Chapter 67 Life feels sweet

Liu Dashi replied: "Maybe the immortal had something to do, so he left us all behind."

As soon as he finished speaking, a wooden box fell from the sky.

The height of the wooden box is about four centimeters. It has no lid and has a large space for many people to stand.

Luo Mingyue said: "Come up."

Liu Dashi conveyed the immortal's words and asked his father and brothers to stand inside.

Mo Jin also climbed in from the edge of the wooden box.

"Hold on, ready to go."

Luo Mingyue picked up the box with one hand and walked forward. It was more convenient than walking with the person supported by her palm, and it was also more stable and safer.

After all, there is no guardrail on Luo Mingyue's palm, but the four sides of the wooden box act as guardrails to prevent the little people from falling down.

The wooden box flew ostentatiously in the sky.

The little people in the Liu family were all smiling happily, especially Liu Sishi. When he saw the acquaintances below, he would greet them loudly and wave, his eyes and eyebrows full of excitement.

"Brother Dashi, have you learned the magic technique?"

The people below asked subconsciously, and when they wanted to chase it, they found that the wooden box had gone far away.

Luo Mingyue sent Mo Jin home and sent the Liu family back.

Village Chief Liu felt dizzy. He never thought that he could experience the feeling of "going to heaven" like birds and animals in his lifetime. It was magical to look down at the scenery on the ground from above...

Soon, the wooden box fell to the ground.

The brothers of the Liu family were having fun all the way, and now they still have smiles on their faces.

Liu Dashi took out the box and thanked Luo Mingyue.

Liu Sishi couldn't see the immortal and couldn't talk to him, so he bowed hard, bending over 90 degrees, almost hitting the ground. After bowing, he shouted, "Immortal, I will be your most loyal believer from now on!"

The other brothers were not willing to be outdone and bowed one after another. Liu Xiaoshi was the most sincere.

Or maybe he was a little afraid of heights and his legs were weak, so he bowed too hard and fell to the ground.

Liu Sanshi next to him hurriedly helped him up.

Luo Mingyue couldn't help laughing, but it wasn't a mockery. She just felt that the little people were very cute, and their happiness was also very simple, they were all so happy just by taking a ride.

Luo Mingyue's mood also improved.

She smiled and said, "Go to sleep, there will be a market tomorrow morning."

Liu Dashi responded: "Okay, Immortal!"

"Good night."

Liu Dashi was so excited that he wanted to prostrate himself on the ground. The immortal not only took him for a ride and smiled at him, but also said good night to him!

What an honor!

Liu Dashi also said: "Good night!"

The tone is excited and full of energy.

Luo Mingyue held her forehead and quickly hid outside the cardboard box, otherwise she felt that Liu Dashi would not be able to sleep if he saw her.

Liu Xiaoshi asked curiously: "Brother, what did the immortal say to you?"

"Nothing, just told us to go to bed early and said goodnight."

Liu Sishi's eyes sparkled, and he said with longing: "I'm so envious. I wish I could talk to the immortals too."

Liu Dashi encouraged him, "You can do it. I couldn't see the immortals before, but when Mojia Village worshipped the statue for the first time, I followed suit and worshipped. Then I could see the immortals. We should work together to carve a huge statue of the immortal and put it in Tianliu Village. When the time comes, you can also worship devoutly and maybe you will be blessed."

"Eh? Yeah, I almost forgot about it. Have you found the materials? Let's start tonight!"

"Don't worry if you haven't found the right materials yet..."

"I am in a hurry."

"There's no point in being anxious. We are doing a favor for the gods, so we must do it beautifully, not just for speed."

Luo Mingyue moved to the outside of Mojia Village and found that Mo Jin was still awake and was practicing boxing in the yard.

Luo Mingyue's fingers were scratching the edge of the box, and she poked out a pair of eyes and stared at Mo Jin.

Mo Jin found that the immortal only showed his smooth black hair, smooth and full forehead, and a pair of clear and bright eyes, so he stopped practicing boxing and asked, "What's the matter, immortal?"

At the same time, Jiang Yanfeng, who had already lain down to sleep, suddenly felt something in his heart and woke up from his sleep. He opened the window and saw the immortal. He put on a crescent-white robe, walked hurriedly into the yard, bowed slightly to show respect, and asked, "What do you want, immortal?"

Chen Qi walked out of the next room and stood beside Jiang Yanfeng, sleepy-eyed, and asked curiously, "Sister Fairy, what's wrong?"

Luo Mingyue blinked her eyes. She didn't expect that she had startled all three of them at once. She said, "It's okay. I just came to see you and asked if you wanted any salt."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "The immortal gave me salt last time. After I distributed some to the villagers, there was still a lot left."

Luo Mingyue said: "Tomorrow at the market, you want to trade goods, but I think the houses in Tianliu Village are more magnificent than yours, and there are more people..."

This was a rather euphemistic way of saying it. Luo Mingyue saw that Mojia Village was too poor and was afraid that they would not be able to produce anything to set up a stall, so she added, "The villagers of Tianliu Village often hunt poisonous animals and need salt to marinate meat strips. I have white refined salt here, which is of better quality than coarse salt. I'll give you some more for setting up a stall tomorrow. Not only salt, I also have various condiments, silk fabrics, cotton..."

Chen Qi said: "I don't need anything. Just having food to eat every day is enough. I plan to just go shopping tomorrow without buying anything."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "I heard that Tianliu Village also intends to believe in immortals. If they knew that the immortals are on our side..."

Mo Jin said, "Immortal, I want cotton and cloth to make a quilt."

Luo Mingyue responded to every request and immediately put a piece of cloth in front of Mo Jin. It was filled with cotton, and the pile of cotton was taller than Mo Jin.

Mo Jin said quickly: "Enough, too much..."

Only then did Luo Mingyue stop.

There was some distance between the Jiang family and the Mo family. When Jiang Yanfeng saw the immortal dropping items down, he knew without guessing that it must be Mo Jin who asked the immortal for something.

Jiang Yanfeng shook his head and sighed, but he didn't say much. After all, Mo Jin was also the one chosen by God. The immortal was willing to pamper Mo Jin, and he couldn't stop him. Moreover, Jiang Yanfeng himself got a big house and many new furniture from the immortal. He was too ashamed to blame others. Jiang Yanfeng was just worried that the immortal's good temper would easily make mortals greedy.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly noticed a piece of cloth falling from the sky, followed by a lot of cotton falling down.

Luo Mingyue said: "Well, you two should make a new quilt too."

Jiang Yanfeng's first reaction was to wave his hands, "No, I..."

Luo Mingyue interrupted him: "Don't refuse."

The rest of Jiang Yanfeng's words were stuck in his throat, his face was very interesting. He thought that what the immortal had given him was enough and he didn't want to ask for more, but the immortal ordered him to accept it, and he didn't want to go against the immortal's will.

Luo Mingyue smiled with curved eyebrows and a little proud look. She said as if coaxing a child: "I want you to live a better life. I am very rich and have everything I need. If a little bit of money slips through my fingers, it will be enough for you to have enough food and clothing..."

"For me, as long as you are happy, I will do my best to help improve your life. As long as you care about my kindness, I will continue to provide you with food and daily necessities."

"Jiang Yanfeng, I don't care how greedy you are, because everything you need is insignificant to me. As long as you don't scold me or hate me, I will keep feeding you until the end of my life."

These were what Luo Mingyue had wanted to say for a long time. She felt that Jiang Yanfeng had too many concerns, which was not good. She hoped that Jiang Yanfeng could live an easier life.


Jiang Yanfeng stood there in a daze. He didn't expect Luo Mingyue to be willing to explain so much to him. He knew that mortals and immortals think differently. Due to their different identities and statuses, the two sides are inherently unequal. Even if Luo Mingyue behaves very friendly, there is always a layer between the two sides. Just like no matter how kind and amiable the principal is, it is impossible for students to tell all their troubles to the principal. Everyone has their own thoughts and will not speak them out easily.

While Jiang Yanfeng was stunned, Luo Mingyue had already piled up cotton in his yard.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Mingyue disappeared in a flash, without giving Jiang Yanfeng a chance to speak.

While listening to the fairy's speech, Mo Jin pulled his brother out of bed, and the two brothers worked together to move the cotton given by the fairy into the house.

Mo Jin took out an oil-paper bag from his bosom, handed it to Mo Hanshi, and said, "This is a strip of animal meat. Try it as a snack."

Mo Hanshi took a bite and said disdainfully, "It's not as delicious as the pickles given by the immortal."

After being fed for a long time, Mo Hanshi had certain requirements for the taste of food, but he still remembered in his bones that "food should not be wasted". When he eats, even if the food in the bowl is not delicious, he will eat it all without leaving any.

Mo Jin said: "It's good to change your taste occasionally. We used to eat brown rice at home, and you would be happy all day if you ate a few more bites. But now, you don't even like to eat meat sticks."

Mo Hanshi touched his nose and said with a smile: "The food fed by the immortal is too good. Our tastes have become picky."

The next day, early morning.

The people from the two villages came out to set up stalls early.

Few people brought out tables. Most people simply spread a piece of cloth on the ground and put the things they wanted to sell on it. However, no one shouted out their wares. Anyway, the market was so small that people could just walk around to buy whatever they wanted. The shouting was too noisy, so it was better to be quiet.

Chen Qi had originally planned not to buy anything, but now, he was squatting in front of a cage containing healthy and lively puppies.

One of the dogs was biting the cage persistently, whimpering in grievance. Chen Qi placed his finger next to the puppy's mouth.

The puppy sniffed and licked twice.

Chen Qi was silent for a long time, then said, "...I want to buy a dog."

The stall owner saw that he was a child and said, "Where are your parents? Ask them to bring something in exchange, and then you can take one home."

Chen Qi nodded, turned around and ran back home, taking out a jar.

The stall owner asked, "What is this?"

Chen Qi replied: "It's white sugar."

The stall owner was very surprised and said, "It's a pity that I only brought a bag with me this time, but no container."

Chen Qi left the sugar jar behind and said, "I'll give you the jar too."

The stall owner said, "You are so generous, kid... Go back and call your parents. Candy is very precious. You give me so much at once, don't you feel bad?"

Chen Qi teased the puppy while saying, "I am the eldest in the family, and I have no family members."

The stall owner was silent. Such a young child, whose parents were gone, felt sympathy for him and said, "Then I can't charge you so much candy. Just take this jar back and get a bowl to scoop some candy for me."

Chen Qi glanced at him, bent down, picked up a puppy, and ran away without looking back.

"Hey, you kid..."

The stall owner chased after him for two steps, but saw that Chen Qi's body had disappeared in the crowd and he could no longer see him, so he had to stop helplessly.

Someone stopped on the road and asked him, "Old Qian, was your puppy stolen by a kid?"

Old Qian shook his head and frowned, "No, that kid gave me a whole can of sugar... How can a puppy be so expensive? This kid doesn't know how to be frugal. I have to find him."

Jiang Yanfeng, who was not far away, witnessed the whole process. He came over and said, "That child is my adopted brother. There is no need to look for him. You can take the sugar."

Old Qian said sternly, "How can I do this? How can I take advantage of a child when I am away from home? I have children at home too..."

Jiang Yanfeng said helplessly: "Take it, this is given by the immortal. We have too much candy at home to finish it. It will be bad if it is kept for a long time. It's rare that my brother likes this puppy, so let's just treat it as making friends."

"Too much to eat?" Old Qian was stunned for a moment, then he thought of the generous god in heaven, nodded, and sat back in his seat.

Mo Hanshi set up a stall to sell cotton and cloth, as well as large barrels of cooking oil and many bowls.

Mo Jin was wandering around and patrolling the streets to prevent anyone from causing trouble, but the villagers were all very simple and honest, and the transaction process was very civilized, with basically no disputes.

The puppies, lambs and other animals sold in Tianliu Village are the most popular and are sold out in a short time.

The villagers of Tianliu Village used a variety of items to set up stalls, such as combs, hairpins, and jewelry for women, headbands and crowns for men, woven straw sandals, bamboo baskets, and some clothes and shoes for children.

As for Liu Sishi, he occupied a stall by himself, placed a big pot and many bowls and chopsticks. His brothers brought tables and chairs, opened the lid of the pot, and inside was the steaming animal meat soup.

The villagers of Mojia Village did not have time to have breakfast this morning. When they smelled the aroma of the soup, they were really a little hungry, so they came over to eat a bowl.

There were not many tables and chairs, but the villagers were not in a hurry to eat. Those who could not queue up would walk around the market first. As for the soup, they just tried it for fun. When it came to delicious food, the food given by the immortals was the best.

Just as I was thinking about it, a small stone basin fell from the sky and was placed on an empty stall. The basin was filled with fresh fruits, all cut into pieces, so I could eat them directly.

The villagers of Mojia Village were used to it and didn't even think about fighting for it.

Some villagers from Tianliu Village were very excited and ran to get it, fearing that it would be gone if they were too late. Then they found that there were only a dozen of them running, while the people from Mojia Village were so calm. They felt a little embarrassed for some reason, so they slowed down their pace.

Jiang Yanfeng kindly reminded: "Don't rush. Even if you finish eating, the immortal will definitely add more. Everyone will have a share."

Luo Mingyue found a vacant place and put down three stone basins, which were filled with brown sugar steamed cakes, candied fruits and sesame candies. Everyone could take some while walking.

The children happily took the candies and brown sugar steamed cakes to eat, each of which was their favorite.

Even adults love to eat it.

"Well, suddenly Chapter 67 feels that life is pretty sweet."

An old man from Tianliu Village took a bite of the soft brown sugar steamed cake, walked among the crowd, squinting at the bright smiling faces of the children, and his mood was as bright and warm as the sunlight above his head.