Chapter 142: Immortal Cultivator’s Spiritual Root Qualification


Master Lan was stunned. He didn't expect the immortal cultivator to be so easy to talk to. He asked, "What price do I need to pay?"

Luo Mingyue smiled and said, "No extra cost is required. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll just consider it as a good relationship with you."

As she spoke, she flipped her hand and took out a magic weapon from the storage space. The shape of the magic weapon was a bit like half a lemon, except that the flesh of the lemon had been hollowed out and clean water was poured inside.

"Is this a magic weapon?" Qianxue stretched out her hand curiously and found that the outer shell of the magic weapon felt like ceramic, icy and cool, and the water inside was also icy cold, nothing special about it.

"This is a relatively simple magic weapon, and can only be used for basic testing." Luo Mingyue replied, then looked at Master Lan and said, "Put your finger in the water."

Master Lan asked nervously, "Which finger, left hand or right hand?"

Luo Mingyue said: "Whatever you like, any one will do."

Master Lan muttered, "I should have washed my hands earlier..."

As he spoke, he carefully put the index finger of his right hand into the water.

After a moment, the clear water turned into pure gold, which was dazzling and looked like flowing gold.

Qianxue asked: "What does this mean?"

Master Lan sighed, "You don't understand it either?"

Qianxue said: "I don't understand. After all, I'm just a demon. I've never seen these little gadgets used by immortal cultivators."

Master Lan asked: "If you are a demon, then your sister is..."

Qianxue said proudly: "Of course my sister is a cultivator. I can transform into a human form thanks to my sister's help. She is very powerful!"

Upon seeing this, Master Lan felt a little jealous, "You seem to admire her very much. You even hugged her just now..."

Qianxue nodded vigorously and admitted: "Yes, I really like her because she is my master..."

Master Lan asked, "What is the master?"

Qianxue hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to tell the truth, "My sister and I have a contractual relationship, and she is equivalent to my master."

Master Lan asked: "Can she order you around?"

"Yes, but she treats me like a sister and won't force me to do anything..." Qianxue thought for a moment and continued, "But actually, even if my sister really ordered me, I would be willing to serve her, because it is very difficult for a monster to transform. Without my sister's help, it might take me a long time to transform into a human form, or I might never be able to transform into a human in this lifetime... In short, she has done me a great favor. My sister and I share honor and disgrace, and our lives are linked together. We are the closest partners."

Master Lan said: "I was jealous that she could make a contract with you, but after hearing what you said, I feel that I should thank her. If she hadn't helped you transform, I would never have met you..."

Two people huddled together and whispered.

Master Lan looked at Luo Mingyue with a look of trepidation and asked, "Master Immortal, do I have the talent to cultivate immortality?"

Luo Mingyue said: "Yes."

Hearing this, the corners of Master Lan's mouth immediately curled up, and he couldn't suppress the ecstasy on his face at all. He said excitedly: "Then how about my talent... Is it good?"

Luo Mingyue did not keep him in suspense and told him: "Very good, you have a single spiritual root talent and excellent aptitude."

Master Lan was even happier, and then asked in confusion, "What is a single spiritual root?"

Luo Mingyue said: "If mortals want to embark on the path of cultivating immortals, they must have spiritual roots. The most common spiritual roots are five, namely gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In addition, there are also mutant spiritual roots, which have better qualifications and are more rare, such as wind spiritual roots, thunder spiritual roots, ice spiritual roots, etc."

Master Lan still looked confused. Although he had pursued immortal fate for many years, all the people he met were scammers. No one had ever taught him any knowledge about cultivation. He asked, "Why are spiritual roots divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth?"


Luo Mingyue was silent for a moment, and then explained: "There is spiritual energy between heaven and earth. This spiritual energy is like the gas we breathe. It is invisible to the naked eye, but it really exists in the air... Just like people have different professions, we are all people, but some are blacksmiths, some are gardeners, some are scholars, and some are butchers... Different people have different skills. Can you understand this?"

Master Lan nodded, "Okay."

Luo Mingyue continued: "Similarly, spiritual energy also has different properties. For example, the spiritual energy of the metal attribute is mainly killing and has a strong offensive nature."

"The spiritual energy of water attribute is mainly for healing. It can heal wounds and nourish all things."

"The wood-attributed spiritual energy is mainly for growth. It can complement the power of the water-attributed spiritual energy and also has a certain healing power."

"The fire-attributed aura is mainly warm. It has temperature and brightness. It can bring heat and light, but it can also burn lives and bring disasters."

"The earth-attributed spiritual energy is mainly about tolerance. It has a strong carrying capacity and strong defensive power."

"The human body cannot hold spiritual energy. The human body is like a colander. Once spiritual energy enters, it will quickly escape in all directions."

"But if you have spiritual roots, it is equivalent to having a container that carries spiritual energy. The spiritual roots can retain the spiritual energy in the body and transform it into spiritual power, and the spiritual power can be stored in the human body's Dantian."

"For example, if you have a gold spiritual root, then after the spiritual energy in the air enters your body, only the spiritual energy of gold attribute will be intercepted by your spiritual root, while the spiritual energy of the other four attributes will be scattered back into the world."

"From now on, your spiritual power will possess the characteristics of gold: sharp, solid, and austere."

"You can learn the relevant spells, and then use your spiritual power to cast spells."

"If you only have one spiritual root, it is called a single spiritual root."

"If one possesses both water and wood spiritual roots, then this person's talent is called dual spiritual roots."

"By analogy, there are three spiritual roots, four spiritual roots, and five spiritual roots in this world."

Master Lan listened very seriously. After all, he had been obsessed with cultivating immortals since he was young, and it was rare for someone to be willing to teach him in such detail.

Even Qianxue and Young Master Lan stopped chatting and listened attentively to Luo Mingyue's speech.

Master Lan asked, "Then is my single spiritual root the worst? After all, if one has more spiritual roots, one can intercept several spiritual energy attributes, but I can only intercept one kind of spiritual energy."

Luo Mingyue shook her head and said, "No, single spiritual roots are considered to have the best qualifications, because they are focused enough and only contain one type of spiritual energy in their bodies. Their power is purer and they improve faster. As for double spiritual roots, they are slightly inferior, but they are also excellent. It's just that when advancing double spiritual roots, there are more factors to consider, because they have to balance the two spiritual powers in their bodies before they can advance. As for triple and quadruple spiritual roots, it is more difficult to improve them. Some people are partial to certain subjects... You may not have heard of this term. Let's change it to a term that you can easily understand. It should be..."

Luo Mingyue thought about it, but couldn't think of a synonym for "biased in one subject", so she said, "Let me give you an example. If you always focus on studying, you may be good at studying. But if you study, practice martial arts, play the piano, paint, play chess, etc. every day, your energy is scattered among many things, and it is difficult to do everything well. There will always be one or two things that you may not be very good at. Even if you study for a long time, it will feel difficult to improve..."

"Xiu Xian is the same truth. For example, a person has the five spirit roots. This person puts his energy on water and wood, and is mainly used for healing. It is poor in other aspects. As a result, the aura attributes in the body are unbalanced, water and wooden are more aura, and there are fewer other aura. When it comes up, the water will flow out, and the aura will not be enough, which will cause it to advance. "

"In addition, spiritual roots can be divided into good and bad. For example, if you have a single spiritual root, it sounds stronger than a double spiritual root, but your spiritual root is inefficient in absorbing spiritual energy, so your cultivation speed will be slower than a double spiritual root."

"You can compare your spiritual roots to a container, and your spiritual energy to rainwater. Some people's spiritual roots are a bowl, some are a basin, some are a pot, and some are a large pool or even an ocean. If your spiritual roots are a bowl, you may have reached the limit of your cultivation in this lifetime by only reaching the Qi Refining Stage. But if they are a basin, you will go further on the road of cultivation."

"Spiritual roots cannot be improved, just like a container cannot be expanded. A bowl cannot be turned into a large pool. Therefore, spiritual root aptitude is innate and difficult to change."

Luo Mingyue said "it's difficult to change" rather than "it's impossible to change", because the whip in her hand can improve the qualifications and reshape the bones of others.

Master Lan was shocked when he heard this. He asked, "Then my spiritual root qualification is a bowl or a pot?"

Luo Mingyue was silent for a moment and said, "Don't ask me this next time, because pots and pans are just a metaphor for you to understand better. In fact, there are instruments specifically used to assess the level of spiritual roots in the world of immortal cultivation. People generally divide spiritual roots into upper, middle and lower grades. This division is relatively general and not detailed enough, but it is enough. You should belong to the upper middle grade... This is just my conservative estimate. The specific qualifications still need professional instruments to measure and define."

Hearing this, Master Lan said happily: "It turns out that I am really a genius! No wonder I have always been obsessed with cultivating immortals. It seems that I am born with a destiny with cultivating immortals..."

Luo Mingyue said: "Indeed, your spiritual root aptitude is better than that of my disciples."

Master Lan's eyes lit up, "Then can I become your disciple?"

Luo Mingyue said: "I am not a competent master and I don't have much patience for my disciples."

Master Lan thought, you were very patient when you explained it to me just now, and you have a very gentle personality...

But he didn't say this, because he felt that Luo Mingyue was rejecting him in a tactful way and was unwilling to accept him as a disciple. He couldn't force it, so he said, "Master, can you let my daughter test her talent as well?"

Luo Mingyue said: "Okay."

Mr. Lan trotted away, anxious to find his daughter.

Qianxue patted Master Lan's arm and said, "How about you take the test too?"

Luo Mingyue casually threw the magic weapon to Qianxue, "Here, you two can test it yourselves."

At this moment, the water in the magic weapon had turned back into transparent, colorless water. Master Lan put his finger in and found that the water had turned into a light blue. However, this blue was not pure. It was mixed with a little bright gold, as if sunlight was shining through the ripples on the water, creating a golden glow.

Luo Mingyue took a look and said, "With dual spiritual roots of gold and water, his aptitude should be considered mid-level."

Although he is not as good as Master Lan, at least he has spiritual roots and can practice.

Master Lan was somewhat disappointed, as he still hoped that he could surpass his father.

Qianxue was very happy, "You actually have spiritual roots? I thought you were just an ordinary scholar..."

Master Lan said: "But my qualifications are not good enough."

Qianxue held his face with her hands, "It doesn't matter, as long as I can cultivate immortality."

Master Lan stared at Qianxue and hummed softly.

Luo Mingyue couldn't bear to watch it. She raised her hand to cover her eyes and said faintly: "Can you consider my feelings?"

Qianxue smiled awkwardly, pulled Master Lan aside, and whispered, "Let's get intimate later."

Master Lan also whispered, "We are not married..."

"Hey, can you not be so pedantic?" Qianxue said, then turned around and ran to find Luo Mingyue and asked, "Sister, what do you think of him? Can we be together?"

Luo Mingyue said: "I have never been in a relationship, you can decide for yourself, as long as you like it."

Qianxue returned to Master Lan and said, "My sister has agreed that we can be together, so we can have our wedding night tonight."

Master Lan: "…"

This pace was really too fast. He wanted to worship heaven and earth according to the human world's procedures, but Qianxue obviously didn't want to do that. Master Lan sighed and asked, "Are there any rules for the Cloud Fox clan to enter the bridal chamber?"

Qianxue replied, "Yes, you need to clean yourself...why don't you go wash yourself now? It's almost dark."

Master Lan said, "It's too early. Let's wait a little longer. I want to see what my sister's spiritual roots are like."

Qianxue said: "Okay."

After a while, Master Lan came back sweating profusely and explained, "Sorry, Immortal, I kept you waiting for so long. My daughter just fainted from an illness. Can we measure her talent while she is unconscious?"

Luo Mingyue turned around and saw several maids carrying a seven-year-old girl in...

Luo Mingyue said: "You can test it, but there is no need to be so anxious."

Luo Mingyue squatted down, placed his fingers on the girl's wrist, and probed his spiritual power into her, following her meridians all the way to her dantian.

However, before Luo Mingyue could check the girl's dantian, a powerful force surged out from the dantian and directly bounced Luo Mingyue's spiritual power away.

You know, Luo Mingyue is the strongest person in the world of immortals, but even her spiritual power was bounced away, which shows that the girl's Dantian is not simple.

However, this was also related to the fact that Luo Mingyue did not use her full strength. She was originally trying to treat the little girl, so the spiritual power she used was very gentle and non-aggressive.

Madam Lan followed the maids and asked worriedly, "Is this the Immortal Master? Master Immortal, can my daughter... still be saved?"

Before Luo Mingyue could answer, two young men ran in. These two young men should be twins. They looked similar, but were dressed differently. The one on the left was wearing white clothes, and the one on the right was wearing black clothes.

The young man in white shouted, "Dad! I heard that there is another immortal cultivator in the family. Is this true or false?"

The young man in black said, "Dad, I want to go and cultivate... Hey?"

After the two men ran in, they saw the sister lying on the ground. They were immediately heartbroken and surrounded the girl.

"What happened to my sister? Why did she faint again..."