'm not aware what ability it possesses in addition to its physical strength.)

(The user himself is easy enough to write off, with him not showing much autonomy from the group's leader.)

(Caroline Sweet, a doctor it seems. I didn't get to see her fight or if she even has a Manifesto. I can assume she possesses a Manifesto given she's working with the other two.)

(And lastly…my greatest threat…)



John, how have you been?


Ahh, busy as usual.

It's been getting pretty hectic lately, but the economies starting to get better, which means more people are trusting banks again

So I think we're in for an increase in profit soon

I've even been thinking about branching out into other business ventures to maximize on this


Sounds like things are looking up for you!


Ha ha, I suppose they are.


What happened to your hair?

And where'd that scar come from?



Ah, it happened on a case, doesn't make much sense even when you have all the facts in front of you

I also need a new doctor now, so let me know if there's anyone you could refer me to


What happened to your last doctor?


Well, uh, he's on break let's say

Enough about that though, you should join us!


I'd love to, but as I said, I'm very busy

I just came for a coffee


See you around then!


Ha ha, yes

John's demeanour changes immediately as he leaves the table


(Hair suddenly turning black?)

(And there are those black sparks I saw when he was fighting with the doctor…)

John exits the building


(But given everything I know, I wouldn't say he's too knowledgeable yet about how his powers work)

(James Spectre may prove to be the biggest obstacle in my path.)

A young boy runs into John and the boy falls


Oh, I'm sorry sir!

Say, have you seen a man named James around here?

He's a really tall guy?

Scary eyes?

John stares at the boy's Manifesto, Circinus


Uh, sir you're scaring me…


Sorry about that, I got distracted!

James…the detective, right?

I actually know exactly where he is, just follow me!



Thank you so much!


Not all

Thank you in fact


Thanks for what—

The boy gets picked up by the throat by Corvus


Interesting looking Manifesto you have there…

I can't wait to find out what it does!

The boy claws at John, but is unable to reach



John gets angrier as his face gets hidden by shadows


So I'm a monster…

Is that any way to speak to your saviour?

Corvus snaps the boy's neck as he falls to the ground


(James Spectre)

I can't wait to see what kind of monster you turn out to be!

Chapter ends with John's Manifesto standing fully with the same black sparks swirling around it