Chapter 144 Master Lan is my benefactor

 "Qianxue, you are so cute..."

Luo Mingyue waved his hand and put the bag that Qianxue brought with her into the storage space, then buried his face in the white fluff on Qianxue's back, rubbing it again and again.

Qianxue: "…" Sister, you act like a hooligan.

Qianxue was silent for a moment, then said, "Sister, luckily I'm a female fox, otherwise I wouldn't be able to let you touch me."

Luo Mingyue hummed softly, grabbed one of her tails, and said, "By the way, I have contracted three more monsters..."


Qianxue jumped out of Luo Mingyue's arms and lay on the bed. Her fox form grew larger again, almost occupying half of the bed. She asked, "Sister, have you contracted another fox?"

Luo Mingyue said: "No, you are the only one who is a fox."

Qianxue then became happy. She rolled up Luo Mingyue with her fluffy fox tail, brought her to her side, and then let Luo Mingyue's head rest on her back.

Qianxue asked: "What are their animal forms?"

Luo Mingyue said: "They are a turtle, an owl, and a peacock."

Qianxue was stunned for a moment, "Sister likes these three beasts?"

Luo Mingyue said: "No, I saw that the turtle and the owl had pure auras, so I caught them. Then there was a peacock chasing us... I deliberately slowed down and waited for him to catch up, and then I captured him as well."

Qianxue's two fox tails covered Luo Mingyue's body, and the remaining fox tail swayed left and right, "Do they look good?"

Luo Mingyue said sincerely: "No matter whether they are in human or animal form, they are not as good-looking as you."

Qianxue smiled and said proudly: "Of course, our fox tribe is generally good-looking, even the male foxes are handsome. Only a few foxes are average-looking, but most are very beautiful."

Luo Mingyue asked: "How is the relationship between you and Lan Zeguang?"

Qianxue waved the tip of the remaining tail in front of Luo Mingyue's eyes, and then Luo Mingyue reached out and grabbed it.

Qianxue said: "For now, I like him very much."

Luo Mingyue raised an eyebrow, "Currently?"

Qianxue nodded, "Yes, I have heard of a saying that people's hearts are fickle. Mortals have such a short life span, but they will change their minds and fall in love with others. However, some demons have a long life span and are infatuated with each other without regrets. Once they find a partner, it will be for life... But it doesn't matter. I am more open-minded in this regard. Love is just a part of life. I only enjoy the process and don't consider the results. Besides, our Cloud Fox clan is not so loyal. Now I like scholars, maybe in a while I will like hunters. So now I have a good relationship with Lan Zeguang, and in the future... who can say for sure."

Luo Mingyue smiled and said, "You are really free and easy, but...why do you want to like hunters in the future?"

Qianxue replied, "Because hunters in the human world catch foxes when they hunt, so there is a sense of taboo."

"What sense of taboo?"

Qianxue said: "Just like a tiger falls in love with its prey, I want the hunters to fall in love with me. When I leave in the future, they will still miss me. From now on, whenever they see a fox, they will think of me... Well, but when I think about it carefully, this is actually meaningless. I think I should find a cultivator in the future, preferably a cultivator whose mission is to [eliminate all monsters in the world]. I want him to betray his faith for me, be obsessed with me, and be heartbroken. From now on, I will be his faith."

Luo Mingyue: "…"

All I can say is, she is truly a vixen.

It sounds very romantic...

Qianxue tilted her head, "Sister, don't you think this is a great sense of conquest?"

"No, I just feel that your attitude towards feelings is... a little casual."

Qianxue smiled, "You are a human, and I am a fox. There must be differences in our thinking. Moreover, what I just said are my current views. The thinking of a fox will change. Maybe one day in the future, I will give the most sincere and passionate feelings and pour all my love, but be cruelly abandoned by the other party. Then I will be trapped by love and unable to recover. In serious cases, I will feel that there is no hope in life..."

Luo Mingyue said: "Pooh, pooh, pooh, don't say words that curse yourself."

Qianxue laughed and said, "Haha, I was just talking casually. Who can predict the future? At least now, I won't die for a man. If a man brings me sweetness and happiness, I will enjoy it, but if he brings me pain and tears, I might as well kick him away. I will love myself first, and then love others."

Luo Mingyue said: "I have never been in love. The person I love most is myself."

Qianxue said: "No, I was wrong just now. The person I love the most is actually my sister. Men can be changed, but my sister is unique to me."

Luo Mingyue said: "I like your hair too."


Qianxue's tail began to wag actively again, and she said, "Then I will knit a fox fur blanket for you?"

Luo Mingyue was surprised, "You can also weave blankets?"

Qianxue said: "I know magic, and if you don't know how to make a blanket, you can learn it or ask someone else to weave it for you. Anyway, as long as Sister wants it, I will definitely find a way to weave it."

Luo Mingyue asked: "Where can I find fox fur?"

Qianxue chuckled, "Isn't this outfit of mine already ready?"

Luo Mingyue said: "Then you will be bald, right?"

Qianxue said indifferently: "The fox hair will grow again. The most important thing is that I don't want my sister to be contaminated with the scent of other foxes. Mine is the most suitable. It smells good and is clean."

Luo Mingyue smiled and said, "No need. I can't bear to let Qianxue become bald. Anyway, we have a contract. When I miss you, I will come to see you."

Luo Mingyue continued, "By the way, I just asked about your relationship with Lan Zeguang because the Lan family all have spiritual talent. I guess they have some luck. If Lan Zeguang becomes an immortal cultivator in the future, then you two can be together for a long time."

"Well... Sister, stop mentioning him all the time."

Luo Mingyue and the big fox stayed together until it was dark outside, then the man and the fox finally came out of the inn.

Qianxue's hair was a little messy, and her eyes were full of charm and grace. Almost everyone in the inn was attracted to her.

After returning to the Lan family, Qianxue found that many servants were carrying lanterns and walking in a hurry.

The expressions on the servants' faces were both sad and happy, which seemed very contradictory.

Qianxue stopped a maid randomly and asked, "What happened? Why is the Lan Mansion so lively tonight?"

The maid said, "Haven't you heard? The master has dismissed us. Everyone can get their indentures back before leaving. If they haven't signed an indenture, they can also get fifteen taels of silver... From today on, everyone is free, but everyone is very worried and doesn't know where to go in the future. Some people have already packed up their belongings and left today, but now it's dark, and most people plan to leave tomorrow morning."

Qianxue was stunned. "What? They just dismissed them?"