Chapter 128 The Young Master of Fengya City

Luo Mingyue replied lightly: "I think they are dirty."

Zhuge Chengnian: "…" This reason is so reasonable, I can't even refute it?

For an immortal, killing a group of rats is indeed a bit cheap...

So Zhuge Chengnian continued to run with his head down.

The two men ran out of the deserted village and thought they could stop, but the swarm of rats behind them were still chasing them.

In this way, they climbed over another mountain and finally left the rats behind.

Zhuge Chengnian panted, "I am so exhausted. They are really good at chasing us. They even followed us up the mountain. I was almost exhausted to death."

Luo Mingyue said: "If you are tired, take a rest."

Zhuge Chengnian turned around and looked at Luo Mingyue. He found that Luo Mingyue looked calm and peaceful, still maintaining the demeanor of an immortal. He couldn't help but admire her and said, "You have great physical strength."

Luo Mingyue glanced at him and didn't say anything. Instead, she found a tree, touched the ground with her toes, and jumped lightly onto the branch.

Luo Mingyue sat down, her clothes fluttering in the wind, she looked cool and beautiful, like the distant and unreachable bright moon in the sky.

Zhuge Chengnian looked up at her, unconsciously slowing down his breathing, as if afraid of disturbing her.

Zhuge Chengnian murmured to himself, "I suddenly understand why they call you an immortal. If I could see your face every day, I would believe in you and protect you with an extremely respectful and pious heart. I would even become a more fanatical believer than Jiang Yanfeng..."

Luo Mingyue lowered her eyes and smiled at him gently, "It's a pity that you can't see it."

Zhuge Chengnian suddenly had a desire to refuse to admit defeat, and he asked, "Then how can I see it?"

Luo Mingyue said: "Sincerity is the key to success."

Zhuge Chengnian did not speak again, but just raised his head quietly. His heart was beating very fast, but he could not tell whether he was immersed in the immortal's peerless beauty or because he had just run too vigorously, so he had the illusion that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

The night was deep and dark, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth. The embroidery thread on the hem of Luo Mingyue's white skirt reflected the faint light, which was exquisite and beautiful.

Zhuge Chengnian took a break and felt that he had rested. He asked, "Is the Immortal hungry?"

Luo Mingyue replied: "Not hungry."

Zhuge Chengnian went to hunt a poisonous rabbit beast, skillfully peeled off its fur, cleaned its internal organs, and started a fire. The fragrant fat dripped out. He took out a medicine bottle from his arms and swallowed a pill first, which was used to detoxify the beast, and then began to enjoy the barbecued rabbit meat.

After eating, Zhuge Chengnian had rested enough, so the two of them set off again.

After walking a few more kilometers, it was already dawn when we saw the next village.

Unfortunately, this village was also empty and uninhabited, but there were no poisonous beasts nearby. Zhuge Chengnian deduced that the people should have all fled the famine, and the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled were left in the village waiting to die. Therefore, the whole village was dead silent, with nine out of ten houses empty. Some yards were filled with rotting bones, and the roadside was covered with messy evil curse grass, which was pitch black in color and made people feel depressed just by looking at it.

At this time, Luo Mingyue really wished that the cardboard box could include the entire Lilliput Kingdom. In this way, he could bring them large-scale rainfall and let the people see hope of life.

Luo Mingyue was in a heavy mood. After coming out of the village, she quickened her pace, lightly tapped the ground with her toes, and her body landed lightly dozens of meters away.

Zhuge Chengnian was chasing from behind with great difficulty, but he gritted his teeth and did not complain of being tired, for he was afraid that the immortal would abandon him.

During the journey, they encountered two deserted villages on the road, but Luo Mingyue did not stop but continued to move forward. Before noon, she saw a city in front of her.

The high city walls are majestic and heavy, and the vermilion gate is open on both sides. A gold-plated plaque is hung on the gate, with three large characters written in a flamboyant style: Fengya City.

There were countless umbrellas hanging in the air above the city, the umbrellas were spinning, and heavy rain was falling.

There is no doubt that the awakened [Yuanshui] is bringing rain to the city.

Luo Mingyue was about to enter the city but was stopped by the soldiers guarding the gate.

"Girl, it's raining in the city. I see you don't have an umbrella. You'd better wait a while before going in."

This tone of voice was still considered polite. Zhuge Chengnian, who was standing next to him, was walking towards the door with his head down when he was scolded by the gatekeeper: "Stop! Who allowed you to come in?"

Zhuge Chengnian subconsciously prepared to take out his badge from his pocket, but then he remembered that he was now a "defector" and the badge was probably useless, so he asked: "Then what should I do to be allowed to enter the city?"

The gatekeeper looked at him with scorn, "A refugee like you must hand in five taels of silver before you can enter."

Zhuge Chengnian looked embarrassed because he didn't bring any silver.

Zhuge Chengnian asked, "What kind of rules are these? Even the capital is willing to open its doors to welcome refugees, and the royal family has ordered all major cities to help the people as much as possible. How can you do this?"

The gatekeeper sneered and said, "Yes, we are also trying our best to rescue the people, but we give priority to rescuing the kind people."

Zhuge Chengnian said: "I am very kind."

The gatekeeper said, "Okay, you are kind, right? As long as you take out 500 taels of silver, we can arrange a house for you to live in the city; if you take out 1,000 taels, you can have an independent small courtyard and several large jars of grain; if you take out 5,000 taels, you can even live next door to a nobleman... After all, kindness is not something you can just say. You have to actually contribute your savings and let us feel your sincerity. Only then can you be truly kind."

"I..." Zhuge Chengnian laughed angrily. As the leader of the Awakener Team, his monthly salary was only twenty taels. This was his basic salary. He would get these twenty taels every month regardless of whether there was work or not. But if there were additional tasks, he would be rewarded for completing them well. Sometimes the monthly reward could exceed one hundred taels of silver.

Zhuge Chengnian was an awakener. He earned a lot of money and spent a lot. After a few years, he only saved about 100 taels of silver, which he buried in his yard. The gatekeepers of this city were really bold to ask for 500 taels of silver. Why didn't they rob him?

Even he didn't have silver, so how could ordinary people survive?

Oh, by the way, the entrance fee here is five taels of silver, which is usually enough for an ordinary family to spend for one or two years. If a family is frugal, five taels of silver can last for three or four years. This is not something that every refugee can afford...

Zhuge Chengnian clenched his fists. At this moment, the umbrellas in the sky gradually fell down, and the rain in the city stopped. One of the gatekeepers showed Luo Mingyue a friendly smile, "Miss, the rain has stopped, please come in."

Luo Mingyue was stunned for a moment and asked, "Don't you have to pay the money?"

The gatekeeper smiled brightly and said, "Of course not. How can you need money to enter the city? Just go in!"

Another soldier next to her said, "You are so noble and elegant, I think you are not short of money, but I noticed that you don't have a purse around your waist. Did you lose it or forget to bring it? If you are in trouble, don't worry. We have an inn in the city, called Qianmo Inn. Food and accommodation are free. You can stay as long as you want."

Zhuge Chengnian was standing nearby and heard all these words. He widened his eyes in disbelief and asked, "We obviously came here together, why are you treating us differently?"

The gatekeeper said unhappily, "Look at you, you are sweating all over, your clothes are dirty, and there are bloodstains on them. You can tell at a glance that you are not a good person. And this girl has black hair and white clothes, she is clean and pretty..."

Luo Mingyue turned around and said, "Can I bring someone into the city? He is my follower."

Hearing this, Zhuge Chengnian nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, that's right, I am her most loyal attendant."

The gatekeeper glanced at him unhappily, then turned to Luo Mingyue to confirm: "Do you really know this down-and-out man?"

Zhuge Chengnian's expression was stiff.

Luo Mingyue said: "It was very dangerous along the way. He was protecting me, so he looked a little embarrassed."

"So this is ah."

The gatekeepers nodded and looked at Zhuge Chengnian with a hint of disdain, "In that case, let him go in with you."

Zhuge Chengnian: "..."

Damn it! A bunch of blind guys, I am an awakener!

Zhuge Chengnian was in a bad mood, but he didn't say anything else. He didn't want to cause trouble and cause trouble for Luo Mingyue.

After the two of them walked into Fengya City, they instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone's eyes involuntarily fell on Luo Mingyue.

Her appearance is so outstanding, like a gorgeous flower made up of layers of clear and radiant frost, showing amazing beauty under the sunlight.

Men, women, young and old, all stopped to watch.

Luo Mingyue didn't mind others looking at her. Her eyes swept across the people and roadside stalls along the way. The embroidery on her dress sparkled as she walked. Her skin was fair and her figure was as white as snow, and her movements were calm and composed.

Zhuge Chengnian followed behind Luo Mingyue, straightening his back silently. He felt a burning pride in his heart, because the people on the roadside could only look at Luo Mingyue like this, but he could follow behind Luo Mingyue. He could clearly feel that there were many jealous eyes falling on him.

The entire street seemed to be still. Even though Luo Mingyue had walked past some stalls, the stall owners were still staring at her back, refusing to look away for a long time.

At this moment, there was a sound of horse hooves on the road, and the arrogant voice of the driver, "Get out of the way! Are you all dead? You are blocking our young master's way, why don't you get out of the way!"

The people woke up as if from a dream, and when they saw the word "Lake" on the carriage, they all made way.

The coachman was driving the carriage proudly and was about to move forward, but after the people made way, Luo Mingyue was revealed, who was walking on the street. The midday sun fell on her, and her skin seemed to glow, like a rare jade.

The coachman couldn't help but stop, not wanting to offend the beauty, so he decided to wait for her to pass by before continuing to drive the carriage.

At this time, the young master in the carriage became impatient and cursed: "Damn it, why did you stop? I'm in a hurry..."

The young master lifted the car curtain and saw Luo Mingyue walking towards him.

Black hair, white clothes, beautiful figure and graceful figure.

The young master was stunned for a moment, then he jumped off the carriage swiftly. He rubbed his hands, trying to show his best side, and approached Luo Mingyue carefully, introducing himself: "Hello, my name is Hu Ziqiu..."

Luo Mingyue stopped and looked at him.

Hu Ziqiu has a handsome face and fair complexion. He looks like a pampered young master. He has a smile on his face, curved eyebrows and eyes, and his pupils are dark and bright, as if bright stars have fallen in them, making him look handsome and cute.

"Luo Mingyue."

Hu Ziqiu said: "Miss Luo, your name is so beautiful!"

The driver behind him couldn't help but remind him, "Master, aren't you in a hurry to attend Miss Feng's birthday party? It will be too late if you don't go now."

Hearing this, Hu Ziqiu turned around and glared at the driver fiercely, wondering why he hadn't noticed that this guy was so tactless before? Why did he mention Miss Feng in front of Miss Luo!

Hu Ziqiu said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Anyway, my father has already gone there and sent a gift with him. It doesn't matter whether I go or not."

The coachman was stunned, because everyone in Fengya City knew that Hu Ziqiu liked Miss Feng and was courting her all day long. The heavy rain just now was caused by the young master who spent a huge amount of money to hire the [Yuanshui] awakeners, because water resources are precious now, and the heavy rain was for the citizens of the whole city to celebrate Miss Feng's birthday party together.

In addition, the young master had prepared other surprises, which was why he was so anxious on the road just now.

Who would have thought that the young master is suddenly not in a hurry anymore?

The driver opened his mouth, his face full of confusion, because in the past, when the young master met girls who were prettier than Miss Feng, he remained unmoved and was only infatuated with Miss Feng. The driver thought that the young master would only like Miss Feng in his life, but today, the young master actually changed his nature...

The driver thought, "Did the young master fall in love with someone else? That's impossible. The young master has always been very persistent and loyal... However, this Miss Luo Mingyue is indeed a rare beauty in the world. It's normal for the young master to fall in love with someone else..."

Hu Ziqiu asked curiously: "Miss Luo, where did you live before? I have never seen you in the city."

Luo Mingyue said: "I came from outside, passed by here, and came in to take a look."

Hu Ziqiu said, "I see. I grew up in Fengya City and I am familiar with everything in this city. If you are willing, I will take you around the city. How about that?"

Luo Mingyue looked at him and smiled: "But you don't look like a good person."

Hu Ziqiu held his face with both hands and asked, "Do I look bad?"

His eyes were clear and innocent, his expression was a little hurt, and he muttered, "Before, an elder praised me for looking very well behaved and obedient. What's wrong with me..."

Luo Mingyue said: "I'm not talking about your appearance, but your behavior. When you passed by in a carriage before, you were rampant and drove away pedestrians. You felt like a bully."

Hearing this, Hu Ziqiu blushed and quickly explained: "No, I'm not like this usually, I'm just a little anxious today..."

Luo Mingyue said: "If you are in a hurry, just leave quickly and don't delay the important matter."