Chapter 164 Only Silver Eyes Can See

 The little people in Baishan Village were eating breakfast happily. They had simple thoughts and believed that whoever could keep them alive would be their benefactor. Therefore, they all praised the gods highly. One villager even burst into tears after finishing his meal and said that he was a firm and devout believer and hoped to be led by the gods to the kingdom of God in heaven. He also said that he had stayed long enough in the human world and wanted to accompany the gods and serve them devoutly for the rest of his life.

  When Luo Mingyue heard this, he quickly appeared in the sky and said, "I only accept souls who died naturally, not those who died prematurely."

  She said this in order to prevent the villagers from seeking death. In fact, she would not extradite souls at all.

  The villagers asked, "What does natural death mean? Death from old age?"


  The villagers said nervously: "But when people are old and in poor health, they may die of illness. Even young people who are strong and healthy will die if they don't get treatment after getting sick..."

  Luo Mingyue said: "I have medicine here."

  After a pause, she added, "In short, suicide is not allowed. It is disrespectful to life. I worked so hard to save you, not to let you commit suicide."

  "We remember that."

  After washing the dishes, the villagers started to get busy again.

  There are still many things we have not done, such as pulling out the poisonous seedlings in the farmland and digging out the seeds that have not yet sprouted.

  The dark green vegetables that had been stored in the cellar were also taken out and placed in the yard. Luo Mingyue would reach out and take all the vegetables away.

  In addition, many villagers only cleaned the master bedroom and courtyard and washed some clothes yesterday. As for the other rooms, they had not had time to clean them, and the remaining clothes also needed to be washed.

  Luo Mingyue had already changed the water in the two bowls, still using one bowl for cold water and the other for boiling water, to make it more convenient for the villagers to use.

  Xu Yintong was also washing clothes. She now lived alone in the yard left to her by her parents. There were four bedrooms in total. A little girl like her didn't need such a big place, so she only cleaned the room she lived in. She was busy like this for the whole morning.

  By noon, Luo Mingyue served spiritual rice, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tomatoes with sugar, cumin potato chips, braised eggplant, and white fungus and lotus seed porridge in order.

  "Today's lunch is different from yesterday's..."

  The villagers' diet used to be quite monotonous. They ate whatever was available and were very frugal with seasonings. Now this meal has both sweet and salty dishes. Although they are all vegetarian, they are all delicious. Everyone couldn't help but chat while eating:

  "I can't even imagine how happy we would be if we could eat these four dishes and one soup every day."

  "I'm so full, I just hate that my appetite is too small..."

  "This sugar-mixed tomato is so sweet. I like it very much."

  "Me too. I wish I could eat a month's supply in one meal and then not have to eat for the next month."

  "Hahaha, you're dreaming."

  The atmosphere of the chat was relaxed and joyful. Some people even closed their eyes and muttered to themselves before and after the meal. The villagers nearby asked what they were doing. They replied, "I am thanking the gods for bringing us food and praying for them to bless my family of three to get well soon."

  When the other villagers heard this, they followed his example and prayed for a while after lunch before clearing away their dishes.

  After finishing the work, everyone went back to rest.

  Xu Yintong stood in her own yard, looking up, because the Lord God had something to ask her.

  Luo Mingyue said: "Sit down first."

  Xu Yintong then moved a bench out of the room.

  She asked, "What does the Lord God want?"

  Luo Mingyue said, "I have something to ask you... In that land where the miasma forest grows, dark shadow monsters appear at night. Do you know the cause of these monsters?"

  "Shadow monster?" Xu Yintong looked confused. She sat on a small stool, raised her hand and pointed at her own shadow, and asked, "Is it this kind of shadow?"

  Luo Mingyue said: "Well, the shadows are not in the form of humans, but animals. They have no entity, just a bunch of black shadows that can make flowers and plants wither and make living things age and die."

  Xu Yintong shook his head. "I don't know. I have never seen the kind of shadow described by the Lord God, but I can use the blood power of the [Prophet] to explore the source of this shadow."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Thank you for your hard work."

  Xu Yintong said: "It's not hard, this is what I should do."

  She had eaten the four meals given by the gods for free, and now she was overjoyed to hear that she could be of help.

  Xu Yintong stood up from the small bench, took out a dagger, raised her hand, and cut her palm with the dagger. The blood that flowed out was bright red, but this red was mixed with a faint silver-white color.

  Xu Yintong turned his palm upward, and the blood flowing out immediately broke free from gravity, floated in the air, and turned into a round mirror.

  The red part of the blood forms the mirror surface, and the silver-white part outlines the edge of the round mirror.

  Xu Yintong's eyes were looking directly at the round mirror. Her eyes were completely covered in silver-white, like snow that never melts all year round. There was no human emotion mixed in them. They looked cold and white, even a little dazzling.

  The blood formed by the mirror surface was constantly flowing. Xu Yintong stared at the mirror with concentration. Only she could see the image reflected in it. Others could not see anything.

  I don't know how much time had passed, but Xu Yintong suddenly screamed and tears and blood flowed from his eyes.

  The blood-colored round mirror shattered and dissipated into blood mist.

  Luo Mingyue quickly put a small pot in front of Xu Yintong, "This contains healing potion, which can be taken orally or used externally."

  Xu Yintong squatted down, scooped up a handful of water with both hands and soaked his eyes.

  The warm water was dyed light red and dripped out from between her fingers. Xu Yintong then scooped up another handful of water. She repeated this cycle five or six times before her eyes finally stopped feeling the burning pain.

  Xu Yintong raised his head and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, Lord God, for the potion. I feel much better now."

  Luo Mingyue said: "Silly girl, no need to thank me, I asked you to do it in the first place. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be hurt."

  Xu Yintong's lips blossomed into a pure smile, and she said: "As long as the villagers live well, I am willing to do anything for you, even if I die, I will never complain."  

  "Don't say that. Just take good care of your injuries." Luo Mingyue noticed that there were red bloodshot in Xu Yintong's silver eyes, and suddenly felt a little distressed. After all, this girl's eyes were very pleasing to the eye. If they were ruined, Luo Mingyue would feel guilty.

  Xu Yintong said: "I have just seen the answer that the Lord God wants to know. Those black shadows all come from the stone tablet under the Baishan Village... I saw countless shadows running out, and saw the royal family sending special people to deal with these shadows. I saw that the [Prophets] from all over the world have tried to find the source of these shadows, but they all got nothing, because the stone tablet itself carries the power of taboos. Many [Prophets] in this world cannot see the information related to the stone tablet at all, but I can, because I am a villager of Baishan Village. I was born on this land and have the breath of the stone tablet on my body, so I can get a glimpse of the truth..."

  "So that's how it is," Luo Mingyue nodded, and then asked, "Does your eyes hurt? Will it affect your vision?"

  Xu Yintong said: "No, the last time I peeked into the stone tablet, my eyes bled too. I'll be fine after resting for a while."

  Luo Mingyue was relieved, "I'm glad you're okay."

  Xu Yintong said: "I also saw that every fifty years, the stone tablet would give birth to a large number of shadows. Some time ago, it gave birth to a small number of shadows. Last night, the number of shadows suddenly increased, and then the Lord God reached out and killed those shadows..."

  At this point, Xu Yintong's eyes were filled with admiration, because every time the royal family eliminated the shadows, they had to pay a huge price, but the Lord God only needed to stretch out his finger to make them disintegrate and disappear.

  Luo Mingyue asked: "In the next fifty years, will shadow monsters appear on the stone tablet again?"

  Xu Yintong said: "Normally, no... But in the past fifty years, there may be one or two small shadows that will occasionally escape, and only after fifty years will a huge shadow be born."

  "Your world is really strange and bizarre..." Luo Mingyue muttered, feeling that the living environment of the little people was really bad. She picked up the small pot in the yard, replaced the healing water in it, and put it in front of Xu Yintong.

  "Lord God, is there anything else you need me to do?" Xu Yintong asked.

  "Not for now." After Luo Mingyue finished speaking, she reminded her a few more words to take care of her injuries. Xu Yintong responded obediently, picked up the pot and returned to the room.

  The people of Baishan Village quieted down. Nothing happened for the time being. Luo Mingyue was free and thought: "I feel like I forgot something..."

  At this time, Ye Keke suddenly reminded in a quiet voice: "It's not a big deal. The master once asked Zhao Bao in Hulu Town if he wanted to eat watermelon... Then the master ran to the human world and didn't come back until several days later. After returning, he only cared about Baishan Village."

  "Oh yeah, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten about it."

  Luo Mingyue took out the watermelon and handed it to Ye Keke, Kong Han and Song Lu respectively, asking the three of them to feed the people, while he strolled to the sky above Mojia Village.

  There were basically no people on the road, as the villagers were all taking a lunch break. It was quiet and peaceful.

  But at this moment, Luo Mingyue's heart suddenly skipped a beat. For some reason, she suddenly had a bad premonition -

  For some reason, the three words "Happy Village" came to my mind.

  Immortal cultivators have a sense of perception in certain aspects. Now she suddenly remembered this. Could it be that something happened in Xingfu Village?

  Luo Mingyue decided to go and take a look, so she asked Qingrui to help look after her original body.

  Qing Rui agreed and complained in a low voice: "What's good about the world of villains..."

  Luo Mingyue didn't have time to answer. Her fingers touched her own statue, and her consciousness instantly withdrew from her body and entered the statue.

  The stone statue transformed into the appearance of a normal human being. Luo Mingyue moved her limbs. She felt that this stone incarnation of hers was obviously much stronger than the last time. Perhaps it was because she absorbed the power of faith of the villagers every day, so her strength was enhanced.

  The only thing that made Luo Mingyue feel uncomfortable was that the world of villains was full of the power of rules. No matter whether it was a blood awakener or a god, they would be bound by the rules. For example, Luo Mingyue's stone incarnation embodied all the beautiful and pious beliefs of the villagers, so she could only bless them and ensure safety.

  But it doesn't matter. Luo Mingyue just lost her spiritual power and magic, not her hand. Although she can't use magic power to hurt people, it doesn't prevent her from using weapons.

  Luo Mingyue left Mojia Village. She moved very quickly. She just tapped the ground with her toes and her body leaped dozens of meters like a feather.

  Luo Mingyue followed the same route as last time, crossed two mountains, and arrived at Xingfu Village.

  From a distance, the village looked just as peaceful and tranquil as last time.

  Because Luo Mingyue herself carried the unique aura of a god, some people in Xingfu Village sensed her arrival in advance. The Sima brothers and sisters hurried out of the village to greet her, shouting, "Girl."

  Luo Mingyue stopped and greeted the brother and sister, and asked, "How have you been recently?"

  Brother Sima Shushi said: "It's OK, thank you for saving us last time."

  Sister Sima Zhenliu invited: "Girl, come to my house for a meal. My brother and I haven't had time to start eating yet, so we can eat together."

  Luo Mingyue shook her head. Her stone body had no need to eat. She originally thought that something happened in Xingfu Village, but now it seemed that she was wrong. Luo Mingyue said, "I'm just passing by here. I'll say hello to you and then I'll leave."

  Sima Zhenliu said, "Why do we have to travel in the middle of the day when it's so hot? You should rest for a while before going. We have a guest room. I just washed the bedding the day before yesterday. If you don't mind, you can stay in the guest room."

  Luo Mingyue thought to herself that she didn't have that much time to waste here, and she basically didn't need to sleep, but she came here specifically for the Happy Village, so it wouldn't hurt to stay a little longer, so she nodded and agreed.

  Sima Zhenliu asked: "Have you finished eating the ground sugar leaves I brought you last time?"

  Those leaves were given to Jiang Yanfeng. Luo Mingyue didn't know how Jiang Yanfeng dealt with them. She shook her head and said truthfully, "I didn't eat them."

  Sima Zhenliu said, "I'll bring you some more this time."

  Luo Mingyue refused and walked towards the village while talking to the brother and sister. But before she entered the village, she saw the villagers running out in panic.

  One of the villagers shouted, "The gods are giving us a warning. This means that the group of men in black are coming again!"


  The Sima brothers and sisters' faces changed slightly, and they quickly said, "Sorry, young lady, we can't entertain you this time. Please hide in the village first and don't come out."

  Luo Mingyue asked: "Are there any knives in your village?"

  Sima Zhenliu subconsciously said: "Cleaning knife? Of course I have it..."

  Luo Mingyue said: "The attack range of the kitchen knife is too short. I want a long sword, or a dagger will also be fine."

  "I carry a dagger with me for self-defense." Sima Zhenliu said, stuffing the dagger into Luo Mingyue's arms, and he hurriedly ran to meet his brother.

  Even though Xingfu Village was full of [Witches], which sounded powerful, everyone had only one method, [Nothingness] as their only defense method. The brother and sister did not think of asking Luo Mingyue for help, but lowered their heads like the other villagers, put their fingertips of their hands together, and cast [Nothingness].