Chapter 94: Tianliu Village Kneeling Stone Sculpture

Tianliu Village.

Liu Dashi and several of his brothers worked overtime and finally completed the carving of the stone statue of the immortal.

Liu Dashi said, "I don't know what precautions are required when offering sacrifices to the gods. How about... calling Village Chief Jiang Yanfeng?"

Liu Sanshi said, "We have seen Village Chief Jiang offering sacrifices to the gods with our own eyes. There is no need to ask him for help. We can just copy him. We should do the same as he did before."

Liu Dashi said awkwardly: "I remember that in addition to burning incense and kowtowing, he also said a lot of things... I forgot what they were."

Liu Ershi said: "I vaguely remember that he seemed to promise to believe in the gods forever."

"Just this one sentence?" Liu Dashitou felt pain. If he was asked to kill the poisonous beast, he would be happy to do so, but if he was asked to speak, it would be a bit difficult for him...

Liu Xiaoshi said: "Village Chief Jiang said that immortals don't like to kneel down and worship, they only need a sincere heart...Brother, are you sincere?"

"I am sincere, but I am not good at speaking. I am not as good as Jiang Yanfeng in speaking."

"What does this matter? Mojia Village...wait, big brother, we just need to place the statues. As for the leaders speaking, can't we just leave it to the elders?"

Liu Dashi said happily: "Yes, according to seniority, it is not my turn to speak!"

"But," Liu Sishi scratched the back of his head and said, "Among the adults in our entire village, only my eldest brother can see the immortal. The elders can't see it... I think that only my eldest brother should take the lead in worshiping the immortal."

Liu Dashi sighed softly.

Liu Ershi comforted him, "Don't be nervous. We can ask the elders to help us think of some words to thank the immortal, and then have Big Brother recite them."

"Okay, that's all we can do."

The Liu brothers transported the stone sculpture into the village. Without them saying anything, the villagers who passed by and saw it went home to pass on the news. Soon, everyone in the village knew that the statue was finished.

The scale of this statue is about the same as the one in Mojia Village.

In fact, Liu Xiaoshi originally wanted to make the statue bigger——

At least it's bigger than the one in Mojia Village.

Because he felt that the bigger the statue was, the more it would attract the attention of the immortals.

But Liu Dashi said that the immortals first descended on Mojia Village and protected Mojia Village. Now the two villages are adjacent to each other and are both protected by the immortals, so it is best not to treat them differently in the statues.

Not only that, every time you carve such statues to be worshipped in the village, it is best to keep them the same size and dimensions.

Tianliu Village had already cleared a piece of land and built a high platform on it. Several young men from the Liu family carried the statue onto the platform.

The villagers were all busy, some took incense burners, some took mats for kowtow, and some took out handfuls of incense and candles.

After Liu Dashi and others put the statue away, they were already sweating profusely. Turning around, they found that the villagers had gathered in a large crowd. Even the children were not idle, helping the adults run errands and get things.

Liu Dashi said: "It's already afternoon..."

Should we kneel down and worship the immortals in the morning?

Even the elders of the clan lit incense.

Liu Dashi said: "The immortals are not in heaven."

The elder of the Ling clan said: "There is a god above our heads. Maybe the immortal is watching us, but she doesn't want you to see it, so you can't see it."

Liu Dashi opened his mouth, but couldn't think of any reason to refute.

Village Chief Liu said, "Dashi, the rest of you should quickly get down from the platform and kneel down with us. As long as we are sincere, the immortal will appear."

"Hey..." Liu Dashi jumped down and stood behind his father, whispering, "Do you know the procedure for worshipping gods? I was thinking of putting the sculpture here today, and then tomorrow morning, when everyone wakes up, we'll kneel down and worship. I feel like today was a bit rushed and not well prepared."

"Don't talk nonsense, kid. We have prepared everything carefully..."

Village Chief Liu blamed him and said, "There is an elder in our village named Qian. His ancestors had a witch. The witch left a book that contained the method of worshiping the gods."

As they were talking, the Qian family had already set up the incense table and lit the sticks. On the table were the heads of three poisonous animals, one for a cow, one for a sheep, and one for a pig. There was also yellow talisman paper and a bowl of brightly colored, sweet-smelling poisonous animal blood on the table.

Liu Dashi was confused. "Is it so complicated? Mo Village didn't prepare for this at the beginning..."

The elder of the Qian clan happened to be next to him, and said with a smile: "This is to show our emphasis on worshipping the gods. The Mojia Village didn't prepare anything because they are poor and have nothing. We are different. My family has already prepared all these things, and we are just waiting for you to deliver the statue. We can start worshipping the gods at any time."

Liu Dashi hesitated and said, "But I don't know if immortals have any taboos..."

The elder of the Qian clan asked: "What is the taboo?"

Liu Dashi said: "The head of the poisonous beast looks a bit ugly. The immortal is a woman. She likes cleanliness and handsome young men. The head of the poisonous beast... I'm afraid it doesn't suit her aesthetic taste."

After these words were spoken, the elder of the Qian clan was stunned.

"Like cleanliness" is understandable, but "Like handsome young men"… this sounds a bit… weird?

Immortals should prefer "devout believers" rather than "good-looking believers", right?

The Qian clan elder hesitated and said, "Then... send a handsome young man up?"

Liu Dashi looked around, and finally turned back and said, "Forget it. The young people in our village are not as good-looking as Jiang Yanfeng and Mo Jin from Mojia Village. They are not even as good-looking as Mo Hanshi... It's a pity that the prophet is not here. It would be great if the prophet came back. He has an outstanding appearance. The gods once rewarded the prophet with fine wine and snacks at night..."

Elder Qian: "...So, only those with good looks can be favored by the immortals?"

Elder Qian felt as if he was about to collapse. He felt that his filter for immortals... had collapsed. He knew that the two young village chiefs of Mojia Village, one could read and write, and the other was extremely strong, both had outstanding abilities. He thought that the immortal valued their potential, but he didn't expect that the immortal only valued their looks?

After thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. The immortal is very powerful. Even if she chooses a vase as the village chief, she can still manage the village well. After all, she is the savior of the entire Mojia Village. No matter who she chooses as her messenger, the people will choose this messenger as the village chief for her sake...

Thinking of this, the elder of the Qian clan looked at his own children and grandchildren and sighed in his heart that his descendants all looked too ordinary...

"Not entirely." Liu Dashi patted his chest and said proudly, "At first I couldn't see the immortal either, but after I carved a statue of the immortal and knelt down to worship the immortal with the Mojia Village, I could see it."

The Qian clan elder nodded dazedly, "I understand. At the beginning, the immortal only picked those who were pleasing to her eyes. Only those who were pleasing to her eyes were qualified to talk to her. But if you have made outstanding contributions, the immortal will show mercy and allow the mortals who have made contributions to talk to her."

At this time, the villagers were also whispering, and no one paid attention to what Liu Dashi said to the elder of the Qian clan.

The elder of the Qian clan asked: "What should we do now? Should we remove the three heads on the incense table?"

Village Chief Liu looked back at the two of them and said, "The immortal is kind-hearted. She won't blame us even if we are not polite. The Qian family has worked hard for so long. Even if they have no credit, they have worked hard. Dashi, you should say less. If the immortal appears later, remember to say good things about your grandfather Qian."

After hearing this, the elder of the Qian clan quickly said, "No need, this is what we should do."

When everything was ready, the elder of the Qian clan came forward and led everyone to kneel down and worship the gods.

Although the Qian elder is old, he speaks with full energy. After all, he often eats animal meat strips, so his hearing and eyesight have not declined. He also knows a little bit of martial arts, but he is far inferior to the Song elder.

To be precise, no one in the entire village could compare to the elder of the Song clan. When Liu Dashi and others went to Mojia Village with knives and encountered a huge rock blocking the way, it was the elder of the Song clan who smashed a rock with one punch to clear the way.

The elders of the Qian clan were chanting ancient songs that were difficult to understand, while the descendants of the Qian family were performing a strange dance on the side. The dance moves were exaggerated, but had a special kind of beauty. It was the first time that the villagers had seen such a scene, and they all stared with their eyes wide open, as if they were watching a performance.

"Qingrui, help me keep an eye on the nine awakened ones in Mo Village. If they cause trouble, tell me."

Luo Mingyue gave some instructions, and then began to concentrate on observing the lives of the people in the town.

"Okay." Qing Rui yawned lazily. Maybe because he was not a human, he was interested in this little box in the first few days, but after a while he found it boring. He might as well sleep with this time, or learn a few more spells...

Thinking of magic, Qing Rui couldn't help but look up at Luo Mingyue and asked, "Is your daily life just feeding little people?"

Luo Mingyue didn't even raise her head, "Yes."

Qing Rui said: "Isn't cultivation the most important thing for a cultivator? But you are not doing your job properly..."

Luo Mingyue said: "I am a lazy person, and I get excited only after three minutes. Some time ago, I was full of fighting spirit and wanted to practice to reach the Nascent Soul stage, but now I just want to be a salted fish..."

"What kind of fish? Can I eat it?"

"You can't eat it." Luo Mingyue answered, and then said: "Besides, when I went out, I found that I was very strong, so strong that I had almost no opponent, so after I came back, I didn't practice much, and I planned to put the things in my mind..."

Qingrui asked curiously: "What's in your mind?"

Luo Mingyue shook her head and stopped talking. She was ready to digest all the memories in her mind. After all, the vicious female supporting role was very versatile and was "excellent" in all aspects. Moreover, what made Luo Mingyue feel strange was that the vicious female supporting role also got a book on the method of cultivating the soul, called "Holy Soul Guidance", and she also cultivated it to the highest level and cultivated a holy soul.

Her soul can leave her body during the day, is not afraid of the scorching sun, and can travel thousands of miles a day without getting tired.

But, such a powerful soul...

Where did you go?

It's impossible that she was melted by the sun, right?

How did the original "evil female supporting role" die?

Why did Luo Mingyue travel through the book?

Questions appeared in Luo Mingyue's mind one after another, but unfortunately the system was not there and she could not answer them.

After all, Luo Mingyue was just a poor worker in her twenties in modern times. After she came into the book, the system only transmitted important memories about the Mingyue Sect to her, and Luo Mingyue only absorbed this part.

As for the vicious female supporting character's memories before she founded the sect, most of them were messy and vague.

Luo Mingyue also deliberately did not pursue these scattered memories, because the vicious female supporting role lived for a long time, and her life experience was like watching a movie, which took a long time to finish. Moreover, Luo Mingyue was not as simple as watching a movie, but became a character in the movie, experiencing the past scenes from the first-person perspective...

Simply put, if a baby is given thirty years of memories, is it still a child?

The thirty years of memories will definitely dominate.

Similarly, Luo Mingyue's life of more than 20 years cannot compare to the more than 500 years of life of the vicious female supporting role, so Luo Mingyue does not want to look at her previous memories in such detail. She only needs to pick out the part of the memory of the vicious female supporting role learning magic and take a look at it.


Luo Mingyue was paying attention to the movements in the town, but suddenly she felt as if she was hallucinating.

In the hallucination, some people were singing, some were dancing, and others were burning incense and kneeling down...

Luo Mingyue quickly recognized that this group of people were from Tianliu Village.

Luo Mingyue arrived above Tianliu Village and saw that Tianliu Village was organizing a kneeling ceremony to worship the gods.

After the Qian clan elder finished chanting, he began to read the long manuscript.

It feels like I'm back to the time when I was listening to my leader's meeting.

After listening to a few sentences, Luo Mingyue felt drowsy and bored.

So she quietly poked her head out and called out to the people below: "Dashi."

Liu Dashi's eyes lit up, and he was excited: Oh my god, this is the first time that the immortal has called me "Dashi" so affectionately!

Luo Mingyue said: "Your village really has a sense of ritual."

Liu Dashi repeated in a low voice, "Sense of ritual?"

Luo Mingyue said: "In fact, when you worship the stone sculpture, it doesn't need to be so complicated. Just burn incense and bow, and that's it. Nothing else is needed."

Liu Dashi whispered, "Then should I stop them now?"

Luo Mingyue said: "No, they are obviously preparing very hard. If they are interrupted in the middle, they will lose face. Now I am only complaining to you, they can't hear it, and the children can't hear it..."

Liu Dashi thought to himself that the immortal was really considerate and could even think of such a small matter.

Luo Mingyue added: "After it's over, tell the family that chanted and danced privately not to do these complicated things in the future... Oh, yes, those three animal heads on the incense table, are they for me?"

Liu Dashi whispered, "Yes? That's a tribute."

"I don't like it. You might as well put a bunch of flowers on the incense table instead of this." Luo Mingyue was not a real god, and she didn't need any cow's head, sheep's head or pig's head. "And don't put the bowl of blood on the table anymore."

Liu Dashi replied, "Yes, Immortal."

Luo Mingyue thought for a moment and then said, "I have accepted your worship and your faith, so I should give you something. What do you want?"

Liu Dashi said, "There is nothing to want. The immortal gave us water, which gave us a way to survive. How can we be greedy? Water is enough."

Luo Mingyue said: "You are allowed to be greedy. After all, it's just this once... Think about it again, and then answer me when you have thought it through."