Chapter 80 The Golden Egg Was Roasted and Cracked

After Lu Yunting had eaten and drunk his fill, he looked up and saw Luo Mingyue still in the sky. He couldn't help but ask, "You've grown so big, do you have to eat a lot every day?"

Luo Mingyue shook her head, "I'm already fasting, it's enough for me to watch you guys eat every day, I don't need to eat myself."

Lu Yunting opened his eyes wide, "Are you hungry every day?"

Hearing this, Mo Jin couldn't help but raise his head.

Mo Hanshi, who was cleaning up the dishes, was also stunned. Although he could not hear what the immortal said, he could hear what Lu Yunting said. So the immortal was hungry every day?

Luo Mingyue said: "I'm not hungry."

Absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth every day is enough to support the body's energy consumption, so there is no need to eat at all.

Lu Yunting said: "That's too cruel, you can't eat every day, and you have to watch us eat, and you are greedy like this..."

Mo Hanshi suddenly came to his senses and said, "The gods eat incense and offerings. We should buy incense and offerings to the gods!"

It turned out that the immortal was starving every day and that these believers were so incompetent.

Mo Jin said: "We have killed the poisonous beast in the back mountain, and have not brought it back yet. I will go explore the road tomorrow morning to see what the situation is in the town and buy some incense and candles."

Mo Hanshi added: "Buy an incense burner."

Luo Mingyue: "…No need to buy."

Mo Jin said: "If the Immortal needs anything, just tell us. Don't be polite with us."

Luo Mingyue sighed, took out two roast ducks from the storage space, and said, "I really don't lack food and drink."

Lu Yunting asked: "What is that? Roast duck? It's too big..."

Luo Mingyue smiled, put one roast duck back, then cut off a little bit of the duck leg from the other roast duck and put it in a small bowl.

Lu Yunting swallowed his saliva wildly, not even looking at the bowl of meat, his eyes fixed on the roast duck in Luo Mingyue's hand.

Luo Mingyue asked: "You just had a meal, can you still eat?"


Luo Mingyue said: "It's not good to eat too much greasy food at night..."

Lu Yunting looked eagerly, "There is a memory of inheritance in my mind, called [Spirit Blood], also known as [Zhu Su]. Every awakener, while gaining extraordinary power, will also be constrained by rules. For example, [Prophet] loses his freedom, [Witch] believes in gods... The disadvantage of [Spirit Blood] is that they have a big appetite. If they eat a lot, they will poop a lot..."

Luo Mingyue originally wanted to hear him talk more about the information of [Wu Zhu], but when she heard the word "la duo", she was immediately furious. Such a handsome man, why can't he just talk about eating? Why did he have to say "la duo"!

Suddenly, the roast duck in her hand didn't smell good anymore.

Lu Yunting looked greedy, "If I don't eat enough, I will always be weak..."

Although Luo Mingyue didn't see any sign of weakness in him, she still picked an empty spot, put the roast duck on a plate, and placed it on the ground.

Then, he grabbed Lu Yunting and brought him to the plate.

The Mo brothers tore open the roast duck meat in the small bowl.

Mo Jin took it and saw Shangguan washing dishes, so he fed Shangguan a bite with chopsticks.

Shangguan said, "Don't give it to me. I can't sleep at night if I eat too much."

The two brothers finished the remaining roast duck meat in the bowl, washed the bowl, and found that Lu Yunting had not returned yet.

Luo Mingyue said: "You guys go to sleep first. I will send Lu Yunting back after he has eaten his fill."

As he spoke, Luo Mingyue stretched out his hand again and pushed down a wave of new officers and soldiers.

This group of officers and soldiers were all wearing ordinary coarse linen clothes, but the color of the clothes was a uniform blue-gray. They wore swords at their waists and had badges hanging on their waists.

"We have gathered a hundred people and can network the entire village."

"Yes, as long as there are no more than ten awakened people in the village, we can handle it."

"Let's move faster. Otherwise, when Lord Zhuge comes, we..." They didn't finish the rest of the sentence because they wanted to take the credit, and Lord Zhuge led a team of awakened ones. If the awakened ones came, they would have no chance of success.

The officers and soldiers formed their positions, and before they had time to chant any spells, Luo Mingyue stretched out a finger and poked them down one by one.


Others were poked in the back and staggered to the ground.

After a while, another one fell down.

"Pah, pah, pah, what kind of awakened person is so insidious..."

"This awakener definitely doesn't have the ability to kill the enemy head-on, so he hides and doesn't dare to show up."

"Although I won't lose any limbs if I fall, this ability to push people from the dark is too disgusting."

The officers and soldiers complained verbally but actually made eye contact with each other. After some of them fell down, they kept shouting in pain, but secretly took off their badges with their right hands, bit their index fingers, smeared the blood on the badges, and muttered something.

Luo Mingyue noticed their little actions but did not stop them.

One hundred officers and soldiers finished chanting the spell one after another, and a mysterious wave emanated from their waist badges. The energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was attracted by the waist badges and formed a white fishing net. This net was so huge that it was enough to cover the entire Mo Family Village.

The leader of the officers and soldiers laughed loudly, "The country bumpkin awakeners have definitely never seen our [Law Net], how dare you tease us? We will massacre the whole village in a moment!"

"Yes, massacre the whole village!"

"Don't do that. It sounds too cruel. We will first collect grain taxes from them, and then ask them for water. There is a severe drought in the world now, so they must have no water. If they have no water, we will make them bleed to pay off the debt. After they bleed one by one, we will rob them of all their food, beat them up, and let them wait for death in despair..."

"You are even more cruel. You are killing people and destroying their hearts."

The officers and soldiers were chatting and laughing, and it was obvious that they had great confidence in the [French Net] in the sky, because once this net was formed, it would be capable of both offense and defense.

If you cover yourself, you will be immune to all visible and invisible damage.

If the enemy is enveloped, he can be made to fall into a coma. Even if the enemy has a strong mental will and is not asleep, his body will be affected by the net and he will not be able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Luo Mingyue felt unhappy when she heard the soldiers talking. She stretched out her hand, rolled the net into a ball and took it away.

The leader of the soldiers had a smile on his face, and was about to control the legal net to cover Mojia Village. However, when he looked up, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"The French Open... flew into the sky?"

The rest of the people looked up and only saw a corner of the French Open, which disappeared in a flash.

"how so?"

Now, the officers and soldiers were really scared, because they had used the French Net before and had never failed, but today was the first time.

"What kind of monster is hiding in this village?"

"Could it be that there is a high-ranking official in the village who has defected and is therefore able to suppress our network?"

"That's impossible. Once an official rebels against the court, his badge will be invalid... Unless he surrenders to a certain prince and obtains the protection of the royal bloodline, but that doesn't make sense. For example, we are from the court and the other party is a certain prince. But after the prince rebels, he can only command his subordinates and can't take away our network at all..."

"Let's take a step back. Even if there are higher-level players suppressing us, we shouldn't throw the French Open to the sky!"

As for Prince Lu Yunting, he was not crowned king and his badge had been taken away long ago, so he was not even within their consideration.

The officers and soldiers were puzzled, but they all felt a chill.

"Could it be... that there is an awakened person with supernatural powers, surpassing the rules of heaven and earth, so he can catch the law?"

"That's impossible! As long as you live in this world, you will be bound by the rules. No one can transcend the rules."

Luo Mingyue was studying this net. It felt similar to a fishing net and felt like an ordinary rope, but it could not be cut with scissors. The material was very tough.

Luo Mingyue used the divine fire to burn it, but found that it could not be burned. It seemed to be a treasure.

You can use it when fishing later.

But the net is not big enough. It would be better if I could have a few more and weave them together.

Luo Mingyue stuffed the fishing net into the storage space and looked down at the group of officers and soldiers. She reached out her hand again and pushed the officers and soldiers down randomly, hoping that they would use the French net a few more times.

But this time, the officers and soldiers were so frightened that they almost lost their souls and ran away crawling.

"Run away quickly, as many as you can!"

"Wait until Lord Zhuge arrives, then make plans."

The officers and soldiers scattered.

"Don't go…"

Luo Mingyue tried to keep him.

But no officer or soldier could hear her voice.

Luo Mingyue stretched out her hand to stop several soldiers. From their perspective, it was as if they had hit an air wall while running. The soldiers quickly changed their route, but were still blocked. They were terrified. One of them was so timid that he sat on the ground with weak legs, crying bitterly, "Wuwuwu, please don't eat me. I'm too skinny to be eaten. Please let me go..."

The other officers and soldiers were walking very fast and no one came to rescue him.

The poor little soldier was crying so hard that he was out of breath.

Luo Mingyue couldn't bear it anymore, so she grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him up, then put him directly on the edge of the blood mist.

The little soldier cried even louder, "Mom, I just flew up..."

Luo Mingyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

According to what the officers and soldiers said before, it seems that more than a hundred people are needed to weave a net.

Luo Mingyue thought: "I took in Lu Yunting. As long as Lu Yunting is here, there will be a steady stream of officers and soldiers, and a steady stream of fishing nets..."

By the way, what is Lu Yunting doing?

Luo Mingyue turned around and saw that Lu Yunting was eating roast duck, his mouth full of oil.

He ate quite fast and had already finished two duck legs.

"What a big eater..."

Luo Mingyue felt that eating only roast duck was a bit greasy, so she put down a small bowl of porridge for him, as well as shredded cabbage, lettuce with walnut kernels, cold-mixed bitter chrysanthemum, and stir-fried yam and black fungus...


Lu Yunting's fox eyes sparkled, "Mingyue, you are so nice! You gave me so many delicious foods!"

Luo Mingyue: "…"

So, is this Lu Yunting's true nature?

The last time Lu Yunting came to Mojia Village, he was still quite reserved. Luo Mingyue prepared a table of food for him. He was very elegant while eating, and he looked like a royal relative. But now...

Lu Yunting was like a hamster, with bulging cheeks and eating happily.

Maybe it's because he lost his memory and forgot his previous identity. He only knew that he was a wanted criminal, so he didn't care about his image anymore...

Luo Mingyue took some time to glance over at Tianliu Village and found that the refugees were very quiet, so she put down a stone basin of sesame candies and a basin of boiled water so that if anyone was hungry or thirsty in the middle of the night, they could take it at any time.

After doing all this, Luo Mingyue continued to stay in Mojia Village and watched Lu Yunting eat for a while. He felt like a food blogger, but unfortunately Luo Mingyue was the only audience.

As for outside the village, no officers and soldiers approached in a short period of time. The officers and soldiers had already run to the area outside the blood mist, which was Luo Mingyue's blind spot.

Luo Mingyue felt bored, so she took out the golden egg again and began to roast it with the blazing white divine fire.

Inside the egg.

Qinglong felt like he hadn't slept for long when he was woken up by the heat again...

It's in a bad mood.

"Who on earth is playing a prank and throwing my sleeping egg into the lava?"

Under normal circumstances, if someone obtained this golden egg and felt the tremendous spiritual energy contained in the egg, the first thing that would come to mind would be to hatch the golden egg, or to feed it with spiritual energy every day in an effort to help the cub inside the egg break out of the shell as soon as possible.

If an ordinary animal gets hold of this egg, it will find that it cannot be bitten or broken, so there is nothing it can do with the egg except using it as a beautiful ornament.

Theoretically, the egg is safe.

But it never imagined that Luo Mingyue would want to roast the eggs.

Qinglong murmured to himself:

"What on earth happened outside that made me wake up with the heat?"

Qinglong began to think about breaking out of his shell.

There was no way out. It found that two of the core pieces of the formation it had set up had been burned, emitting a pungent smell that was very unpleasant.

Outside the egg, Luo Mingyue was also muttering, "What on earth is this thing? Even the divine fire can't cook it. This burnt smell is like roasted wires mixed with the smell of formaldehyde and paint. It really pollutes the air..."

Luo Mingyue couldn't bear it anymore and finally stopped.

"There must be something wrong with my cooking... Who boils eggs directly over fire? I should put the eggs in water, and boiling them is also good..."

Luo Mingyue thought about it and shook her head. A normal egg couldn't smell so bad. What if the golden egg was poisonous after being cooked?

After thinking for a while, Luo Mingyue came up with an idea, "Just put it in the alchemy furnace and refine it directly!"

If you refine a poison pill and feed it to the enemy, it can be considered as a waste utilization.

At the same time, the Azure Dragon inside the egg was thinking: "I better break out of the shell and see what's going on outside."


The golden egg cracked.

Luo Mingyue was stunned, thinking that she hadn't even started refining the golden egg yet, and the cub inside was about to hatch?

What kind of cub stinks so much?

Luo Mingyue was worried. She could eat eggs, but if chicks hatched out, she would definitely not eat them. Similarly, no matter what kind of cubs hatched from the golden eggs, she would not eat them. If they were cute, she would keep them. If they were ugly, she would raise them first and then release them when they were able to hunt independently...

While Luo Mingyue was daydreaming, more and more cracks appeared on the golden egg, and a long "cub" with half the eggshell on its head broke out of the golden egg.

The "cub" has green scales all over its body, and each scale is like an ice crystal under the moonlight, mysterious and cold.

Luo Mingyue reached out and took away the small half of the eggshell on the "cub's" head, revealing its head.

The man and the child looked at each other.