Chapter 162 The Prophet Girl is Spreading Rumors

Xu Yintong was silent for a moment, and then replied: "The severe drought in the world is not because the heavens want to bring down disasters, but... it is because of some reasons that the heavens want to rain but cannot."

  Many villagers didn't understand. "Why can't it rain? As long as there are clouds in the sky, won't the rain fall?"

  Xu Yintong thought for a moment and said, "Because once the sky wants to gather into clouds, it will be affected by some unknown force, causing the clouds to dissipate before they take shape, so there is a severe drought in the world. As for what this unknown force is... I have a vague guess, but I can't say it out loud, because the secret of heaven cannot be revealed. This is all I can say."

  The villagers looked confused.

  Xu Yintong sighed and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's change the subject... In order to deal with natural disasters, awakeners appeared. Similarly, animals and plants will also awaken in order to deal with natural disasters."

  "When plants awaken, they will develop intelligence."

  "Some plants protect humans, while others feed on humans."

  "The number of plants that awaken is very small. Among hundreds of thousands of plants, perhaps only one plant can awaken, while the majority of plants are still as ordinary as before."

  "Plants like the Black Dream Flower will not [awaken] because they can survive without water and are not facing a survival crisis. However, many green plants will die of drought if they have no water. Only plants of this type that are facing a death crisis can awaken."

  "We are very unfortunate because the miasma forest outside feeds on humans, so the village is surrounded."

  "Before, I didn't dare to tell you the truth because I was afraid that you would despair. Now that God is here, I dare to tell you the truth."

  After digesting Xu Yintong's words, the villagers asked, "Can plants still awaken?"

  "Aren't there so many of us that we are no better than plants?"

  "Then... Can God eliminate the monsters in the forest?"

  Xu Yintong said uncertainly: "It should be... okay."

  After saying this, Xu Yintong suddenly realized a problem. In addition to being pious, believers should also maintain trust in God. His previous answer was obviously unqualified.

  Xu Yintong quickly changed the topic and said, "Gods are omnipotent. Monsters are no match for gods."

  The villagers were not so cunning, and they all said happily: "Great! We are finally saved..."

  As long as the miasma forest disappears, everyone can throw away all the dark green poisonous vegetables they grow, go to the town to buy food, and then find a doctor to treat everyone. Over time, their bodies will be restored.

  "However," Xu Yintong changed the subject and continued, "We cannot guess the thoughts and actions of the gods. If she destroyed the monster, it means that she has pity on our suffering and is willing to save us from the sea of ​​suffering. If she does not destroy the monster, it means that this is a test for us."

  In short, whatever the gods do is right.

  The villagers asked, "What test?"

  Xu Yintong replied: "The gods will test our wisdom, courage and strength. There is a saying that goes, 'It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish'..."

  "What fish or no fish? Prophet, what you are saying is too profound. I don't understand."

  Many people in the village have never been to school.

  Xu Yintong had no choice but to explain: "What it means is that as believers, we must believe in the gods. All the sufferings we encounter are tests from the gods to the believers. They are meant to give us the ability to deal with disasters and to make us better, rather than turning us into useless people who just eat and wait to die. So, no matter what happens, we must be in awe of the gods, maintain our piety in our faith, and not harbor resentment."

  The villagers said: "We never resent anyone, let alone the gods."

  Xu Yintong: "…" Oh, I almost forgot, we are a group of stupid and kind "good people". No matter what happens, we will only blame ourselves and will not put the blame on others.

  The villagers said again: "Prophet, we understand what you mean. From the moment we become believers, we should dedicate our lives and faith to God and should not question God."

  "That's right."

  Xu Yintong nodded with relief, and continued: "Even if you die, there is no need to be sad, because birth, aging, illness and death are the laws of nature. As long as you believe in the gods, you will have the opportunity to be led to the sky by the gods after death and gain long-term peace and happiness..."

  Luo Mingyue was using the shovel very vigorously, but when she heard Xu Yintong's words, she was stunned and thought to herself: "Is this little prophet so good at brainwashing people?"

  Luo Mingyue would not extradite souls at all. She was not that mysterious. At most, she would provide material assistance and basic security for the lives of the little people. But after the villagers heard what Xu Yintong said, their eyes lit up instantly:

  "Really? Can we live in heaven too?"

  Xu Yintong said: "You can after death. God has an exclusive kingdom, called the Kingdom of God. If a devout believer dies and his soul is pure enough, he can reach the kingdom of God and always be with God, and live forever."

  Luo Mingyue: "..." She didn't even have immortality, how could she let these villains have immortality?

  The villagers asked again: "How can we make our souls pure?"

  Xu Yintong replied: "Listen to the voice of God, obey her will, remember every word she says, and be grateful for everything she brings us."

  The villagers nodded in confusion. For a moment, they were not even afraid of the monster in the woods screaming outside the village. "I understand. If we encounter difficulties, we must firmly believe in God, even at the last moment of our lives."

  "Yes," Xu Yintong nodded and concluded, "The believers will eventually be redeemed."

  The villagers all had smiles on their faces, as if they had received a spiritual baptism, and their eyes became firm and sacred.

  Luo Mingyue held onto the shovel, the corners of her mouth twitching, thinking: "Xu Yintong spread rumors about me like this, did I agree? I... Actually, I'm just a cultivator, not a god."

  Luo Mingyue let out a long sigh, but couldn't speak up to refute at this time. Xu Yintong said this in order to better restrain the villagers, because even if Luo Mingyue was not there, Xu Yintong would choose to create a god.

  In addition, the local gods of the Lilliputian Kingdom are not as gentle, considerate and kind as Luo Mingyue. The gods created may be evil gods. Even if they are good gods, they cannot be as generous and kind as Luo Mingyue. She does not require any offerings from the little people, and will also provide food and daily necessities. From a certain perspective, it is actually a blessing that the villagers of Baishan Village choose to believe in Luo Mingyue.

  "Pfft..." Qing Rui was also listening to Xu Yintong's speech. He couldn't help but burst out laughing and said, "Is this little girl really a prophet? Why do I feel that she is more like a charlatan than Jiang Yanfeng from Mo Village? She should awaken her witch bloodline. I think this girl is very suitable to be a witch..."

  Luo Mingyue felt the same way. She continued to shovel the miasma forest with a shovel. The insects, ants, birds and beasts in the forest fled frantically, but they could not escape the forest because they themselves were part of the monsters in the forest and could not exist apart from the miasma forest.

  Baishan Village covers a large area, so the scope of the forest is also very large. Luo Mingyue worked hard to clear all the woods surrounding the village.

  The shrill screams went from being sharp and crazy at first, to gradually becoming weak and powerless, and finally disappearing completely.

  Luo Mingyue put the shoveled soil and trees into a large box and put it into the storage space.

  Qingrui said: "Sister, why are you keeping these? You might as well just throw them outside..."  

  Luo Mingyue said: "You can't litter, and the miasma forest is poisonous. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

  Qing Rui laughed out loud, and said, "Sister, with your strength, if you don't like someone, you can just kill them directly. There is no need to poison them."

  "...What you said makes sense." Luo Mingyue nodded, but still did not throw away the pile of dead branches from the forest. Anyway, her storage space was big enough to hold them all.

  "The gods have taken back the artifact."

  The villagers looked at the sky in the distance and saw the shovels disappear, so they gathered in groups and came to the edge of the village.

  "The miasma gone."

  The villagers breathed in the fresh air hard.

  The ground was plowed into furrows, and it looked bumpy and no longer flat, making travel difficult, but the villagers were so happy that they cried. Everyone cheered and thanked the gods in heaven.

  Xu Yintong was also very happy. Her silver eyes glowed with a warm and gentle light as she looked at the villagers with a smile.

  At this time, Luo Mingyue appeared on the horizon again, holding a huge basin.

  The villagers raised their hands high, as if this would bring them closer to the gods, and everyone's face was filled with joy.

  Luo Mingyue said: "Stand further away."

  The villagers retreated one after another.

  Luo Mingyue poured the water in the basin and washed the ground. He added detoxification pills into the water. The dark green residue remaining in the soil was diluted and seeped into the earth little by little.

  Luo Mingyue poured water several times, and the ground was full of mud. She said, "In order to prevent the remaining poison, wait until the water is completely dry before you walk here."

  "I will follow your orders, Lord God."

  There was a hint of fanaticism in the eyes of the people. They looked up and stared at Luo Mingyue.

  At sunset, the setting sun dyes half of the sky red. Against this background, the beautiful face of the God adds a bit of tranquility and beauty.

  Luo Mingyue said: "Okay, don't gather here, it's bare and there's nothing to see."

  "Yes, God."

  The villagers were very obedient and walked back in groups, but there were always people who looked up at Luo Mingyue from time to time while walking, with a happy smile on their faces. One of them almost tripped, but fortunately he was supported in time by the people around him.

  Xu Yintong said helplessly: "Don't look at it, just walk properly."

  The villagers gradually calmed down.

  Luo Mingyue had to prepare dinner for them, so she disappeared for a while. When she appeared again, she saw Xu Yintong was about to hold a "meeting" for the villagers near the altar. However, before Xu Yintong had time to speak, Luo Mingyue put down the stone basins one by one.

  Xu Yintong asked blankly: "Is there food to eat in the evening?"

  Luo Mingyue smiled and said, "Well, your vegetables are not healthy, just throw them away. I will provide you with fresh and non-toxic food."

  Xu Yintong had never expected that the Lord God could be so kind. She was at a loss and wanted to say something, but her mind was a mess and she couldn't say anything.

  Luo Mingyue reached out and touched her hair again, saying, "I can provide you with whatever you like to eat."

  Xu Yintong said subconsciously: "I like to eat...chicken legs."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Okay, but the people in your village are too thin. It is not suitable for them to eat meat at the beginning. It is better to eat something light. I will provide you with chicken thighs in a few days."

  Xu Yintong felt dizzy. She looked at Luo Mingyue's face and suddenly felt like crying. "Well, thank you..."

  Luo Mingyue didn't want to disturb the little people from eating, so she disappeared into the horizon.

  The dinner was very rich, with black rice porridge, steamed eggs, pie crumbs, goat milk, and glutinous rice, with some extra white sugar.

  The villagers know that eating spiritual rice is good for the body, but the steamed eggs are too fragrant, and the pie crumbs are also delicious. The black rice porridge is sugar-free, and you can add it yourself if you want to drink sweetness.

  After dinner, it was almost dark and the villagers had no entertainment activities. They were reluctant to light candles in the past, but tonight, every household lit a candle, picked up a rag and wiped every corner of the room until the room was clean. Only then did they extinguish the candles and lie down to rest.

  At this moment, Xu Yintong also lit a candle and did not sleep. In front of her was a piece of white rice paper, on which she was writing:

  [On June 7, the Lord God lowered his merciful gaze and sent down a divine weapon to eradicate the monsters in the forest... This was the first day of believing in God. Everyone was bathed in the light of God and received the grace and favor of God.]

  Xu Yintong bit the pen and wrote again:

  [Food bestowed by the gods, from the distant kingdom of God, the rice grains are soft, white and crystal clear, and the fragrance is overflowing...]

  [I have only eaten steamed eggs once since I can remember. Today I ate it for the second time. It was given to me by the gods. I am very happy. ]

  Xu Yintong originally wanted to write something else, but suddenly something came into her heart, so she put down her brush, came to the courtyard, raised her head, and saw the Lord God appear in the night.

  Xu Yintong smiled and asked, "My Lord God, do you have anything to ask for?"

  Luo Mingyue said: "I have a good temper. If you have any needs in the future, you can tell me."

  Xu Yintong said: "Thank you, sir."

  Luo Mingyue added: "Also, I am not responsible for extraditing souls."

  Xu Yintong bowed and said, "I'm sorry, Lord God, I don't want to lie. I just used the ability of [Prophet] to spy on the content related to gods and believers in history. I saw some books about gods, which recorded that different gods have different abilities. One of the gods has the ability to guide souls, so I couldn't help but attribute this god's ability to you..."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Don't say that next time. I can only provide food, clothing and daily necessities, but nothing else."

  Xu Yintong said seriously: "In fact, these are enough. Food is the first necessity of the people. With food and clothes, everyone can survive... You are mysterious and noble, and you are the real god in this world. In my heart, you are omnipotent..."