Chapter 159 Our Village is called Baishan Village

 Luo Mingyue was in the sky, looking at the village below.

  The girl with silver eyes was drinking water in small sips, her delicate brows slightly wrinkled, because the taste of the detoxification pill might be a little bitter, but this was the order of the Lord God, so the girl insisted on drinking the whole bowl of water.

  After drinking it, the girl with silver eyes suddenly realized something and said blankly, "No, this should be the antidote, but I'm not poisoned at all..."

  She is naturally immune to miasma toxins.

  However, you have already drunk it and cannot spit it out.

  The girl with silver eyes began to observe the situation of the villagers.

  Everyone drank the water by gulping it down quickly, and then went on to get their favorite food.

  The food in every stone basin is very popular.

  Especially the eggs and steamed buns, which were eaten up in a short time.

  Most of the villagers ate directly by squatting on the ground, and could get more food after they were finished. At first, they thought that the gods were watching them from the sky, so they ate more politely. But suddenly, a villager looked up and found the sky was empty.

  His expression turned into panic, "The Lord God is gone!"

  "Has she abandoned us?"

  "Is it because I ate too much...I shouldn't have eaten so many eggs just now!"

  The villagers all put down their bowls and chopsticks, and were extremely anxious.

  Luo Mingyue had no choice but to appear in the sky again. She had just taken food from the storage space.

  Luo Mingyue said: "I didn't abandon you"

  The villagers looked at her cautiously.

  "God, if there is anything we have done wrong, please tell us and we will definitely change it."

  "Yes, we are very obedient..."

  Luo Mingyue sighed and said, "I can't keep an eye on you all the time."

  The villagers realized belatedly that the God might have his own things to do. A God as approachable as her must have many believers, and it is impossible for the God to only pay attention to them.

  After realizing this, the villagers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

  The girl with silver eyes stood in front of the altar, looked up and asked Luo Mingyue what she should do to please the gods.

  Luo Mingyue thought for a moment and said, "You should eat well, sleep well, and keep your body healthy first, so that you can work for me."

  The girl with silver eyes said seriously, "Yes, Lord God."

  Luo Mingyue reached out, took the empty stone basin on the ground, refilled it with steamed bun crumbs and eggs, and threw it back in.

  The villagers were flattered.

  "I am not dreaming, am I? I used to dream that I had endless delicacies from land and sea to eat."  

  "Thank you, beautiful sister God, for giving us delicious food. This is the most delicious meal I have ever had."

  "Thank God, my children are saved..."

  Luo Mingyue observed the reactions of the villagers, and doubts gradually arose in her heart:

  in the past, whether in Mojia Village, Tianliu Village, or Hulu Town, only a few villains could see her.

  However, in this new village that was unlocked today, it seemed that every villager could see her and hear her voice. Why was this?

  Luo Mingyue couldn't figure out the reason, and called the system in her mind, but the system still didn't respond.

  Luo Mingyue could only put this problem aside for the time being. Anyway, she had enough water and food. Not to mention supporting a few villages, even supporting an entire Lilliput country would be no problem at all.

  There was no stone tablet in this new village, and Luo Mingyue didn't know the name of the village, so she asked the girl with silver eyes.

  The girl with silver eyes walked to an empty corner and said, "Our village is called Baishan Village. The villagers are very kind... and they are foolishly kind. Even if they are deceived once, a second, a third, or even a tenth time, they will still be deceived."

  Luo Mingyue said: "It sounds a bit silly..."

  The girl with silver eyes sighed and said, "Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about it."

  After a pause, the girl began to tell her life story:

  "When I was born, it happened to be a dark cloud over the sky, and many rats died around the house. My mother died during childbirth, and my father raised me until I was three years old, but then he passed away."

  "For someone like me, there were ominous signs when I was born. I sound like a disaster. Moreover, I have a pair of silver eyes that are different from those of normal people. An ordinary village would probably want to drive me out of the village and leave me to fend for myself."

  "But the villagers of Baishan Village didn't despise me. They all thought that I was just a child with a miserable life and that I was innocent. So the villagers took turns to take me to their own homes to raise me and give me a place to live."

  "Even the poorest families in the village would take me in, but I would stay longer in rich families, maybe a month, and shorter in poor families, just a few days."

  "I don't want to be adopted by any family."

  "When I grew up a little, I didn't want to live in the villagers' homes anymore. I lived in my own home and the neighbors would bring me food."

  "I have used my prophetic powers to observe that there is a dark stone tablet buried under the village. This stone tablet absorbs the evil thoughts of human nature. I know the exact location of the stone tablet, but I dare not dig it out, because this stone tablet has accumulated not only the evil in the hearts of this generation of villagers, but also the evil of the villagers' ancestors. Once it sees the light of day, the evil in the stone tablet will burst out crazily. The large amount of malicious intent will cause the good and evil in the hearts of the villagers to lose balance, and evil will prevail. From then on, the village will never have peace."

  Luo Mingyue asked: "Then do you know where this stone tablet came from?"

  The girl with silver eyes shook her head. "I don't know. I haven't seen such a distant past."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Then keep this secret well, and never dig out the stone tablet until you find a solution."


  The girl with silver eyes nodded, and then introduced herself: "My last name is Xu Yintong, and I am the [Prophet] of Baishan Village. I have spied you before, but I didn't expect that you would really respond to our prayers..."

  "People in our village rarely go out because they are always cheated. I am the only normal one. When I see bad guys being beheaded, I think they deserve it. But if people in our village see it, they will feel pity and feel that the bad guys are also pitiful."

  "If a bad guy cheats the villagers out of their money, the villagers will think that the bad guy may be having difficulties in life, so he cheats, and they may even take the initiative to give the cheater money..."

  "It may sound incredible, but this is real."

  "Please don't despise their actions, God, because they have lost their selfishness and become selfless and considerate of others. At the same time, they have also lost their judgment and sympathized with all the injured and the dead."

  "That's outrageous." After listening, Luo Mingyue asked, "What if a bandit appeared and killed several villagers? Would the families of these villagers avenge their dead relatives?"