Chapter 8: Collective feeding begins

Luo Mingyue nodded, "Okay, I'll remember that."

After saying that, she sat back on the small stool and took out the bowl of broken eggs from the storage space.

As long as her face didn't appear above the paper box, the villagers couldn't see her.

When Jiang Yanfeng and Mo Jin saw her "disappear", they each started to take action.

Jiang Yanfeng stood up from the ground, not even bothering to brush off the dust on his clothes, and said to the villagers on the road: "Go home quickly and take out the pot and put it outside the yard. The immortal said that he would give us eggs."

The villagers were skeptical.

Some villagers ignored Jiang Yanfeng and continued to fetch water from the stream.

Some villagers asked in a long-winded tone: "Mr. Jiang, you didn't lie to us?"

At this time, Mo Hanshi, who was passing by with a shoulder pole, became impatient and shouted, "There is no harm in putting the pot out of the yard. If there are no eggs, we can put the pot back home and we won't lose anything. If there are eggs, it proves that what the scholar said is true. Anyway, I trust the scholar very much. He is a scholar and I believe he will not lie."

The villagers thought, yes, it's free to try!

So they all ran back home and put the pot outside the yard.

Mo Hanshi also quickened his pace. He was willing to speak up for Jiang Yanfeng just now because he remembered that his younger brother had also said in the morning that there was a hand in the sky. At that time, he thought his younger brother was having hysterics, but now it seems that what his younger brother said might be true.

After all, the "waterfall" just now was obviously a miracle.

On the other side, Mo Jin took out all his pots and pans first.

He had discussed with his elder brother Mo Hanshi that at least one of the two brothers should stay at home to take care of their mother.

In the morning, food fell from the sky. Mo Jin brought the bowl to his mother, but his mother only ate two or three bites and refused to eat any more.

On the one hand, as people age, their digestive function declines and their appetite becomes poor.

On the other hand, the mother felt that she was old and would die sooner or later, so she might as well save some food for her sons.

Mo Jin didn't eat much, just half a bowl, mainly to save money, worried that he would have no food for the next meal.

At this moment, after Mo Jin put the pot out of the yard, he started knocking on his neighbor's door.

The neighbor's door was closed because the man in the family went out to fetch water, leaving only the woman and child at home. The child was only one year old, and although he could see the fairies in the sky, he could not express himself yet.

The woman asked warily, "Who's outside?"

Mo Jin explained simply: "Take out your pot, the immortal wants to give out eggs."

This sounded too absurd. Various thoughts flashed through the woman's mind. She said in a sad and angry tone: "You want to steal my food?"

Mo Jin said: "No, my family also has food, I won't steal yours."

The woman didn't believe it. She had picked up several buckets of food in the morning. She said, "Mo Jin, you used to be a good person. Even when you were hungry, you always upheld your morals and never stole or robbed. But why have you become like this now? There must have been a lot of food left in your yard this morning. Why did you come to my house..."

Mo Jin interrupted her and said, "I'll count to three. If you don't open it, I'll kick the door."

The woman suddenly became nervous. You know, Mo Jin from the Mo family was born with supernatural powers. He didn't look fat, but he was incredibly strong. Not to mention a wooden door, even an iron door could be kicked and a hole could be made by Mo Jin.

The woman gritted her teeth, put the child back into the house, and opened the door tremblingly.

Mo Jin said: "Take out the pot at home. Remember, it must be empty."

He specifically emphasized the "empty pot" to show that he was not stealing food.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief. Her family had two pots, but in this famine year, pots and pans were worthless. Food was the most precious thing. As long as they didn't steal the food, everything else would be easy.

The woman took one of the pots outside the yard and placed another basin there.

Seeing that she did as he was told, Mo Jin stopped paying attention to her and went to knock on the doors of several other households. Every time he knocked, he would repeat the immortal's words.

If someone was unwilling to open the door, Mo Jin would directly threaten them.

Everyone in the village knows Mo Jin's "reputation", and most people would choose to open the door.

Only a very few people firmly believed that Mo Jin knocked on the door just to steal food.

"Mo Jin, even if you are strong, so what? You haven't had a full meal in a long time. I don't believe you still have the strength to kick my door open!"

"Haha, Mo Jin, even if you beat me to death today, you can't take away my family's food!"

For this kind of people, Mo Jin's method is to kick the door.

After kicking open a door, he saw an old man holding a kitchen knife and rushing towards him, "Mo Jin, you stinky boy, I'm going to fight you today!"

The old man's son died while hunting in the mountains, and his daughter-in-law had a difficult childbirth, leaving behind only a baby granddaughter. The old man raised his granddaughter alone with great difficulty until she was three years old. Now he and his granddaughter depend on each other for survival. Both the old man and the child have small appetites and eat slowly, so they have been able to hold on until now.

His granddaughter was cute, with big eyes, but she didn't like to talk. When she saw the old man taking out a kitchen knife with a ferocious look, the little girl burst into tears, "Grandpa… wuwuwu, Grandpa, don't kill people…"

Old man: "…" Granddaughter, you really overestimate grandpa. Even if you give me ten kitchen knives, I'm not sure I can kill Mo Jin on the opposite side!

Mo Jin snatched the kitchen knife from the old man's hand, walked into the kitchen with a cold face, put the kitchen knife on the chopping board, then took the pot out and put it outside the yard gate, then turned and left.

The old man was stunned, "He really doesn't steal food?"

Jiang Yanfeng was also knocking on doors every household. Some villagers had full water tanks at home and did not go out to fetch water, so they did not hear what Jiang Yanfeng said on the road. They needed to be notified one by one.

The Jiang family is a family of scholars. It is said that their ancestors had a prime minister. Later, the family gradually declined, but it still had a legacy. Jiang Yanfeng's father was the village chief. Half a year ago, when the first person died of starvation in the village, the village chief blamed himself and traveled across mountains and rivers to find food.

Later, he really brought back two bags of grain from the town, one for his son and the other to be distributed to the villagers.

After the distribution, the village chief grumbled a lot, saying that he was incompetent and could not feed the villagers. He also said that the mountain behind was dangerous, but he had dealt with the dangerous poisonous beasts, and the villagers could go to the mountain to dig wild vegetables and pick wild fruits. If they were lucky, they could hold on until it rained, and then everyone could grow their own food...

The next day, the village chief died. His body was festering, and it was obvious that he died of poisoning. Everyone guessed that the village chief sacrificed himself to get rid of the poisonous beasts. In the following period of time, the villagers went into the mountains to find food, which was barely enough to fill their stomachs. Some young and strong villagers said they wanted to explore a way to escape the famine, but they never came back after they went out, and no one knew whether they were dead or alive.

Therefore, many villagers remembered the kindness of the Jiang family and were very polite to Jiang Yanfeng.

The population of Mojia Village was not large to begin with, and with so many deaths or escapes, there are only 15 households left.

Each household has 1 to 4 people, for a total of 35 villagers.

The street layout of Mojia Village is in the shape of a "cross". On both sides of the "cross" are houses. Every household is separated by a street, and they are basically door to door.

There is a large open space at the midpoint where the horizontal and vertical lines of the "cross" converge. In the past, village meetings were held here.

Soon, almost all the pots and pans from the 15 households were placed outside.

Some villagers held their children and stood next to the pots, fearing that someone would steal their pots.

Some villagers stared at the pot, thinking: "I want to see how the immortal can make eggs."

Luo Mingyue used chopsticks to pick up some egg crumbs and put them into Mo Jin's pot first.