Chapter 56 Seeking Master’s Guidance


Jiang Yanfeng raised his head.

Luo Mingyue smiled at him and said, "Don't worry about me, just continue talking."

Jiang Yanfeng was delighted when he found that the immortal was looking at him and giving him paper. He felt that this was the immortal's recognition of him.

Jiang Yanfeng did not give paper to the children because there were only two brushes in the entire village, which were not enough. Therefore, the children needed to dip their fingers in water and write and draw on the table. They did not need paper for the time being.

Qianxue whispered: "The village is so poor..."

Since she was speaking outside the box, the little people couldn't hear her.

Luo Mingyue said: "It was my negligence. I should have customized a batch of brushes for them."

Qianxue's eyes lit up and she said, "We have to go to the human world to order it, right? I'll go. I haven't been to the human world since I became a human. I heard that the market there is very interesting... Oh, by the way, when I was a kid, I was kept in a cage as a pet. Another big fox was skinned. I was almost scared to death. Fortunately, I was small and knew some magic, so I ran away in time."

Luo Mingyue reached out, touched her head lovingly, and asked, "Are you on good terms with that big fox?"

Qianxue looked at her strangely and said, "I don't even know it... It's like two strangers. I don't even treat it as one of my own kind because it has no intelligence."


This word sounds a little familiar.

Qianxue explained: "Just like the four cloud fox cubs, although they can understand us, they can't speak human language. So, in my eyes, they are not my people, but pets, ordinary animals. But after they worship the moon and practice, transform into spirit beasts, and learn to speak human language, I will regard them as my people. Because speaking human language means opening up spiritual wisdom, commonly known as enlightenment."

Luo Mingyue was a little worried about Qianxue going to the human world alone, so she said, "Why don't we go together? I can just pick up the pot I ordered last time."

Qianxue waved her hand, "No, didn't we agree to leave someone to look after the little one?"

Luo Mingyue said: "They are not in any danger now, and their lives are basically stable. Besides, it won't take much time to go back and forth to the human world."

Qianxue said: "But I still want to travel around in the human world. If I'm lucky, I might meet a handsome scholar..."

Luo Mingyue understood. It seemed that Qianxue was mainly obsessed with the scholar in the human world, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you some silver and a few gold leaves. You take Jiang Yanfeng's brush and go to the human world to order a brush of the same size."

"no problem!"

Qianxue nodded excitedly and asked Jiang Yanfeng to borrow a brush.

Luo Mingyue added: "By the way, the batch of small pots I ordered earlier should have been made long ago at Wu's shop. I was busy picking up the furniture last time and forgot to pick up the pots. Please remember to pick them up for me."

Qianxue said: "Yes, I've got it in mind. I'll transform into your appearance and go get it when the time comes."


Luo Mingyue nodded and handed Qianxue a few paper puppets to guide her and prevent her from getting lost.

After Qianxue left, Luo Mingyue followed Jiang Yanfeng and learned more than a dozen characters.

Chen Qi's bloodline has been awakened and he is naturally able to read and write, but he also sits in the yard with other children and listens carefully to Jiang Yanfeng's teaching.

"The writing in the Little People's Village is a bit like oracle bone script..."

Luo Mingyue wondered whether she should teach Jiang Yanfeng modern simplified Chinese characters so that it would be easier to write.

But on second thought, forget it.

The Little People Village obviously has its own writing system and cultivation system.

If I teach simplified Chinese characters to others, even if the little people in Mojia Village learn them, it will not be of much use to them, and they will be almost illiterate, because the books in the little people's world all use characters similar to oracle bone inscriptions. They learn simplified Chinese characters, but in the end they can't even understand the books, and their learning is in vain.

It would be better to just learn from Jiang Yanfeng.

Unless Luo Mingyue unlocks the entire world of villains, and then starts from the royal family, promotes simplified Chinese characters throughout the country, and publishes related books.

Just thinking about it seems like a huge project.

Luo Mingyue decided to let nature take its course and only provide some food and drink, not interfering with the cultural development of the dwarf village, or wait until the imperial city is unlocked in the future.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Mu Lingyan's voice coming from outside the door:

"Disciple requests to see Master!"

Luo Mingyue did not go out, but released a paper puppet.

The little paper man squeezed out from the crack in the door and came in front of Mu Lingyan.

The expression on the paper figurine's face was very indifferent, and a childish voice came out of its mouth: "What's the matter?"

Mu Lingyan lowered his head, looked at the little paper figure on the ground, and said, "Master, my junior sister has been slow to learn how to practice martial arts. I hope you can give me some pointers."

He was more tactful in his words and did not directly mention "whipping" but "guidance".

Paper Figure: ( ̄ー ̄)

Mu Lingyan was puzzled, "Master?"

The paper figurine said: "As the eldest senior brother, and also at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage, you can teach Bai Tian."

Mu Lingyan looked embarrassed. He had taught his junior sister the tricks of cultivation and told her about his own experience in cultivation, but it was of no use. The main problem his junior sister was facing now was that she was unable to absorb spiritual energy into her body, and Mu Lingyan could not help at all.

"Master, Junior Sister and several other junior brothers and sisters are at the foot of the main peak. Junior Sister wants... wants you to hit her a few times..." Mu Lingyan said.

Paper figurine: ⊙▽⊙

Mu Lingyan knelt down, "We have all been beaten by our master, except for my junior sister. I hope our master will have mercy on us and not show partiality..."

Luo Mingyue was speechless after hearing this, because the plot of the novel transmitted by the system was rather vague. It only said that the hero and heroine had excellent spiritual roots, but did not say that they became excellent after being whipped.

Luo Mingyue's spiritual sense covered the entire mountain, except for the cardboard boxes where the little people lived, which automatically blocked the spiritual sense's prying eyes. It was like a black hole, no matter how much power poured in, it would be swallowed up by the cardboard boxes.

At the foot of the mountain, Bai Tian said anxiously, "I don't know if Master will beat me."

Murong Shishi comforted her, "Of course we will. We have all been beaten before. There is no reason to leave you behind."

Bai Tian enviously said, "You guys are so lucky. You've been beaten by Master a long time ago, and Master took the initiative to beat you. I'm different. Master hasn't paid much attention to me since he brought me up the mountain... Does Master dislike me?"

The fourth disciple comforted him, "Don't think too much. If the master didn't like you, he wouldn't have brought you up the mountain."

The eighth disciple hummed softly, "I'm just waiting to see the little sister crying and begging for mercy after being whipped."

Bai Tian clenched her fist and said with a firm face: "Eighth Senior Sister, don't worry, I will at least hold out for two more lashes before begging for mercy!"

"Pfft... you little girl, I thought you were so strong-willed." Eighth Senior Sister was amused. She was a sickly beauty, and when she smiled like that, she actually looked quite bright and radiant.

Bai Tian was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps forward, tentatively took the arm of the sick beauty, and said, "Eighth Senior Sister, you look so beautiful when you smile..."