Chapter 43 Only Worship the Moon, Not the Immortals

 After the villagers finished their meal, Luo Mingyue took away the empty stone basins and put down five new stone basins filled with food for the villagers to take back. If they were hungry at night, they could just heat them up and eat, saving them the trouble of getting up late at night to cook.

After dinner, many villagers felt hot and could not sleep for a while, so they walked and chatted along the street.

Mo Jin practices boxing.

Jiang Yanfeng did not run, but did push-ups instead.

Chen Qi stood by and counted how many he had made.

"1, 2, 3...58...237...842..."

Jiang Yanfeng was sweating profusely after doing a thousand push-ups. He stood up and asked, "Why don't you need to exercise?"

Chen Qi said: "Because I have awakened, I can absorb it quickly."

"So that's how it is. I really hope I can wake up soon." Jiang Yanfeng brushed the dust off his hands and went to take a hot shower.

Luo Mingyue withdrew her gaze and suddenly remembered that Liu Dashi once said that the silver-haired prophet at night had a very different personality from that during the day.

So she came to the sky above Tianliu Village to see if she could see the prophet.

Luo Mingyue's head was outside the cardboard box, so the little people couldn't see her.

Liu Dashi carried a jar of wine, walked to the silver-haired prophet's yard and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The red-eyed prophet spoke lazily.

Liu Dashi walked in and asked casually, "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

The red-eyed prophet glanced at him, then continued to look up at the moon, "If you have something to say, just tell me."

Liu Dashi chuckled and said, "Master Prophet, you know more. I want everyone in our village to believe in immortals and live a good life. Do you have any ideas?"

The red-eyed prophet sneered, "It's not like we can't survive, so why should we pin our hopes on an illusory god?"

Liu Dashi retorted, "It's not empty or illusory! The things given by the immortals are real, how can they be empty? Besides, the stream is dry now, and there is no water. If the immortals hadn't given us clean water, we wouldn't have been able to survive for long with the blood of animals... Besides, the immortal in Mo Village is really good, kind, merciful and considerate. We don't need to kneel down to her, just bow to her... What's wrong with us bowing to our savior? Is it too much?"

The red-eyed prophet said indifferently, "If the immortal really has nothing to ask for and doesn't need our kneeling, then why do you want everyone to believe in her? She herself doesn't ask for anything, so why are you so anxious..."

"You can't say that. It's us who need the fairy, not her who needs us..." Liu Dashi said angrily, "The villagers use the water given by the fairy and accept her kindness with peace of mind, but they are unwilling to worship her. People should have a conscience..."

The Red-Eyed Prophet was unmoved, "I don't have any conscience. I only worship the moon, not the gods."

Liu Dashi muttered, "Isn't that perfect? ​​The immortal in Mojia Village is honored as the Bright Moon Immortal. Your worship of her is equivalent to worshiping the moon, right..."

"Wait, what did you say her name was?"

The prophet's originally indifferent red pupils burst into a sharp cold light.

The eyes glow red in the middle of the night, which is really scary at first glance.

Liu Dashi almost threw away the wine jar in his hand. He took several steps back until his back was against the courtyard door and he could no longer retreat. Then he replied tremblingly:

"Ming, Mingyue Immortal..."

The light in the red-eyed prophet's eyes faded. He frowned and whispered to himself, "Did I misunderstand? I should be worshipping the Moon Fairy in the sky, not the moon at night?"

Liu Dashi couldn't hear what he said, nor did he dare to interrupt him, so he just stood there against the door.

"Which one should I pray to... or why not just pray to both? One of them will always work..."

The Red-Eyed Prophet lowered his head and hesitated for a while. When he looked up, he saw that Liu Dashi was like a wooden stake, not daring to move, with a cowardly expression.

The red-eyed prophet smiled and said, "Come over here."

When Liu Dashi approached, the Red-eyed Prophet suddenly exclaimed "Huh" and looked him up and down.

"What's wrong?" Liu Dashi felt uneasy and quickly went into the kitchen, took out two wine bowls, and moved out a table and chairs. "Let's drink in the yard today?"

The Red-Eyed Prophet nodded and watched Liu Dashi busying around quietly.

Liu Dashi poured the wine.

The Red-Eyed Prophet sat down, took a sip of wine, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

He stared at Liu Dashi for a long time with a deep gaze, and there seemed to be a mysterious vortex of stars in his red pupils.

After a moment, the Red Eyed Prophet withdrew his gaze and said, "I see, Daishi, I finally understand why you are so concerned about the affairs of the gods."

Liu Dashi said: "Because I want the villagers to live a good life."

The Red Eyed Prophet shook his head. "No, it's actually because you received her blessing and began to awaken, so you can't help but want more people to believe in her, because it's also good for you."

Liu Dashi asked: "Awakening to what?"

The Red-eyed Prophet finished drinking the wine in the bowl and replied, "Awaken the power of blood. Everyone has blood in their body, and blood contains inheritance and power, but most people's blood power is weak, and they can only be ordinary people throughout their lives... But you are lucky, you have been favored by the immortals and awakened the blood of the [Godcrafter]...

"Master craftsman?" Liu Dashi laughed and said, "I am a craftsman to begin with. Why do I need to awaken my bloodline? Actually, I am very interested in the cultivation that the prophet mentioned. Unfortunately, you told me that in our village, only you can cultivate, and no one else can..."

The Red Eyed Prophet said: "Nothing is absolute. You couldn't practice in the past, but you are different now."

"Really?" Liu Dashi asked as he poured the wine, "Can I practice now? Then can you teach me how to practice?"

The Red Eyed Prophet said: "The time has not come yet. When you are fully awakened, you will naturally know how to practice. You don't need anyone to teach you."

The two continued to drink, and as they drank, the Red Eyed Prophet said, "Can you carve a smaller immortal sculpture?"

"Okay, how small do you want it to be?"

"About as long as my forearm."

"What does the Prophet want this for?"

"It is enshrined in my home."

Liu Dashi was stunned. "Did you take the wrong medicine? You actually want to offer sacrifices to the gods..."

"Any questions?"

Liu Dashi chuckled, "No, no, this is a good thing, leave it to me."

The red-eyed prophet had a calm expression and said, "Also, worshipping the gods requires letting nature take its course. You don't have to think about spreading your faith in the village. This will easily make everyone disgusted. Just take care of yourself."

Liu Dashi nodded, "...Okay."

The red-eyed prophet picked up the jar of wine and poured wine into his mouth. He tilted his head back, his Adam's apple rolling, his long silver hair as soft as water, and his dark red pupils like gorgeous gems, reflecting the moon in the sky.

Liu Dashi shouted, "Hey, leave some for me. This wine was buried by my father eighteen years ago. He wanted a daughter, but ended up having me. It's very precious. Why did you give me all of it..."

The Red-Eyed Prophet finished the wine in the jar, tilted his head, and said, "Have you noticed that there is a sight watching us?"