Chapter 157 Drinking blood can prolong life

"How do you ask?"

  The villagers asked.

  A trace of confusion emerged in the eyes of the girl with silver pupils. She didn't know how to pray because she only caught a glimpse of a blurry figure in white, like flowers in the fog, hazy and unclear. She only remembered that this figure in white should be very beautiful.

  In addition, the girl with silver pupils also got some information——

  This white figure is a benevolent god. If the villagers can get the mercy of this god, they will be saved.

  However, the girl with silver eyes didn't know how to "please" this god.

  Because different gods require different "sacrifices".

  Some gods like to absorb relaxed and happy emotions, some feed on the pain and anger of living beings, some gods need blood and raw meat, and some like flowers and fruits.

  Corresponding "sacrifices" must be offered in order to attract the attention of the corresponding gods.

  "Prophet, why don't you speak?" someone asked.

  The girl with silver eyes said, "Prepare some more flowers and fruits, and build an altar... Let's try this first. I'm not sure if it will work."


  The villagers immediately became busy. Most of them had fruit trees in their yards, but the fruits they picked were dark green, and the color looked a bit strange.

  As for the flowers growing in the village, they are all moss-green.

  There is a ready-made altar in the village, which the prophet asked everyone to build on the open space a few days ago.

  "Prophet, do you think this is enough?"

  The villagers came over, each carrying a pot of fruits, vegetables and flowers, and asked.

  The girl with silver eyes said, "The color of the flowers is not pretty, they are all too green. The god I spied on was a woman. I guess she would like soft and fragrant flowers..."

  The villagers were at a loss and said, "What should we do? The flowers in our village are all this color, but there are also light green ones... Let's go pick some light green ones!"

  The girl with silver eyes sighed and said, "No need, let's find a way to dye them."

  "But there is no paint in the village. Unless we use black dream flowers, but the flowers are black and not pretty. They feel worse than green flowers."

  The villagers chattered about it.

  The silver-eyed girl was silent for a moment, then said, "Put the fruits on the altar first. As for the flowers, I'll figure it out."



  At this moment, in the sky.

  Ye Keke leaned over, took a look at the newly unlocked village, and asked, "Master, the people in this village are so thin that it's scary. Are they really still alive?"

  Luo Mingyue said: "They can walk and jump, their thoughts are clear, and they do things in an orderly manner. Of course, they are still alive."

  Ye Keke said: "This village is so strange, especially the surrounding woods, which are filled with heavy miasma. This morning, after the blood-colored fog slowly dissipated, I saw this forest and reached my hand in. As a result, the branches suddenly came alive and wrapped around my hand. When one of the branches touched me, my skin turned dark green. I was so scared that I quickly pulled my hand back..."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Let me see your hand."  

  Ye Keke raised her right hand, and there was indeed a tiny dark green mark on the tip of her index finger, as big as a millet grain, which had not disappeared until now.

  Luo Mingyue used his spiritual power to probe Ye Keke's fingers and detected a very faint poison. After encountering Luo Mingyue's spiritual power, these toxins disappeared quickly, just like throwing ice cubes into the flame and baking.

  Luo Mingyue said: "It's just a minor injury, it's easy to heal and won't cause any harm to your body... Did it hurt at the time?"

  Ye Keke nodded and said, "It hurts a lot, just like being stung by a bee."

  Luo Mingyue was surprised and asked, "You are a demon... and you have been stung by a bee?"

  Ye Keke shook her head, "No, but I saw a mortal being stung by a bee, and I heard it was very painful."

  Luo Mingyue rubbed her fingers. Ye Keke wanted to say that the pain had actually stopped for a long time, but she was very happy to enjoy the care from her master. After Luo Mingyue let go of her hand, she happily returned to her original position and continued to observe the little people in Hulu Town.

  Qing Rui came over, he turned into a two or three year old child, hugged Luo Mingyue's calf and acted like a spoiled child, "Sister, you didn't take me with you this time, I'm so bored staying here..."

  Luo Mingyue reached out and rubbed his little head, smiling and said, "Didn't I come back to see you?"

  Qingrui was not fooled at all. "The first thing my sister did when she came back was to look at the villain instead of me. My sister only had the villain in her heart."

  Luo Mingyue comforted him: "I still have you in my heart."

  "Really?" Qing Rui didn't bother to find out whether what she said was true or false. He smiled happily and said, "The little people in this new village seem to be deeply poisoned. Do they... still have a way out?"

  Luo Mingyue said: "There should be. Although my spiritual power cannot penetrate into the villain world, I have detoxification pills here."

  Qing Rui asked curiously, "Sister used to be very concerned about the little ones, why didn't you show up to save them this time?"

  Luo Mingyue said: "Because these villains are not in danger of life for the time being, and they do look a bit scary, I need to understand the situation of the village first..."

  As Luo Mingyue spoke, she took out the detoxification pill and dissolved it in warm water.

  At the same time, the villagers of this new village had placed the fruits and vegetables neatly on the altar according to the instructions of the silver-eyed girl.

  The silver-eyed girl cut her palm with the blade, letting her blood drip onto the dark green flowers.

  The villagers were heartbroken. "You have been sickly since childhood. If you need blood, you can tell us. There are so many men in our village. It is not your turn as a little girl to have your blood donated."

  The girl with silver eyes looked at everyone and said, "You are all too thin. Your blood has no effect."

  After a pause, she continued, "The blood of each [Prophet] has special effects. But the [Prophet] must donate blood voluntarily. If not, then the [Prophet]'s blood will be highly poisonous."

  "Why?" There are always villagers who are very curious and want to find out the reason no matter what it is.

  The girl with silver eyes said: "Because most of the [Prophets] have merits and virtues. If you harm a [Prophet], you will violate the rules of this world and will be punished by the rules, which is commonly known as retribution."

  Drops of blood fell, but there was no smell of blood in the air. Instead, there was an indescribable sweetness.


  One villager couldn't help swallowing, then covered his mouth in horror and said, "Why did I want to drink a sip just now..."

  The villagers around had the same feeling. They all looked at each other in surprise and quickly stepped back, fearing that they would not be able to control their inner impulse and would really pounce on her to taste the girl's blood.

  The girl with silver pupils was not angry. Instead, she smiled faintly and said, "Take my blood and it will extend your lifespan."