Requiem of the Spectre: Fin

6 months later

James stands outside his old office with Ricky by his side


Are you really sure about this?

I mean, you're a detective.

Isn't having an office kind of something important?

If its about money, I could probably hook you up with something.

Almost dying together makes you feel a sense of comradery, you know?


Ha, thanks, but I'll be fine.

I've managed to go this long on my own.


But you aren't alone?




I mean, before all of that stuff 6 months ago, you had your friends, and you still have me, and Presley.

We're all friends, right?


Ha, look at how mature you've become in such a short amount of time!

It's hard to believe you were that same sleazy man I met all that time ago!

I like the new style by the way, why the haircut?



Oh, thanks.

Since John is uh…unable to continue running his business, a lot of is clients have started to come to me, so I figured it was about time I started looking a bit more professional.


It suits you, I'll make sure to come and visit you next time I'm in town, but first I have other things that I need to handle


Well, if you're ever low on cash or just want a job, EURion and I are willing to help!


Thanks a lot, Ricky.

I'll see you around.

James picks up his luggage before leaving


(You say I've changed?)

(What about you?)

(Even at the best of times, you always used to look sad, but now, you're smiling even though no one would blame you for crying.)

(I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for on your journey, James.)

James looks down at a small notebook, reminiscent of the one kept by Mercury

James takes a deep breath before knocking on the door of a small cottage


Coming, just give me a second…

The door opens to reveal Deacon


Oh, it's you.

What do you want from me, Spectre?

After our confrontation, the boss died and so the mob was disbanded.

Do you want to cause more trouble, like how you recruited Taylor to your reckless mission?

Just so you know, I don't feel like giving free handouts to anyone,

If you wanted something, you better ask someone else


I actually came here to apologize…




Well, because of me, Mercury, Taylor, and Sinatra all died–


Is that all?

It's part of the profession, comes with the territory.

I don't want nor need your pity or whatever this is.

So just leave already.

As Deacon tries to shoo James away, James stops him


Actually, I had one last question


Make it fast, or else I'll use Apus


It was actually about Apus, are you still able to use your Manifesto?



Of course I can.

Why wouldn't I be able to?


It's nothing.

If your Manifesto is working, that's all I needed to know.

(Probably for the best I don't tell the zealot I killed his prophet…)



Well, I wish I could say this was pleasant, but it really wasn't.

Please don't come by again.

Deacom slams the door in James' face


(So, even after John's death, the Manifestos he distributed using Corvus are still attached to their users.)

(I need to make a comprehensive list of all Manifesto users, I can't let someone like John create a private army of Manifesto users, it would spell the end for the world as we know it.)

(Humanity is incredible.)

(Humans are capable of being some of the most vile, disgusting, and downright evil creatures in existence, however they can also be sensitive and caring, compassionate towards others and help each other in times of crisis.)

(Humanity is not wicked, but it is not perfect either.)

(I don't know why, or how, but I ended up with a power behind my comprehension, it's my responsibility to use this power to its utmost and do whatever I can to help guide humans towards a better future.)

20 years later, 1959, Washington, D.C.

James is still wearing his trench coat from Mercury, however underneath it, he is wearing a black suit and tie.

His hair has begun to grey and his skin wrinkle, however the part of his hair dyed by the black flames is still as black as before


Mr. President, it is my sincere belief that Manifestos and the potential threat they pose to the security of the nation needs to be addressed.

If left unregulated, it could spell untold disaster for the American people.


Here goes Spectre again, with another one of his ghost stories


Pardon me, General, but not all problems are ones we can just nuke.


What's that supposed to mean?!


Gentlemen, that's enough.

Mr. Spectre, you've been a valuable asset to the secret service since you were drafted following the war.


Thank you, Mr. President.

First, to establish a common understanding of Manifestos.

It is estimated that as of now, 10% of the world's population has a Manifesto, and this number is only expected to rise.

Currently, the only way to see a Manifesto is to have one yourself, however we can still interact with them.

I wish to recruit a small team of specialists that would be qualified in matters such as these and use them to prevent any potential threats to the public's safety in the future.


Can you give an example of what a "Manifesto" is capable of?


It can be anything, sir.

Manifestos vary depending on the user, meaning the my Manifesto would be different from yours, or the general's.

Again, there's no way to know without seeing the Manifesto in action for ourselves.

We've managed to catagorize them for your convenience, however.


Very good, let's hear it.


Yes sir, they can be put into three categories:


These Manifestos do as the name implies and possess a tangible form, they are capable of interacting with the world, anyone can touch one and be touched by one, they are only visible to other Manifesto users.

This type makes up the vast majority of recorded Manifestos.


These Manifestos, unlike the previous type, do not possess a distinct form from the user, and instead change the way the user's physiology works, for example, allowing someone to have a body made of sand that they can reform, or making their skin bullet proof.

It could even grant them claws and a tail.

James and the President hold eye contact as the president begins to sweat


Oh don't worry, that was just a little joke to lighten the mood.

And finally, the third and rarest category of Manifesto user:



Why are they anomalies?

If a Manifesto can have any power imaginable, they how can a certain set be anomalous?


You're right, calling them this might be a bit misleading.

We call them anomalies because unlike other Manifestos, they don't neatly fit into either of the previous categories.

These Manifestos are special, because they possess qualities from both of the previous categories, being able to have a physical form of their own and alter the body of the user.

Also unlike the previous categories, which a person can be naturally born with, there is no evidence that a person can have an anomalous Manifesto from the start, it can only be gained through training and dedication


It sounds to me like you have a lot of information about these anomalous Manifestos.


I said they were rare, not non-existant.

Now that I have briefed the two of you on the basics of Manifestos, would you approve of my proposition?


Mr. President?


I don't see any problems with diversifying our secret service research.

Keep the roster to a limited few and only those that can be trusted to take the secret to their grave.

Each cabinet member will also be able to appoint a representative to watch the proceedings and monitor progress to ensure you don't create a monopoly on these new scientific discoveries.



O-of course, thank you, mr. President.

James pumps his fist in the air as he leaves


Mr. President, don't tell me you actually believe all the stuff he just said?


I think you'd be crazier to not believe it.




In one night, the entire Statue of Liberty was displaced, with Liberty Island being filled with craters back in the '30s, then during the war, soldiers displayed incredible talents never seen anywhere else such as superhuman marksmanship, feats of strength or speed not attainable by regular humans.

Even mr. Spectre has many outlandish stories associated with his name, from single handedly saving a town, being able to supply suppressive fire even when no one in his platoon has any ammunition left, or the astonishing rate he is able to heal from lethal injuries.

General, if strange and powerful beings like the ones mr. Spectre described truly exist in this world, don't you agree it's important for us to gain the upper hand on those reds before they make this information public and begin twisting the facts?

I'd rather know all the details first before we let the reds catch wind, I wouldn't be surprised if they are already aware of the existence of Manifestos and are planning the same thing.

However, with this new information comes a new part of the arms race.

Let's seize this opportunity in front of us before we lose this chance.


If only you could be this charismatic in your campaign, then we wouldn't need to fight so hard for reelection.

Well anyways, do you have any idea who mr. Spectre will recommend for the position?


I haven't the slightest idea.

However, I'm sure that they will prove to be far stronger than we could ever imagine.

A young boy who appears to be 15 sits beneath a tree, playing a guitar with a large heart pattern on his yellow rain jacket.

The guitar is signed Spectre

End of Part 1