Chapter 123 Seeing a New Village


Qing Rui fell into deep thought and muttered to himself, "You're right. I'm a dragon with a very long lifespan. I can outlive them all. In the end, I'll be the only one left by Sister Luo's side... Oh, no, she'll also have you, a group of contracted beasts..."

Kong Han was so upset that he couldn't help asking, "Excuse me, how long has Master Qingrui known the Master?"

Qing Rui was stunned for a moment. He didn't have a strong sense of time. After all, his life span was too long. Sometimes, decades or even hundreds of years would pass by in a nap. He frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "No more than a month."

Kong Han found it hard to understand, so he asked, "Then why...why do you have such a strong desire to monopolize the master? Is it just because the master has strong luck?"

Qing Rui scratched his head and asked, "Exclusive?"

He felt that this was not a compliment, but he did not take it too seriously. Instead, he pondered, "I don't know why I care about her so much. This shouldn't be the case..."

What he didn't say in the second half of the sentence was that, in fact, he couldn't detect any "strong luck" in Luo Mingyue. He just made up an excuse last time. Luo Mingyue's luck seemed ordinary, nothing special. But there was a big doubt, that is, Luo Mingyue possessed the Fate-Favored Divine Fire, which meant that she must be favored by destiny. As for why her luck was ordinary, Qingrui didn't know.

In this world, there are two kinds of people with strong luck. One is the son of destiny, who cares about the people and is compassionate and merciful. The other is the villain, who is cold-blooded and decisive in killing.

As for why God favors the villains, it is because where there is light there is darkness, where there is white there is black, and fate is inherently mysterious.

Qingrui was born with the ability to see luck, but what he saw was not necessarily true, because some people could hide their luck, or the divine secrets could obscure their luck and give out wrong information.

For example, when a great catastrophe is about to happen in the world, a thing called "catastrophe energy" will be born. This catastrophe energy will interfere with all means of prying into the secrets of heaven. For example, Kong Han was about to go out, and begged Qingrui to help him calculate whether his trip would be dangerous. After calculating, Qingrui said no, but in fact, the catastrophe energy came and enveloped Qingrui. All the results calculated by Qingrui were false. It was the catastrophe energy that affected him and made him in catastrophe without knowing it.

Mojia Village.

Jiang Yanfeng prepared to go home and change clothes.

Zhuge Chengnian said enthusiastically, "No need to go home. I just happen to have some new clothes... I asked Grandpa Song to bring them back to me from the town. I haven't worn one of them much, so I can give it to Village Chief Jiang to wear, and it will save him from walking back and forth."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "Thank you, we will just pass by my house when we go to the back mountain."

Zhuge Chengnian said, "You guys are going to the back mountain? That's perfect. I have nothing to do right now. Can you take me with you?"

Jiang Yanfeng turned and looked at Luo Mingyue.

Luo Mingyue nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together."

After Jiang Yanfeng got home, he rushed back to his room as quickly as possible, changed into dry clothes, and then hurried out again.

Luo Mingyue was pacing in the yard. There was a dog in the yard. The dog was hostile to Zhuge Chengnian, but very attentive to Luo Mingyue, and its tail was wagging all the time.

Zhuge Chengnian asked, "Why does this dog only bark at me?"

Jiang Yanfeng said: "Because it doesn't like you."

Chen Qi was awakened by the noise in the yard. He rubbed his eyes and walked out, calling out, "Xiao Wang?"

The puppy ran happily to his feet and rubbed its head against his trouser leg affectionately.

Chen Qi bent down, smiled and held the puppy in his arms. Only then did he notice that there was a beautiful girl in white standing in the yard.

This girl... looks exactly like an immortal.

Chen Qi reached out and hammered his head, thinking, Oh my God, am I not awake yet? Or am I hallucinating?

Luo Mingyue came over and greeted him naturally, calling out, "Xiao Qi."

Generally speaking, Jiang Yanfeng is the only one in the whole village who calls him "Xiao Qi", no one else does that.

Chen Qi raised his head, his dark eyes staring at her, and said, "Is this not a dream?"

Luo Mingyue said: "No, I came down to play for a while."

When Zhuge Chengnian heard this, he was surprised. He secretly glanced at Luo Mingyue a few times, but didn't dare to continue looking at her, fearing that Jiang Yanfeng would find out and beat him. After all, in Jiang Yanfeng's eyes, immortals are sacred and cannot be desecrated.

Chen Qi's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said, "It turns out that immortals can come down to earth... I thought immortals could only stay in heaven forever."

Luo Mingyue thought, "I thought so before."

While the two were chatting, Jiang Yanfeng walked into the kitchen, packed a bag of dry food, and took four water bags.

Chen Qi said: "Brother, where are you going?"

Jiang Yanfeng replied: "Follow the immortal into the back mountain."

Chen Qi said: "I want to go too."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "You are a child, and your physical strength is not as good as ours. Don't ask me to carry you when the time comes."

Chen Qi said: "Brother, don't worry. Even if the physical strength of ten adults is added together, it is not as good as mine. By then, I might be able to walk faster than you."

"Ten?" Jiang Yanfeng looked at his brother's small body, and his first reaction was disbelief, but when he thought about it carefully, Chen Qi was a [Prophet], and maybe his body had been enhanced by the deed.

Luo Mingyue smiled and said, "You can take Xiao Qi with you, but you can't take the dog. The puppy is still young, so let him stay and look after the house."


Chen Qi was very obedient and put the puppy back.

Several people went to the back mountain together.

After walking into the back mountain, it was beyond the range of the cardboard box.

The two Mo brothers had cleared out the poisonous beasts in the back mountain before, but every once in a while, the poisonous beasts would appear again. For example, now, there are two young poisonous beasts in the back mountain.

Zhuge Chengnian directly summoned his own natal sword. With a flash of sword light, the heads of two young poisonous beasts rolled down.

The scenery on the mountain is not very good. The most common things growing are black flowers, plants and trees. The bark of these black trees is inedible, but the trunks can be used to build houses after being dried and processed. Looking around, it is almost all black, giving people a sense of depression.

Zhuge Chengnian, Jiang Yanfeng and Chen Qi are all awakened and have very fast feet. Although Luo Mingyue's body is made of stone and she has no spiritual power in her body, she is light and agile because she has the power of the villagers' devout faith. The rain avoided her when it fell before because she was protected by the power of faith.

Zhuge Chengnian and his companions walked very fast. They quickly climbed up a mountain that would take ordinary people several hours to climb. After crossing the back mountain and another big mountain, they saw a village not far from the foot of the mountain.

This village is a bit strange. Every household has a black cloth tied at the door. The fields are lush and green, and the crops are growing well.

It's completely two different worlds from Mojia Village.

Jiang Yanfeng was stunned.

Whether it is the village in front of us or Tianliu Village, the lives of the people seem to be relatively normal, except for Mojia Village, which has fallen to the point of eating dirt.

Jiang Yanfeng murmured, "So we are the only ones who are miserable?"

Chen Qi stopped and a trace of fear flashed in his dark pupils, "This village... seems to be inhabited by Awakened people."

Zhuge Chengnian asked: "What? You mean the whole village is Awakened?"

Chen Qi nodded.

Zhuge Chengnian asked: "How do you, a little kid, know this?"

Chen Qi lazily looked up at him and said, "I am the Prophet, but you must keep it a secret when you go back, because most of the villagers don't know my identity."

Zhuge Chengnian: "Well, I won't say anything nonsense... Then do we still need to enter this village?"

Jiang Yanfeng stopped talking. He turned around and looked at the immortal. For him, he would go wherever the immortal wanted to go.

Luo Mingyue said: "Let's go in and take a look. I want to know why all the people in the village can become awakened."

As Chen Qi walked, he said, "I don't know whether they welcome outsiders or not."

Luo Mingyue turned around and said, "Also, I'm a little curious about the level division of awakened people's strength."

Zhuge Chengnian said: "Everyone's awakened bloodline is different, and their abilities are also different, so this level of strength is relatively vague, because a high level does not mean that one is good at fighting. For example, the [Prophet], his ability is strong in foresight, wisdom and strategy. With a plan, he can win a battle thousands of miles away."

"However, even if they are the same type of awakeners, their abilities are different. After all, everyone's awakening level and the blood flowing in their bodies are different."

"For example, Village Chief Jiang Yanfeng is a [Wuzhu]. Most [Wuzhu] have abilities to pray for rain, exorcise evil spirits, and communicate with spirits, etc. However, some [Wuzhu] can ask the spirits to possess them and use their power to drive away enemies. Other [Wuzhu] believe in more evil spirits. Every time they offer sacrifices, they can get a power from the spirits. This kind of [Wuzhu] is the most terrifying. You think he can only exorcise evil spirits and pray for rain, but in fact he may have infinite power and may even suck human blood."

"The ability classification of awakeners is relatively simple. No matter what kind of bloodline awakener they are, there are twelve levels. Therefore, the royal family simply unified the names with the twelve earthly branches. From weak to strong, they are Zi 1, Chou 2, Yin 3, Mao 4, Chen 5, Si 6, Wu 7, Wei 8, Shen 9, You 10, Xu, and Hai. Zi 1 is the weakest, and Hai 1 is the strongest."

"Among them, every three levels is a watershed, equivalent to a threshold, which is very difficult to cross. The Xu and Hai levels are even more difficult. I heard that the royal family has an ancestor who is at the Hai level. He has always lived in seclusion and only took action when the royal family was threatened."

"And the most important point is that level does not mean everything. For example, some [Prophets] are at level 9 and can predict everything that will happen in the next few thousand years. But there is a type of Awakener who is naturally restrained by [Prophets], and that is [Grudge Shadow]. A level 9 [Grudge Shadow] may kill a level 9 [Prophet]... Of course, I said it is possible, not absolute."

"As for [Earth Master], he is strong and powerful. Theoretically, he is very good at fighting. Even if [Mysterious Doctor] poisons him, [Earth Master] can use the power of the earth to remove the poison. As long as he steps on the ground, he will be invincible. However, [Earth Master] also has a nemesis, named [Fast Flying], who can move the battlefield to the sky and make [Earth Master] lose the source of his power."

"There are more, so I won't list them all. For example, [Elemental Water] restrains [Ember Fire]..."

"Therefore, it is common for the weak to defeat the strong and for the weak to win by leaps and bounds."

Zhuge Chengnian talked as they walked, and before they knew it, they had walked out of the village.

There is a stone tablet at the door with a lot of words written on it.

Jiang Yanfeng read: "Happy Village. The villagers in this village like gold, silver and treasures. Anyone passing by can enter the village to ask for a glass of water, but meals must be paid for...People who enter the village must not go out at night. Those who violate the rules will bear the consequences themselves."

Zhuge Chengnian said: "The people in this village are quite kind. Water is a scarce resource nowadays, but they give water for free."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "You must be on guard against others. When you go out, don't take water or food given by strangers."

Zhuge Chengnian didn't care, "What are you afraid of? We are awakened ones."

Chen Qi said dimly: "The whole village is made up of Awakened people."

Zhuge Chengnian immediately shut up and remained silent for a while. He then said, "We have gods..."

To be honest, Zhuge Chengnian was really curious about Luo Mingyue's abilities, because the immortals in Mojia Village had always given him a "mysterious, powerful, and omnipotent" feeling. When they met today, he had a few more impressions of her, that is, "gorgeous and beautiful, gentle and easy-going." Although her temperament was so cold, her smile was warm and bright, like sunshine pouring down and spreading all over the world.

Zhuge Chengnian had never seen a god before, and had never seen Luo Mingyue take action personally, but with a god by his side, what was there to be afraid of?

Jiang Yanfeng glared at Zhuge Chengnian unhappily, thinking that this guy went out with the immortal and actually wanted the immortal to protect him? It should be the other way around, the three awakened ones

should work hard to protect the immortal! However, in front of Luo Mingyue, Jiang Yanfeng didn't say much, but secretly thought in his heart that when he returned to Mojia Village, he must brainwash Zhuge Chengnian and others... No, it is to carry out ideological education and correct their thoughts.

While a few people were chatting, the people of Xingfu Village also noticed that there were people standing outside the village, so a pair of twin brother and sister came out to greet them.

The brother and sister introduced themselves and said that their names were Soseki and Zhenliu, and their surname was Sima.

Shushi Zhenliu is an idiom, which refers to a secluded life. The brother and sister are both pretty and handsome. The elder brother Sima Shushi warmly invites Luo Mingyue and others to the village to drink water.

The younger sister Sima Zhenliu said: "Did you bring gold and silver? If so, I can also prepare a sumptuous meal for you."

Jiang Yanfeng said: "Thank you, we brought our own water and dry food."

Sima Zhenliu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Sima Shushi's gaze fell on Luo Mingyue. Luo Mingyue's appearance was so outstanding, and she was dressed in white, like a banished immortal. The people of Xingfu Village not far away almost all focused their eyes on Luo Mingyue, but they did not come over. They just watched from a distance with a somewhat alert expression.