Chapter 91 Please appoint a guardian for me

Lu Yunting touched Chen Qi's little head and smiled gently, "Don't worry, no matter who I am, I won't put on airs with you."

Chen Qi was surprised. "You are a wanted criminal now. Why are you trying to put on airs?"

Lu Yunting: "…"

What he meant was that even if he had an extraordinary status, he would not forget the kindness of Mo Village, but after Chen Qi said this, he didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, all the officers and soldiers looked up at the sky. Someone whispered, "That wooden box contains two adults and a child. It looks very heavy. How can it fly?"

"The two people around Lu Yunting are the leaders of Mo Village?"

Zhuge Chengnian was secretly thinking, "What kind of awakened one is so strong?"

In mid-air, the twelfth prince stopped struggling. He said calmly, "Lu Yunting, do you dare to fight me openly?"

Lu Yunting asked: "How do we fight?"

The twelfth prince shook his head, "It's not a fight between the two of us."

As a prince, how could he possibly go down in person? That would be too cheap.

The twelfth prince said, "Let's each send our awakened ones to fight. If you win, I will lead my team away immediately, and I will never trouble you again from now on. If you lose... I will not attack you today, but the next time we meet, we will be enemies."

Lu Yunting didn't say anything, but just looked at him with those charming peach blossom eyes with a strange look in his eyes.

The twelfth prince said, "If you have any questions, you can ask them and we can discuss it."

Lu Yunting said slowly: "I don't think it's necessary to compare..."

The twelfth prince smiled, "You think we have more people and a better chance of winning, right?"

Lu Yunting said: "No, I just feel that since you are already in our hands, why should I go to the trouble of making a bet with you?"

With the immortal around, we will definitely not lose.

But Luo Mingyue saved him and made two blood-stained shirts for him.

With such great kindness, Lu Yunting couldn't go too far and order the immortal to do things, right?

That would be too ungrateful.

Moreover, the twelfth prince was captured and unable to break free, so he proposed the bet, hoping to escape in this way. Regardless of whether he won or lost, he would retreat and would not lose anything at all.

Lu Yunting was not fooled and refused directly.

The twelfth prince's face froze for a moment, and his eyes gradually darkened. "Heh, I'm discussing this with you not because I'm afraid of you, but because I don't want to waste my life here, so I'm talking to you so much nonsense."

After a pause, the twelfth prince continued, "I know that you have a powerful master by your side who is not even afraid of the French Open."

"But, all awakened people in this world have weaknesses."

"The master can take away the law, but can she not be afraid of swords and guns, witchcraft and sorcery, or floods and fire?"

"Even if she's not afraid of anything, the people of Mojia Village should be afraid, right?"

The twelfth prince threatened in a sinister tone: "If you don't know what's good for you, I will ask a priest to come here when I return..."

Before he could finish his words, his body was pressed to the ground.

And face down.

Luo Mingyue had an angry look on her face.

The reason why he brought Jiang Yanfeng and others here was actually for "negotiation". If the twelfth prince agreed to retreat and not cause trouble again, Luo Mingyue would not kill him. After all, this prince was a [Life Master] and could be resurrected even after death.

Who would have thought that none of the words the twelfth prince said were what Luo Mingyue liked to hear.

It was okay for the twelfth prince to threaten Lu Yunting, as this was a personal grudge and a family matter. Although Luo Mingyue would protect Lu Yunting's safety, she would not kill anyone just for Lu Yunting.

But the twelfth prince actually threatened the villagers.

When the four emperor-faced men were discussing before, they mentioned that they wanted to attack the villagers. Luo Mingyue was already angry at that time, but considering that if he killed one group of people, it would attract another group of people, which would be endless and very troublesome, so he thought about resolving it peacefully.

But now, Luo Mingyue felt that she couldn't bear it anymore.

She angrily pressed the twelfth prince's body to the ground, but not wanting to dirty her hands, she took out a stone and prepared to crush the twelfth prince to death.

"Your Highness!"

Unexpectedly, the four emperor-faced men reacted incredibly quickly, especially the one who could hide in the shadow of a person, who immediately pulled the twelfth prince into his arms.

Luo Mingyue took a look and thought, OK, you actually want to escape?

No way!

This time, Luo Mingyue didn't care about the dirt anymore, and reached out again to grab the Second Prince and the man with the emperor's face together. However, it was still quite scary to crush the "little bug" to death alive, so he couldn't bring himself to do it.

At this moment, Lu Yunting suddenly had an inspiration. He clasped his hands together, and the blood-red clothes on his body instantly came off. There was no movement of taking off the clothes, but the clothes "stood" beside Lu Yunting like a living person.

Lu Yunting said: "Go."

The blood-colored clothes turned into a person who looked exactly like him.

This person... let's call him Blood-Clothed No. 1. No. 1 has a bright and cheerful smile on his face. He looks no different from a real person, making it hard to tell whether he is real or fake.

He was light and lithe, and with a light jump, he jumped out of the uncovered wooden box, his blood-stained clothes fluttering in the wind.

Luo Mingyue found a safe place and put down the wooden box.

The other hand was holding two little men.

The captured Emperor-faced Man was terrified, "I can't move through the shadows anymore!"

The twelfth prince also had a bad feeling and shouted, "Lu Yunting, what did you do to us?"

Lu Yunting chuckled and did not answer.

Blood-Clothed Number One jumped onto Luo Mingyue's finger and stood there. His body was light and weightless. He leaned forward slightly and put his hands on the twelfth prince and the man with the emperor's face.

Two living people disappeared so suddenly in Luo Mingyue's hands, leaving only clothes, shoes, hats and other items. After losing the support of their bodies, they fell from a high altitude to the ground.

Luo Mingyue was stunned for a moment and thought: What kind of magic is this that can bring people back to life?

The other three emperor-faced men were also trying to find a way to rescue the prince, but unfortunately they were a little too slow. Only the clothes were left of the twelfth prince, and he was gone.

The remaining three emperor-faced men were horrified:

"Damn it, Lu Yunting, how dare you hurt His Majesty the Twelfth Prince!"

"[Spiritual Blood] is indeed a group of monsters. Lu Yunting has absorbed all the blood, flesh and bones of His Majesty the Twelfth Prince!"

Of course, although they were angry, these three emperor-faced men were still rational, because they knew that their master was not really dead. All they could do now was to return to the capital as soon as possible.

As for revenge for His Highness the Twelfth?

That's impossible.

First of all, His Highness is not dead yet.

Secondly, the Emperor's Men are loyal and every death is a huge loss. If the Twelfth Prince really dies, the four Emperor's Men will never live. But if the Prince has already escaped, then the Emperor's Men don't need to fight and can just flee.

At this time, Luo Mingyue's right hand remained in a clenched fist. Since No. 1 was still standing on her hand, she did not move her right hand, but used her left hand to scoop up the remaining three emperor-masked men.

Then, Number One jumped onto her left fist again, leaned over with a smile, and touched the three emperor-faced men in turn.

Luo Mingyue didn't even blink this time, but still didn't see how the three emperor-masked men disappeared. She only felt her hands were empty, and their clothes had fallen from mid-air.

Below, the officers and soldiers were in a panic.

"Run away!"

The three chances of the French Open have been used up. If they don't escape now, will they stay and die?

They will never come to this Mojia Village again!

As for Zhuge Chengnian and others, they did not immediately set out to escape.

Zhuge Chengnian said: "The twelfth prince is dead, and the emperor's face is also dead. Even if we escape back, we will be killed."

This group of people were not qualified to know the ability of the Twelfth Prince, so they thought the prince was really dead.

The deputy commander said: "Anyway, several princes have rebelled, so the worst that can happen is that we can surrender to a prince..."

He hasn't decided which one to join yet.

Or just find a place to hide and come out when the world is at peace.

But this is not realistic, because there is a severe drought in the world. Only in important areas such as the capital, where the [Yuanshui] awakeners gather together to bring rain, can the people maintain normal life.

Zhuge Chengnian suddenly winked and said, "Although there is no prince here, isn't there a ready-made prince?"

You may not be able to escape, but you can surrender directly!

If you can't beat them, join them.

Although Lu Yunting was demoted to a commoner, he has a powerful backer and might be able to restore his status in the future. It would be nice if he could get hold of such a powerful backer now.

The deputy commander was already planning a route to leave. He was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Then he said with a complicated expression: "I suddenly understand why you are the commander and I can only be the deputy. You are really flexible..."

The deputy commander never thought of the word "surrender" because if he became a prisoner, he didn't know how he would be treated, and he didn't want to hand his life and property into the hands of others.

The deputy commander was more inclined to escape. He thought that he had the ability and several trusted confidants, so he could gain a foothold anywhere.

But Zhuge Chengnian was thinking that the master from Mojia Village would first capture the Emperor-faced Man, and then he would have to deal with this group of awakened people. If they wanted to survive, they had to admit defeat quickly.

So Zhuge Chengnian threw away his sword, raised his hands and said loudly: "I surrender!"

Fortunately, the natal sword has only a little spirituality and no thoughts of its own, otherwise it would definitely protest why Zhuge Chengnian threw it away.

Zhuge Chengnian was thinking that since the sword had already been lost once, there was no danger of losing it a second time.

Moreover, he didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that this sword, which had been lost once, was sharper and more useful than before. For a moment, he couldn't figure out the reason.

Little did they know that it was because the sword was stained with dragon's blood.

It was not enough for Zhuge Chengnian to shout "surrender" once, he shouted it twice in a row.

Luo Mingyue: "…"

She was actually preparing to attack Zhuge Chengnian, but the other party's attitude was so good that she thought about it and decided to let him go.

The deputy commander had a blank expression on his face, but in his heart he despised Zhuge Chengnian for being so useless. As a commander, he not only lost his face, but even lost his sword?

The deputy commander thought as he fled madly, but he suddenly felt his feet lighten and he actually flew up...

The deputy commander was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Bloody No. 1 coming towards him, he was so frightened that he shouted, "Senior, I surrender too, please show mercy!"

With the two leaders taking the lead, the rest of the awakened ones shouted for surrender.

Luo Mingyue stopped arresting people because the officers and soldiers were all ordinary people who were just following orders. Maybe there were some heinous bad guys among them, but Luo Mingyue couldn't kill all 500 officers and soldiers. He could only let them run away.

After all, everyone comes from a family, so just let them go.

Luo Mingyue reached out and grabbed the wooden box, and asked, "Someone surrendered, do you accept it?"

Chen Qi looked up and asked, "What will happen if you don't accept it?"

Luo Mingyue replied: "Kill him and eradicate the roots."

Chen Qi glanced down and said, "Since they have surrendered, let's give them a chance to live."

Luo Mingyue said: "Okay."

Lu Yunting asked, "My Immortal, how was my method just now?"

Luo Mingyue knew he was referring to Bloody Robe No. 1, so she asked, "Where did the people who were touched by your Bloody Robe go?"

Lu Yunting said: "They are all dead."

Moreover, all the blood and bones in the body are transformed into nutrients for the [Spiritual Blood]...

After saying this, Lu Yunting asked anxiously, "Am I being too cruel?"

Will he be rejected by the immortals?

Luo Mingyue shook her head, "It's not cruel. Your killing method is really clean and convenient. It also saves me a stone... If I use a stone to hit someone, it will look dirty. You are still the best."

Hearing this, Lu Yunting's eyes lit up, as if he had found the meaning of his life. He said, "From now on, I am willing to be the sword in the hands of the immortal. Whoever the immortal wants to kill, I will kill."

In this world, we must learn to raise the butcher knife and not be too kind, otherwise we will only hurt ourselves.

Lu Yunting knew that the immortal was not a bloodthirsty and cold-blooded person. He was just worrying about how to repay his kindness, and today's incident gave him some inspiration.

Luo Mingyue said: "Okay."

Lu Yunting asked, "Can the Immortal give me a position? For example, a sword-bearing guard? A village protector?"

Luo Mingyue thought, I haven't founded a sect yet, so why should I be given a position?

Lu Yunting said: "It would be fine even if it's just a verbal seal..."

In this way, he can stay in Mojia Village with a legitimate reason.

The people in the village seem friendly, but it is not easy to truly integrate into them. Although the villagers are very nice to Lu Yunting, they are only treating him as a guest and do not really treat him as one of their own.

Luo Mingyue said helplessly: "Then let's protect the law."

It sounds better too.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Jiang Yanfeng also looked up, staring at her with shining eyes, his face full of desire.

Luo Mingyue asked: "Shall I give you one too?"

Jiang Yanfeng nodded.

Luo Mingyue felt that this behavior was meaningless, but she was still willing to satisfy them in such a small matter, so she smiled and said: "Yanfeng has made great contributions, so he should be given a title..."

She doesn't want to be named "Leader" because Luo Mingyue doesn't want to establish a sect. She just wants to keep villains when she has nothing to do, not to establish any organization.

Luo Mingyue said: "Appoint him as a fairy messenger, a messenger of the fairy."

Jiang Yanfeng was very happy, "Thank you, Immortal."

As they were talking, almost all of the five hundred officers and soldiers had already fled, leaving only Zhuge Chengnian and the other nine awakened ones who could not escape.