Chapter 28 There is an Immortal in Our Village

 Mo Jin said, "You cannot enter the village if you are holding a knife."

Brother Liu stepped forward to negotiate, "Brother, if you put some muscle softening powder in the rice, all of us will be wiped out by you."

Mo Jin said: "I can eat them all and test the poison for you."

Brother Liu still didn't believe it, because some poisons might not be hidden in the food, but might be smeared on the dishes and chopsticks.

The people of Tianliu Village are very cautious and unwilling to trust outsiders.

Brother Liu said, "Excuse me, is it raining in your village?"

Mo Jin replied: "It's not rain, it's a waterfall."

Liu Ge's face was full of suspicion, "There's a severe drought in the world, how could there be...a waterfall here?"

Mo Jin said: "Our village is favored by an immortal."


The villagers of Tianliu Village looked at each other and asked, "Where is the immortal?"

Mo Hanshi said: "Of course it is in the sky."

Everyone looked up at the sky, wondering where the people were.

Just at this moment, Luo Mingyue came back and was checking the situation in the Little People Village.

A hint of joy flashed across Mo Jin's eyes, "Immortal..."

Luo Mingyue said: "It seems that I came back in time, and you didn't fight."

"Thanks to the roadblock left by the immortal."

Luo Mingyue said: "Tell them that I can provide them with enough water and food."

The people of Tianliu Village said, "Don't think you can scare us by pretending to talk to the sky..."

Luo Mingyue smiled slightly and without saying much, she directly put down a stone basin filled with clear water.

The villagers of Tianliu Village were stunned and watched the stone basin fall.

The rocks that fell last night were already strange enough, but today clear water fell directly?

The most precious thing now is water...

Mo Jin said: "This is a gift from the immortals to you."

The people of Tianliu Village rubbed their eyes vigorously and muttered to themselves, "Isn't this a dream?"

Brother Liu walked over first, put down his machete, scooped up some water with both hands and took a sip.

Cool and delicious.

"This is really water!"

Brother Liu's eyes were filled with shock.

There were still some villagers who didn't believe it, so Luo Mingyue simply put down a stone basin filled with clean water behind this group of people.

Five or six young men had lost their knives and were drinking water in front of a stone basin.

Some people even buried their heads in the basin.

Mo Jin frowned and said, "Immortals love cleanliness, you guys should be careful and not be so vulgar."

Brother Liu asked: "Why can only you see the immortals, but we can't?"

Mo Jin hasn't figured out how to answer this question yet.

Mo Hanshi, who was standing behind him, said, "Because the immortal is the patron saint of our village, of course you can't see it!"

At this time, the old man from Tianliu Village suddenly walked forward, picked up the bowl and chopsticks from the ground, scooped a bowl of sweet and sour pork with a spoon, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

"Old Song!" Brother Liu stepped forward in a hurry. Old Song was an ancestor-level figure in their village. He was over two hundred years old this year. He couldn't let anything happen to Old Song.

Mr. Song swallowed the meat in his mouth and said, "It's delicious. Very delicious!"

Then he added: "You are all young and will have a long life ahead of you. I am an old man. Even if this meal is poisonous, it doesn't matter. I will just treat it as a test for you. You can have a full meal before you die, haha."

Old Song had an open-minded smile. After eating half of it, he was about to add half a bowl of scrambled eggs, but he saw that all the stone basins had been taken away.

Elder Song was stunned, "This... the immortal won't let me eat it?"

Luo Mingyue said: "These are all cold, and it's hard to digest them."

Mo Jin conveyed her words.

Luo Mingyue put the steaming millet porridge back in, and also added goat's milk, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, chicken thighs and scrambled eggs.

During this time, he felt that the gravel on the road was in the way and simply reached out to grab them.

The people of Tianliu Village were frightened and retreated one after another, making room for the stone basin.

With Old Song taking the lead, the other young people put down their knives, took their bowls and chopsticks, and squatted on the roadside to eat.

"Wow, it's really delicious. I've never eaten anything so delicious."

"Why does the immortal only favor Mojia Village and not our village? Although we can have enough food, the food is not as good as this..."

Brother Liu was still thinking about the "prophet's" instructions, but now, Mojia Village has a patron saint, and the brothers around him have all been "bribed" by delicious food, and even the knives were thrown on the side of the road. Brother Liu sighed, took an empty bowl, and filled it with chicken thighs.

"It smells so good."

After a while, Brother Liu also had his belly full and sighed with satisfaction: "It would be great if I could eat this every day..."

As for the "murderer"? He had already forgotten about it!

After dinner, Brother Liu, as the representative of the village, was ready to talk to the people of Mojia Village.

"Thank you for your hospitality today. We...we want to take some food back, but we won't eat your food for free. We will send you money next time."

Mo Jin is not good at negotiation. He showed up today because he is strong and can control the situation during a fight. But now the immortal is watching everyone in the sky, and the villagers are very confident.

When it comes to negotiations, Jiang Yanfeng is still the one to deal with it.

Jiang Yanfeng said: "How much silver do you have? Silver will run out one day. We can do without silver, but we are short of stonemasons."

Brother Liu scratched his head and asked, "You want me?"

Jiang Yanfeng asked: "Are you a stonemason?"

"Well, my name is Liu Dashi. I have four younger brothers, including my biological brother and cousin. Their names are Ershi, Sanshi, Sishi and Xiaoshi. We are all craftsmen."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "That's great. There are still many empty rooms and courtyards in our village... You can move to our village and live there. We will provide you with enough food every day, but you need to carve a statue of an immortal for our village."

Liu Dashi said: "I can carve it in Tianliu Village and send it to you, but I don't want to settle down in your village."

Jiang Yanfeng frowned and asked, "How long will it take to complete the carving?"

Liu Dashi said: "I can't say for sure, mainly because I don't know what the immortal looks like, and I need to find a huge rock..."

The two began to discuss the specific details, and Mo Jin found an ox cart in the village. Unfortunately, there was no ox, but there were many young and strong men in Tianliu Village. The men pulled the cart together. There was a stone basin on the cart, which was filled with scrambled eggs and covered with a cloth.

Elder Song asked, "Is there anything particular about the cover?"

Mo Hanshi replied: "The immortal likes cleanliness and is afraid that the dust on the road will pollute the food inside."

Mr. Song: "…"

Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads and looked at their clothes, which were soaked with sweat and dust. Water was very precious these days, so who would be willing to use it to wash their bodies and clothes? But when they looked up at the people in Mojia Village, they were all dressed neatly and cleanly, and their spirits were obviously different.

Why do I suddenly feel a little inferior?

The villagers of Tianliu Village fell silent and silently took away a stone basin of scrambled eggs.

There are only two ox carts in Mojia Village. The first one is loaded with things, but the second one is still empty. Mo Jin asked them what they wanted, but they had different opinions. Some wanted meat, saying that meat tastes good. Some wanted goat milk, saying that they could give it to their children. Some said millet porridge is the most delicious food, as it contains rice and soup, which makes people feel full. Some said they wanted water, as water is the most precious...

Everyone was talking at once, and Mo Jin said helplessly, "Don't argue. The immortal just promised to bring you a pot of each, but you will have to make a few more trips."