Chapter 40 Luo Mingyue Refining the House

 Qianxue was deeply moved, "Master, you are so kind."

This is the benefit of making a contract with an immortal cultivator. Not only can you transform earlier, but you can also survive the tribulation safely.

Find a good master, and he will take care of the problems.

Qianxue walked out of the room and took the pill.

As the drug took effect, Qianxue felt pain all over her body, as if she was soaked in boiling water, and was burned from the outside to the inside.


It let out a shrill scream, the sound was so sharp that all the hair on its body stood up.

Luo Mingyue rushed out to check on Qianxue's condition.

Qianxue has turned into a human form. She lies on the ground with a tired look on her face. She is naked and her skin is as white as mutton-fat jade.

There were no calamity clouds in the sky, probably because the pill itself had been struck once, and all the karmic disasters had been borne by Luo Mingyue, so after taking it, there was no need to overcome the calamity anymore.

When Qianxue was a fox, her entire body was snow-white, without any other colors.

But when she turned into a human form, there was a red flower-shaped pattern between her eyebrows, as bright as fire.

She has a charming appearance and is full of seductiveness.

Even Luo Mingyue, a woman, felt inexplicably moved when she saw it.

Qianxue's height is about the same as Luo Mingyue's, but she has a more slender figure, a slender waist, and eyes as bright as water.

Luo Mingyue was just about to find clothes for her when she saw a flash of light on her body and a red long dress appeared on her.

Qianxue turned around in a circle excitedly.

The morning light pours down and the red clothes flutter.

The smile is gorgeous and beautiful.

Luo Mingyue looked at her face and said, "I thought you would look a bit like me after you transformed, but I didn't expect you to look nothing like me."

"Ah?" Qianxue was stunned for a moment, then said with some embarrassment: "Well... Master, we are just master and servant, not mother and daughter or sisters. We have no blood relationship, so of course we don't look like one."

Luo Mingyue said: "You can transform as you please, right? Whatever you imagine in your mind, that's what you will transform into."

Qianxue shook her head and said, "Humans cannot decide what they look like after they are born. Similarly, we are the same. Our appearance after transformation is entirely up to fate and is not affected by our own thoughts at all. However, we foxes know the art of transformation. After transformation, we can change our appearance at will."

Luo Mingyue nodded, "So that's how it is."

Qianxue used magic to conjure up a water mirror. She looked in the mirror and said happily, "I didn't expect I'm so beautiful. This birthmark between my eyebrows..."

When she saw the shape of the flower clearly, Qianxue's pupils shrank and she quickly covered her forehead with her hands.

Luo Mingyue asked: "What's wrong?"

Luo Mingyue is also a bit obsessed with looks, and she likes both men and women as long as they are good-looking.

Of course, Luo Mingyue's appreciation of beauty is pure, not the kind of love.

Qianxue stammered, "This birthmark, in the eyes of you humans, symbolizes bad luck..."

Luo Mingyue pondered for a moment and said, "Then when you go out, remember to cover yourself up so that others can't see you, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble."


Qianxue put down her hand, blinked her dark eyes, and said, "Master, do you mind?"

"We have already signed the contract, it's too late to mind it," Luo Mingyue said calmly, "Besides, I don't care about this."

Qianxue explained: "This mark is the Lingyuan Flower from the Demon Realm. However, humans think that any creature related to the Demon Realm symbolizes disaster, so they reject it. In fact, my birthmark does not bring bad luck. On the contrary, the Lingyuan Flower is a flower of hope..."

Qianxue added: "My mother is a spirit fox, and my father is a creature from the demon world. He is also the guardian beast of the Lingyuan Flower. I vaguely remember my mother saying that she once took a Lingyuan Flower. Now it seems that this flower should have entered my body when I was born."

Luo Mingyue frowned and said, "I heard that the demon world is closed. Where did your father come from?"

Qianxue said: "I am already over three thousand years old this year... Three thousand years ago, the Demon Realm and the Immortal Cultivation Realm still had contact. Later, my parents returned to the Demon Realm to visit relatives. At that time, I just wanted to play with my friends in the tribe, so I didn't go with my parents. Who knew that the Demon Realm suddenly underwent a huge change, and the entire Demon Realm was closed off, cutting off contact with the Immortal Cultivation Realm..."

Having said this, Qianxue's eyes dimmed, and she never saw her parents again after that.

Having lost the protection of her parents, her treatment in the tribe became worse and worse.

Later, Qianxue left the tribe.

"Not long after I left the tribe, I heard that the tribe leader's child was arrogant and domineering, and provoked the tiger tribe. As a result, the entire tribe was surrounded and killed by the tiger tribe, and not even a single person was left alive..."

Qianxue continued, "The Lingyuan Flower has the effect of attracting good fortune and avoiding disaster, so I was able to avoid disasters many times. But in the eyes of others, it became that wherever I went, there was a disaster, which made it impossible for me to live in the original jungle. I wandered all the way, passed by many places, and finally met you, my master."

Luo Mingyue looked strange, "It's not a good thing for you to meet me."

After all, his original self was a vicious villain and not someone who was easy to get along with.

Qianxue said: "Why is it bad? The Cloud Fox Clan needs to grow five tails before they can transform. I transformed with only three tails. Moreover, I have a premonition that if I make a contract with the master, it will be auspicious..."

Luo Mingyue was slightly stunned, as if thinking about something.

Qianxue asked: "Master, can you build a house?"

Luo Mingyue replied: "Yes."

She picked and chose in the ruins, and put the alchemy furnace, the ore scattered on the ground, and some things that were not destroyed by the thunder into the storage space.

The piano that was in the piano room before was not damaged at all, which showed that its quality was extraordinary. Luo Mingyue searched through the memories about the piano in her mind and found that the name of the piano was "Fengchun", which means "dead wood comes back to life with spring". Playing the piano and playing music has a healing effect, and it can not only heal the body, but also the soul.

Luo Mingyue put away her zither and decided to play a couple of songs for people to listen to when she had time.

Qianxue used magic to roll up the rubble and dirt from the ruins into the air and threw them far away.

Fortunately, the Mingyue Sect is vast and sparsely populated, so no one was hit.

After clearing away all the debris, Qianxue asked expectantly, "Master, how do you build this house? I'll learn from you, too."

Luo Mingyue said: "Okay, but I don't know how long it will take to build. During this time, I need you to help take care of Mo Village."

Qianxue was full of questions. Alchemy needed to be done in one go, and the fire of the elixir could not be cut off in the middle, so as not to waste all the previous efforts. However, building a house did not have to be completed in one go. If you were tired, you could stop and rest. But from the tone of the master, building a house did not seem to be easy.

While Qianxue was confused, Luo Mingyue had already taken out the ores he had picked up from the storage space, piled them together, and then released a blazing white divine fire from his fingertips.

Qianxue asked: "What... is this for?"

All the ores are smelted together, a hodgepodge?

Luo Mingyue didn't say anything, her attention was already focused on the ores.

Luo Mingyue prepares to refine the weapon.

However, she lacked talent in composition, painting, and hands-on craftsmanship.

She knows how to refine weapons, but refining a spiritual weapon in the shape of a house is a bit difficult.

However, Luo Mingyue thought about it and decided that since she was in the Jindan stage, she could go without sleep every day. After all, cultivation could replace sleep. She just needed a separate space to prevent being disturbed when she was refining the elixir.

Therefore, the new room only needs to meet the two conditions of being windproof and rainproof and preventing prying eyes...

After figuring this out, Luo Mingyue began to refine it.

The blazing white divine fire burned for an hour.

The ores were melted into liquid, and finally carved into a rectangular box. Luo Mingyue pinched her hands together, drew runes and spells, and when the box cooled, it became a spiritual weapon...

It's just that the appearance of the spiritual weapon is a bit strange.

The spiritual weapon was a rectangular box with an empty bottom, so it could be turned upside down on the ground. There were two regularly shaped holes on the front of the box, which were clearly visible. Anyone who saw them would know that the two holes were a door and a window, without Luo Mingyue introducing them.

Qianxue's expression was indescribable: "...Master, is this a house?"

Whose house looks like this...